Finally Ohrid and its lake, the oldest on the planet.
The arrival was a gag, the hotel was a ghost, like the ship of the Flying Dutchman. No one in the reception area, no one in the corridors. Strategic retreat to another, the aptly named Bellevue. Then the opening ceremony, the particularity of which is that it finishes after the restaurant service has closed. A few acrobatics for a mini dinner in a flash.
The next day, another gag. The payment of the day is made exclusively in banknotes, but the machines are obsolete, they will only deliver a third of the amount. To recover, a short climb in the old Ohrid, to the church of Sainte-Sophie, in the middle of the baptism. In stark contrast, we go back down to the beach.
beginning of hostilities with the open
The open in two times 6 diagrams (an hour and a half each round) is supposed to warm us up before the championship proper. Here it does a bit more: it wreaks havoc among the titleholders. Personally, I only had the 2# after an hour! I will finally have the 3# (no time for all the variations) and a a piece of the study (I play the good move too late, which makes it ipso facto bad!). And a beautiful rooster at 4#, I see half of the problem but with a bad key.
The second round goes better, I finally succeed in solving a study from Martin! I point to the selfmate key, but the controller doesn't catch it. And And impossible to unlock this damn helpmate with 3 unrelated solutions.
As always, a large number of competitors are within a few points of each other: if I had corrected my mistake in the 4-moves, I would have gained 20 places !
pdf diagrams
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the solving championship - day 1
First day of the championship, with a great start for the virtual French team (the two old men + our friend Abdel) with the 2-moves. A little scare at first: the first problem has a double threat, which makes you doubt, until you understand the theme. The test of the 3-moves is more difficult.Having applied the famous method of starting at the end, and the key to the 3rd one having appeared to me instantly (thanks to the h2 pawn), I found myself with 55 minutes for two problems, one of which was visibly bohemian and one where I was supposed to be comfortable. Well, they were not too much! You can guess the key-piece of the first one, but where? And the second one is pretty damn twisted. I'll leave a few feathers, as its key only appears to me at the end..
That left the most dreaded test, the studies, with 100 minutes that flow like sand when not called MVL. The first one (by Martin, it's a small world) didn't inspire me much, but the Bishop vs. Rook duel in the second one and the pawns vs. Bishop and Knight fight in the third one (after a plausible intro) did. Yeah, well, after 70 minutes, I had nothing, except a bunch of insufficient variants. Fortunately, a stalemate will suddenly appear on the board, and the subtle manoeuvre to neutralise the black pawn will appear, once again, at the last moment.
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