june 9 2009
To celebrate the end of the season, a rather special report is proposed to you in addition to the electronic version of the Master.
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For this last session of the season, the audience was formed by a well-furnished and quality assembly.
Those who were new to fairy chess were undoubtedly impressed by the richness and possibilities offered.
For Maître Jacques, we fell from Charybdis to Scylla with the following position:
1 - h#2 with Mao, Moa, Charybdis and Scylla (!!)
A large selection of problems from the French championship which ended in some confusion, the title being largely dependent on the scale chosen. Beware of Popov's diabolical try at the #3.
And some of the retros championship (not to be broadcasted, due to upcoming publication). I add a few other problems that will allow you to hold on until the start of the new school year: two pleasant miniatures in two moves, two helpmate, directs from 3 to 10 moves, two rather surprising selfmates and two retros.
Among the fairy positions presented this evening, I extracted the mandlerian cylinder, which doesn't go well on a chess base, but not as bad as the others, and which I detailed as I could.
A special homage was expressed to Ch. Feather, whose compositions are profound and yet light, as his name suggests. I join the strange problem to the strange "twin": place the position after the 3rd white move and apply the énoncé....
I am also giving back our R.-J. Millour's little youthful masterpiece on Marseilles chess, which was discussed at the table. I had spoken of a quadruple promotion linked to a star flight. But I was confusing it with another problem, which I also join.
Have a good holiday, good summer tournaments, but rest all the same....
Click in the right part of the chessboard to move forward, left to move backward... or directly on the move in the solution
Chris FEATHERBroodings, 2008
a little historical recap made by Maître Jacques :
Charybdis was a whirlwind and Scylla a mastoc rock. When sailors avoided Charybdis, they would wallow on Scylla, hence the expression.
For the non-specialist :
: helpmate 2 moves. Black plays and helps white to checkmate them.
: Crawling Knight who first performs a Bishop step, then a Rook step. If the Bishop's step cannot be carried out because of the presence of an element on the square then the movement is impossible.
: Moa who eats the opponent's piece on the bishop's step.
: Crawling Knight that starts with a Rook step with the same restriction as the Moa
: Mao eating the hurdle on the Rook's step.
A funny problem for the next one by the same author :
2 - h#4
Chris FEATHERBroodings, 2005
} a) {
} 1.Ba1-e5 Sa6*b8 {
} 2.Qa7-a3 Sb8*d7 {
} 3.0-0-0 Kd5-c6 {
} 4.Be5-b8 Sd7*b6 #{
} b) {last moves and theme} 1.Kd5-e5[+bSd5] d3-e4[+wPd4] 2.d4-d2 Sd5-c3 {etc ... the theme is 'Valladao' (castle, prise en passant and promotion; promotion for the 3rd Black Knight that the retro makes appear)}
Again by the same, a passage through the Chameleons :
3 - h#2 3 solutions with Chameleon pieces
Chris FEATHERBroodings, 2005
Another beautiful composition by Feather, definitely very productive (a kind of English Sobrecases!), this time with the Equihoppers.
4 - h#2,5 2 solutions with Equihopper
Chris FEATHERBroodings, 2007
She falls back on the other side of the sautoir after an equipollent movement. The arrival square must be free or occupied by an opponent's piece.
A last one of the same for the road
5 - h#9 Chameleon Circe with Chameleon Queen and Locuste
Chris FEATHERThe Problemist Supplement, 2008
Locuste : A piece that moves on the Queen's lines but needs a hurdle to move behind it. Being endowed with a strong appetite, it eats itself while swallowing the hurdle, which must, of course, be an opponent's piece.
To follow, a passage through the Take&Make
6 - h#2 Take&Make
Example Bxe3 (=Be4)
And now, we remove the h column and it becomes 7x8 and it's also vertical cylindrical, in other words, if you want to be pedagogue, you can say a=h.
A masterpiece by King Artur
7 - #4 7x8
A small blow of Masand on the head ?
8 - #2 Masand
Hubert GOCKELPhénix, 20054th Prize
A collaborative work by Guy
9 - h#2 isardam Parrain Circe
Guy SOBRECASES & Eric HUBERThe Problemist, 2008
: a captured piece remains under the capture square and is reborn by making the same move as the piece that plays immediately afterwards.
The Annan rule gives strange things, as we'll see right away.
10 - #2 Annan Chess
Hubert GOCKELThe Problemist, 2008
example : if the pg4 was in g3, the Bg2 could only go to g1. If the WQ was in c2, we could play Nc3xg7 (hallucinating, no?)
A little bit of Mars Circe to travel even further
11 - h#4 Mars Circe
Frantisek SABOL2è T.T. Chess Composition Microweb 1999 - 2nd Prize
Example: if black plays Rd2, white could in theory play Kxd2, but ....
For the agape, in addition to Guy's major works, the Master was able to present some diagrams.
An Imitator comes to the battlefield
12 - h#2 with Imitator
If for any reason its imitation is impossible, the move is illegal.
Example: Rb4 is possible but Ra4 is illegal because the Imitator would leave the chessboard
The last problem with Take&Make
13 - h#2 Take&Make
Imre KIRCHNER &Jozsef PASZTORThe Problemist Supplément, 2008
I hope you found this presentation more enjoyable than the previous ones.
Thanks to the Master for the electronic version.
Happy holidays to all.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
Master's word
It's much better this way. In short, to the reasons I had for snubbing the "beautiful Chloé" is added another one!
In the last line of the first problem, the definition given is that of the Scylla and not the Charybdis. A new confirmation that after learning about the historical reminder of Master Jacques, it is better to throw whirlpools and rocks in the dustbin, if I dare say so, and to speak much more clearly about Mao-locuste and Moa-locuste.
The statement of the 2nd problem has been rewritten (by Chloé again?). It was: "what is the theme?". Talking about the last blows is equivalent to giving the solution with the problem. This is to be avoided in principle.
In the 5th problem (Feather's last one), the statement is incomplete : it is about Circe-Cameleon : the captured piece changes its nature before being reborn.
In Gockel's Masand problem, a white d4 pawn is missing. This grumbling of Chloé's is definitely disturbing our master-greffier. She is worse than Charybdis and Scylla together!
Have fun all the same.
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