Nunspeet 2016
Ottavio Stocchi 1ste eervolle vermelding Norsk Sjakkblad, 1951
white Bd8g6 Kh8 Qe5 Pb7a4 Sa6f3 Rb8g7
black Bf5d4 Kc6 Qd2 Pd7c3e3h3 Sa2 Ra8a7
#2 (10+11)
Vratislav Miltner 1ste eervolle vermelding Cs. sach, 1967
white Qc2 Se5g6 Be4e7 Kf7
black Kd4 Pb5d7h5g4g3 Ra7 Bb8 Sa6b2
#3 (6+10)
Leonid Zagorujko 1ste prijs Gorgiev MT, 1980
white Ba4g3 Kd1 Qh5 Pg4 Sb5e4 Rg7
black Ba3 Ke6 Qa7 Pf6d7c7a6b4c4d4 Se7a1 Re8f8
#4 (8+14)
Lóránd Nyeviczkey 1ste-2de prijs Springaren, 1952
white Pg2e5h6 Sc2 Kg7
black Pf3g4d7 Ke6 Bb1
+ (5+5)
Iván Bottlik & István Pallos Magyar Sakkelet,1977
white Pf2 Kc1 Sd2
black Qb5 Pc5b3e5e2 Kg4 Bh5
h#5 (3+7)b) e5 --> c2
Mircea Manolescu 1ste prijs Rusenescu MT, 1992
white Ba2 Kb4 Qe7 Pf5g4e2 Sd6b1 Re4d2
black Bc6h8 Kd5 Qd4 Pb7a4c4c3e3f4 Sb6 Ra8f3
s#3 (10+13)
Piotr Ruszczynski 1ste prijs The Problemist TT,1979–1980
white Qf4 Pc6g2h3 Sb4g4 Rd5a2 Kf6
black Pc7f7d6a4a3e2e4h4 Sd1 Bb3 Ke1
#2 (9+11)
Mikhail Marandyuk & Fedor Davidenko 1ste-2de prijs Leninska Molod, 1987
white Bh7 Kh5 Qh1 Pc5d4b5a5g5 Sb8c2 Rc3h6
black Kd5 Pa3f3g3 Sc8h2 Ra4 Bf2
#3 (12+8)
Zoltan Labai 1ste prijs Pongracz MT, 1991
white Pb7b5c4c2g2 Ka8 Bb8c8 Se2d6 Ra3f3
black Be1h7 Ke5 Qc1 Pa7f2e3g7c5 Sa5h3 Rg6h5
#5 (12+13)
Valery Khortov 2de eervolle vermelding New Statesman and Nation, 1975
white Pg6d2 Sa5 Bh7 Kb2
black Ke5 Rf6 Sb4 Bc2
= (5+4)
Dieter Müller 2de prijs Schach,1982
white Sc3 Bd5f4 Ke5
black Bc8a1 Kg2 Qb6 Pb7b4f5f3e3f2 Sf1 Rc6b5
h#3 2sol. (4+13)
Carel Sammelius 2de prijs Stella Polaris, 1966
white Ba5 Kf4 Qd3 Pe6g6 Se5f5 Ra2
black Pe7f7g7 Rc3 Bf8 Ke1
s#5 (8+6)
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