This session saw, in addition to the Master, as always in great shape, the two usual hairy men who came out of their trenches for the occasion, to which were added two young recruits ready to fight.
For the stretching, the solution of the previous exercise, a composition of Timman not too well known, but rich in content.
1 - solution of exercise
W : Kh1 Ba7 Nd3
B : Ka8 Bf8ç4 Pd7
= (3+4)
The introduction is natural
1.Bç5 d6
But now it's getting difficult
Note: 2 Bxd6 is possible with the idea of bringing the Knight to g2 and the King to f2 or g3
2. ... Bd5+ 3.Kg1 d×ç5 4.Nd7
to recover a piece
4. ... Bé6! (or Be4) 5.N×f8 Bf5 (locks up the Knight)
6.Kf2 Kb7 7.Ké3 Ka7! (the only square to avoid the assiduousness of the Knight)
8.Kf3 !! (reciprocal zugzwang, Black cannot play Ka7-a7) ç4 9.Kf4 ç3 10.Ké3 draw
For solvers.
A little h#2,5 with twin on two corridor checkmates, so easy, right? The h#3 with one solution, on the same theme, is even easier. Two more h#3, the simplest not being the one you think of. Three longer helpmates, the one in 7 seems to me to resist the most. The last one is actually a 4,5-move helpmate, which does not make it trivial!
Three very different 2#, in style and date (despite a link between the last two). Same remark for the 3#. Finally 2 moremovers, the 5# in honour of a venerable French composer, Yves Cheylan.
A nice ZZ by Timman, with a 2B/N in a secondary variation , which he forgot to explain.
A study perfectly suited for the championship of solutions, which was used in one of them: not really difficult if you don't get lost in the thicket. With a delightful "guéridon".
What Rinck can do with Queen + Knight, we saw last season. But he can also do it with Queen + Bishop.
A tactical battle illustrating a moral victory for White, who imposed their style, if not the point of victory. Because the defence was... more than exemplary. Against a less prestigious player, who would have played 32...c6, the game could have been even more brilliant, but the point undoubtedly shared.
See you, God willing, in a fortnight, on Tuesday 26 November.
Have a good game.
2 - White to play and win
W : Kh8 Qg5 Né2 Pé5f5
B : Kd8 Ré7f3 Bb2
+ (5+4)
For nostalgics
3 - White to play and win
La Stratégie 1912-14
1st Prize
W : Kg5 Qg1 Bb7
B : Kf7 Qa4
+ (3+2) C-
Very nice in an airy position
For lovers of old style
4 - game of the day : Spielmann - Rubinstein 1925
1, e4 e5 2, Nf3 Nc6 3, Nc3 Nf6 4, Bb5 Nd4 5, Nxe5 Qe7 6, f4 Nxb5 7 Nxb5 d6 8, Nf3 Qxe4+ 9, Kf2
Ng4 10, Kg3 Qg6 !
Nice move. Rubinstein had previously played Kd8 against Bogoljubov
The threat is, of course, Ne3+
11 Qe2+ Kd8 12 Re1 Bd7 13 Nbd4 Ne3+ 14 Kf2 Nxc2 15 Nxc2 Qxc2 16 b4 a5 !
17 Ba3 ab
17 ... Qa4 18 Ng5
18 Bxb4 Qf5 ! 19 Qe3 h6 20 Rac1 Rg8 21 Kg1 g5 22 Qc3 Rc8 !
22 ... c5 is not very good 23 d4! and it starts to smell like a tree with Ba5+ to come
23 fg hg 24 Kh1 g4 25 Nd4 Qd5 !
The threat was 26 Ba5 b6 27 Nc6+ Bxc6 28 Qxc6 Be7 29 Bxb6
26 Qe3 g3 ! 27 Bc3 Ra8 !!
switchblack !
28 Nf3 gh 29 Bf6+ Kc8 30 Qc3 Qc5 31 Qd3 Qh5 32 Ne5 ! Rxg2 !!
32 ... de 33 Rxe5 Q~ 34 Re8+!
33 Kxg2 de 34 Rxe5 Qg4+ 35 Qg3 QxQ+ 36 KxQ Bd6 37 Kxh2 Rxa2 38 Kg1 Rxd2 !
And Black ended up winning a few moves later
For those who like enchantment, a foray into the SuperGuards. A delight!
SuperGuards : a piece cannot be taken (including the King) if it is controlled by a piece of its camp
To begin an amusing discovery of the genre
5 - #2 Superguards
W : Ké4 Qb2 Rç6 Pé6d5
B : Kd6 Bé7
‡2 (5+2)
To help you a bit, Kd6 is not in check because of Be7 and as a bonus, a typical variation
1. Ke5 Kc5 ? 2 Kd6!! is mate, but 1 ... Bf8! and there is no mate
A kind of task for the second SuperGuards :
6 - #2 SuperGuards
Gerard SMITS
W : Kç3 Bé3 Nd4 Pa5d5é5ç4d2
B : Kç5 Rf5 Bç6 Nf4a1 Pé6b5a3b3f3ç2é2
‡2 (8+12)
Very interesting with a nice richness on some moves
And the apotheosis with the last one
7 - h#3 SuperGuards
W : Ka4 Rg7 Nb7f1
B : Kh6 Qé5 Rd6f3 Bé3 Né8 Ph5g3
h‡3 (4+8)
A remarkable problem with superb mechanics.
a well-deserved first prize
The report is now complete.
I refer you to the electronic version of the Master for a more complete account of the game and of course some additional information.
Good reading to all and see you on November 26th.
Yours sincerely
le greffier
I appreciate the Master Clerk's fine remark about 2 Bxd6 in Timman's study. This move deserves a "?!" if you play against a computer, because you get into its tables and thus make it easier, but a "!!" against a human, who won't know how to win 2B/N when he is capable of discovering on the chessboard, with a little time, the super ZZ which is the highlight of the study.
A clarification that I just discovered today: the ZZ in question was not invented by Timman, but by N. Kraline in 2001. The study should therefore be presented as "after Kraline", as our friend Timman has a much better introduction. This is of course the introduction to the study. Anyone who has thought of anything else has their mind in the wrong place.
Another delightful remark: "Black cannot play Ka7-a7". Indeed. Except when he is a certain GM from the East, which has just been mentioned again today on a certain Chess forum. Strange coincidence, the Master Clerk apparently does not consult this forum!
Concerning Rinck's study, I confirm that Lommer's remarkable book gives the two variations in echo, contrary to some successors, of which a pretentious albionesque on which I will not dwell, which omits 3...Qb3 and thus shows that he did not understand anything with the study.
I forgot to write in my cyber report of the day's game that 16...a5! anticipated Petrossian's findings, for example against Dückstein 1962; opening a file (but certainly not two!!) on a threatened wing. You will tell me that here, another file ("c") is already open. The principle was not yet fully developed! And besides, in Dückstein-Petrossian, the "c" column is also open, but... better defended.
I have talked a lot, but I had nothing to say about the mistakes in the master clerk's report, which is almost perfect: just to say that the line above the 3rd diagram (of the game) should be in bold type.
Have a good time.
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