january 12 2010
A few pilgrims had braved the weather for this moment of recollection that is the Master's course.
We noted the return of our friend Guy, the constancy of Daniel and Eric and the great return of Pierre.
Guy was in full possession of his means, his new job as a judge undoubtedly giving wings to his sharpened neurons.
To start this 2nd session of the year, a minimal Pervakov, but worthy of the highest consideration, Pervakov obliges.
1 - White to play and win
W. : Kç6 Qç1 Nd5
B. : Kç8 Qf8
+ (3+2)
Space, economy, it's happiness.
For the next one, we change the style and therefore the material, it's Ryabinin.
Hold on to your hats!
Only two helpmates for Daniel, one of which was difficult. After a little warm-up two-moves, let's focus on the strategic directs, in preparation for the tournament on the 24th. The easiest (but exemplary of the "Roman theme") is probably the 6#. Shortly followed by the 5#. Let's finish with a 3# of a completely different kind from the "reverend 4...Bc5".
The counterpart of last week's Vandiest: you can still get an honourable mention for a Q+N/Q nowadays. We are at the dawn of Chess!
A Ryabinin masterpiece, which in plain English means: we will realise twenty moves later that two apparently equivalent moves are not.
Becker and Akobija are the terrors of solutionists. But by removing the tedious and the incomprehensible, it is possible to highlight superb finds. If you read the "chess base" review, start after the 6th black move.
An old joke of your "fake-master" dating from more than 20 years ago, but unpublished for St-Lazare. It comes from a game played in a theatre in Clichy. The main variation lasts 5 moves; or rather, 4.5 moves.
The game is 18 years old. A very famous player falls on a bone, or if you prefer, a killer gets killed. But the new killer is, in his comments at least, too nice. Like last week, a case of blindness: neither the speaker nor the listeners saw that in the 21...Rg4 variation (which in no way deserves the "!" awarded to the "post-mortem" by Black's player), after 28 Qc3! Rg5 the simple 29 Bxd7+! (rather than Qh8+) is decisive. Indeed all three replay are bad, including the one that escaped us: 29...Bxd7 30 Qh8+ followed by Qf6+, which doesn't win the expected material but... mates!
See you in a fortnight' time, on Tuesday 26th, just after the solutions tournament.
Have a good time.
2 - White to play and win
W. : Kh3 Pç7g7ç6é4g4h4
B. : Ké2 Rf1 Pb6d6a5
+ (7+5)
It is a great art, one remains astonished in front of such a well composed mechanic
The following is a light position from a game of the Master (see his comments below)
3 - White to play and win
W. : Kg3 Qb5 Rh2 Né6 Pd6f5a4b3b2
B. : Ka7 Qf7 Rh7 Nb4 Pb6f6a5ç5g5é4
+ (9+10)
It is not a study, it is rather a moment of relaxation, but it is worth the diversions.
For the last study, the Master has cleaned up the dross of the original version where it is necessary to make an inbitable introduction (without any connotation, as usual), and presents it in economic mode, i.e. with the White King in check.
4 - White to play and win
W. : Ka8 Qd8 Bg8 Ph7é3
B. : Kh8 Qa3 Pg7
+ (5+3)
The choice between the two moves is a difficult one: which is the right one ? So get to work!
The game of the day is a fight between a man descended from a monkey and another climbing on top of a Hindu temple.
It's quite a severe beating for the one who descends, even if he shows at times that he has it (beware of the gorilla!)!
5 - Game of the day
1.é4 ç5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 ç×d4 4.N×d4 Nf6 5.Nç3 a6 6.f4 é6 7.Bd3 Nbd7 8.0-0 Qb6 9.Bé3 Q×b2 10.Ndb5 a×b5 11.N×b5 Ra5 (11. ... Ra3!) 12.Rb1 R×b5 13.R×b2 R×b2 14.Qa1 Rb6 15.B×b6 N×b6 16.Qç3 Bé7 17.Rb1 Nfd7 18.Q×g7 Bf6 19.Qh6 Ké7 (19. ... Rg8 is better 20. e5 de 21. Rxb6 e4 22. Rb4 ed 23. Qxh7 Rh8 24 Qxd3) 20.Bb5 (20. g4 is much more incisive Rg8 21 g5 Bg7 22 Qh4 h6 (22 ... Na4 23 e5) 23 Kf1 hg 24 Qxg5+ f6 25 Qa5) Rg8 ? (e5 !) 21.Rd1 ! é5 (Rg4 22 e5! de 23 Qh3 Rf4 24 Qa3+ Ke8 25 Qc5 Bd8 26 a4 e4 27 Rf1 Rg4 28 Qc3) 22.f5 Nç5 23.R×d6 ! Bg5 24.Q×h7 N×é4 25.R×b6 Rd8 26.Bd3 Bé3+ 27.Kf1 B×b6 28.B×é4 Rd4 29.ç3 resigns
This time you will not be entitled to a few fairy tales from the Master's pocket, as our friend Guy has brilliantly occupied the field (as he has the talent) with a few retros and helpmates of his own composition that unfortunately it is not legally possible to display here.
We hope you enjoy reading this article and look forward to seeing you on Sunday 24th for the solvers and on the following Tuesday for the brave.
Yours sincerely.
Le greffier
Mestre's word
The Master-Greffier is in good form, as is Guy, although he has been 'turned off': it's only in his email address, and better the gas than anything else. His biologic-architectural foray is welcome.
No mistakes struck my fancy. I won't go so far as to give a "!" to 11...Ra3: it's a proposal from the "machine" that seems suspicious, but worth noting.
See you in a fortnight
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