For this first session after the beach, the Master had brought out the gear with the emblematic endgame of the 1972 match, followed by a great classic that whetted the audience's appetite for dissection.
As the aforementioned dissection took quite some time, you will only be treated to two fairies.
No doubt the next session will make up for it!
In theory, the next session will be held on 28 October.
Keep an eye on the agenda
Master's words

A souvenir to celebrate the start of the new school year: "Professor, you have served the secular Republic well! -- My God! Oh, excuse me" (18-01-2001). It has to be said that with V-le-Roi and V-Saint-Georges, the secular republic - sic - is taking quite a beating.
A friend of mine asks me what my best memory of 'back to school' is. I immediately replied: my first non-start of the school year, on 4 September 2006, in Livno (Bosnia) in front of... Moulin Rouge!
As another friend put it: "Someone will have to explain to me one day why the 'right-wing' guys are on fire at 70 and over, while the 'left-wingers' are human larvae from the age of 25. Admiration capacity is not the only explanation". You can imagine that I'm leaving him in charge of such a provocation!
"I'm a woman, so I think more clearly; you go and think in your cabin, and I'll go and think in mine" (Deborah Kerr in "An affair to remember", 1957).
"You talk about France from Dunkerque to Tamanrasset and I predict Algeria from Tamanrasset to Dunkerque. You want a French Algeria and I predict an Algerian France. Nothing will stop an independent Algeria from conquering a decadent France" (L. Ben M'hidi in 1957).
"China is coming with infrastructure projects, India with agricultural projects, Russia with security projects. All France is proposing is the promotion of homosexuality" (a Cameroonian political scientist).
« It's amazing how these people who claim to be against hate are full of hate» (V. Reynouard).
« The discourse on climate change reveals a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the global economy and the well-being of billions of people » (John F. Clauser).
« You can never go wrong in life when you smell the cows' arses. » (K. Olive). As your "master" ?
M. le Dauphin [the future Louis XIII] was playing chess with Le Luzerne, who is one of his honorary children. Le Luzerne gave him checkmate. The Dauphin was so piqued that he threw the chess at his head. The Queen was aware of this and had Mr Souvray whip him and order him to teach him to be more gracious" (G. Tallemant des Réaux).
"After sharing the last place, for the first time in his life, he realised that this had nothing to do with chess. He understood perfectly well that the same cruel custom applied as among the inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego: when the young grow up, they kill and eat the old" (G. Sosonko, about Botvinnik at the 1970 Leiden tournament).
Note: the phrase by Péguy quoted in the course on 8-2-2022 has never been quoted so much in the last 6 months. All readers of the"master's lessons" ?
Everyone will recognise the historic endgame that, in a way, consecrated the 1972 world champion. But they were unaware of its riches... Enjoy the fierce battle between three linked pawns and a bishop, with a rook in each camp. Then, as a trigger, a choice of the right royal square.

For the next course, a pawn endgame, then a rescue with one less figure and two easy studies.
A great 19th-century classic, with updated analyses in the style of Igor Zaïtsev, but backed up by the electronic monster. The general public knows what happens from the 22nd move, the most educated from the 17th, but before that?
Practice: trials in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 10th 2#. Trials in the first 3#, paradox in the second. The 5# seems easier than it is, with its 3 variations.

The 2# helpmates are not difficult; in the second, there are 2 solutions in each twin. The 2nd helpmate 3# has only one solution, which is very original. Other model mates in the 3# selfmates (very affordable) and finally a masterpiece for which we leave the solution.
We've known for a long time that our club is the best in the world. It has just won another title: our Daniel is the French veteran champion, beating out a three-time French champion... in all categories. Just goes to show that computer skills don't exclude chess talent. A thousand congratulations to him.
Enjoy your meal. Niech Bóg was prowadzi.
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