2 - exercise 2 : White to play and draw

Deutsches Wochenschach 1918
W : Kg3 Rf7 Pb6
B : Kg8 Rh2 Bé3 Nd6
= (3+4)
1.Rd7! Rd2 2.b7 Né4+ (2…Nf5+ 3.Kg4 Nh6+ 4.Kf3 =) 3.Kf3 Ba7 4.b8=Q+
free a square for the Rook
4 … B×b8 5.Rb7 Ng5+ 6.Kg4 Rg2+ 7.Kf5
is placed in the net
7 … Bd6 8.Rg7+ ! K×g7 stalemate
3 – exercise for next session :
White to play and win

And finally, the study of the day
4 - White to play and win

W : Ka7 Rd1 Bg1 Pé3h3b2g2
B : Kb5 Bf8 Nf5 Pg3ç2
+ (7+5)
To help you a little, the mandatory introduction is 1 Rc1 Bc5+ 2 K~ Bxe3 Bxe3 3 Nxe3
It is therefore necessary to determine the move of the White King, but first, we must see what happens next!
The game of the day is an old gladiatorial battle from 1911
5 – Rubinstein – Capablanca 1911
1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 c5 3 c4 e6 4 cd ed 5 Nc3 Nc6 6 g3 Be6 7 Bg2 Be7 8 0-0 Rc8
8 … h6 or Nf6
9 dc Bxc5 10 Ng5 Nf6 11 Nxe6 fe 12 Bh3 Qe7 13 Bg5 0-0
13 ,,, Rd8 is probably better when you know what happens next !
14 Bxf6 Qxf6
14 ,,, gf 15 e4 de16 Qg4+ Kf7
15 Rc1 Rce8 ! 16 e4 de 17 Qg4+ Kh8
15 Nxd5 !

15 ,,, Qh6 ?
15 ,,, ed 16 Qxd5+ and Bxc8 to come or Qxc5 (or both)
15 ,,, Bxf2 +!! 16 Kg2 (16 Kh1 Qh6) Qe5 ! (with a little threat) 17 Rxf2 Rxf2+ 18 Kxf2 Rd8 19 Ne7+ Kh8 20 Qb3 (20 Nxc6 Qf6+ and RxQ) Nxe7 21 Qxe6 Qd4+ 22 Kg2 Nd5 23 Kh1 Ne3 and white is defending
16 Kg2 Rd8 17 Qc1 !!

An exceptional move, the Bh3 holds the whole White strategy at its diagonal end.
17 ,,, ed 18 Qxc5 Qd2

Black is still alive
19 Qb5 ! Nd4 20 Qd3 ?!
20 Qa4 ! Nxe2 ? (h5!) 21 Bg4 !
20 Qc5 ! Nxe2 21 Qe3 Qxb2 22 Rab1 Qc2 23 Rxb7 d4 24 Qe7 Qg6 25 Bf5 !
20 ,,, QxQ 21 ed
Nd4 becomes colossal
21 ,,, Rfe8 ?!
21 ,,, h5 ! To accentuate the Nd4 domination with g5 g4 to come
22 Bg4 Rd6 23 Rfe1 Rxe1 24 Rxe1 Rb6 25 Re5 Rxb2 26 Rxd5 Nc6 27 Be6+ Kf8 28 Rf5+
28 Rd7 Nb4
28 ... Ke8
28 ... Ke7 29 Bc4 et Rf7 to come
29 Bf7+ Kd7 30 Bc4 a6 ?
Black is probably afraid of the Rook exchange, or of being hindered in the b5 push, but this is not to be feared 30 ... Kd6! is the right move
31 Rf7+ Kd6 32 Rxg7 b5 33 Bg9 a5 34 Rxh7 a4 35 h4 b4 36 Rh6+ Kc5 37 Rh5+ Kb6 38 Bd5 ?!
38 Bc4
38 ... b3 ?
38 ... Rxa2 !!
After this magnificent variation the clerk drops the pen, exhausted.
You will find the continuation and the end of this beautiful fight in the remarkable electronic version of the Master whom I thank in passing.
To begin the restoration part, a diversion through a new genre : anti Take&Make
Found on Ouèbe (http://juliasfairies.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/bwt2012award.pdf) on the same page as the problem presented by the Master, the definition in English :
Anti Take & Make” definition: every capture ("take") must be complemented by a further step ("make" - not a capture) by the captured piece (Kings excluded), which must move from its square of vanish (according to the wishes of the capturing side in case of options). The capture is forbidden if the captured unit have not possible move. Promotions at the end of the "make" element are normal.
6 - hs#3 with twin
1er-4ème Prix: Petko A. PETKOV
Bulgarian Wine

W : Ké3 Qé6 Rh6 Pd4é4
B : Kg5 Rf6 Nd2é2 Pa6ç4g4g3
b) bBf6 (5+8)
Anti Take & Make
Quite hard to understand but the gemellity of the 2 solutions is very nice.
To finish, a hard-to-swallow dessert
7 - h#2 with neutral pieces Super Circé

Neutral : Kf6 Pf7g6é2
h‡2 (0+0+4)
neutral piece : can be played by either side
Super-Circé :
a captured piece is reborn on a legal square which is at the goodwill of the taker
A good digestion is to be excluded!
This textual report is now finished.
Good reading to all and see you on April 2nd
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
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