Word from the boss
Can a 2# helpmate be difficult? Yes, when the link between the solutions is not clear. Well, you can find one, but what about the other? Or one finds two, but the other two? Here is an illustration. It also happens that the solutions are well connected, but you don't believe them. Then you have a hard time, but you only have yourself to blame! After this specific training, a handful of various 3-moves. And a Gamni that was discussed at the table, a tribute to V. Marin?
A little surprise from Prokes. Then a patented Ryabinin study, where the uncertainty about the 3rd white move is lifted... on the 22nd! Answer to Daniel: the motive to make Qf4 ineffective is pure, because the ending with Pe3 instead of e4 is losing. Finally, a very nice "virtual miracle" in an attack played by a Feoktistov: is he the son of the famous problem player? I discovered this game while watching ("analysing" would be too much to say) the last performance of my life in the Corporate Circles Championship (already eleven years). Which is totally devoid of interest, but still served a purpose. A precision: Qh5 and
hxg5 are far inferior to Fxh7+! which confirms that Black's player, in accepting ...fxg5, was not completely mad.

In the game of the day, the Black player decided to " catch the bull by the horns ". It was not 100% correct, but luck, as often, smiled on the bold one. Variation 22...Qxa3: the audience rightly condemns the 29...a6 advised by the monster, while several continuations lead to equality. And on the next move, it seems that 23 Rxb2 is better than the move played but with the continuation ...Bxb2 24 Rxd5 rather than the popular 24 Nxd5.
In a month (June 8) the fairy course.
Have a good feast.
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