october 2 2007
A good audience was present for this re-run despite the noticeable absence of Pierre whose remarks would have been welcome during the day's proceedings.
Thanks to the Master for the electronic version which you will find at the end of this report.
The next class will take place next Tuesday as the official club website states: http://perso.orange.fr/ascbpsl.echecs/
It's getting modernized
To get back on track, some studies with little material.
1 - White to play and draw
W.: Ke8, Rb2 and e2
B.: Ka1, Qe1, pb4 and c4
You have to be very careful with the black possibilities
Now, a position that will please the "normal" players
2 - White to play and win
W.: Kb6, Qd1, pd7
B.: Kd6, Qh6, pd2 and e2
Easy, isn't it?
Master's words
Sunshine, new landscapes, as you have known them this summer, I hope you are ready to discover them in Chess too.
We start with the traditional helpmates for Daniel, who has also become a free man. He is very young? But railway workers have some privileges. Teaching in a railwaymen's circle doesn't give you as many: in 33 years, I haven't received a discount on a train ticket. But I did get a medal. And a T-shirt.
The training continues with a 2#, a PG, a retro tradi (you have to add a white Knight to get a position in which you can checkmate in one move, but you have to check that the new position is legal), three multi-moves, another 2-moves, a
another 2-moves, an helped stalemate, two maximum selfmates and three normal selfmates. The last five problems come from the 1914-44 album that Rémy lent me more than 10 years ago, of which I had made photocopies... which I have only just read. And I'm not talking about the books that have been accumulating for 35 years. What it's like to spend your life prostituting yourself for the gangster state. When you're not a railway worker.
A few light studies so as not to encroach too much on a very complex game of the day. Two of Gurgenidzé, two of Kling and Horwitz (yes: the same Kling as the 4#!) and a curious Q/2P endgame.
The game of the day had been chosen well before the Mexico City Candidates tournament. That one of the protagonists played it magnificently, while the other (the "pathological liar") makes a fool of himself by capturing himself as a hero and playing the
martyr in the public square, is a mischievous wink of fate.
About the inenarrable comment of the Black player at the 33rd white move (see Informateur 49/763), one of my collaborators went so far as to offer (on France-Echecs) a glass of champagne to whoever will find a worse (and more contemptuous for the readers) comment from a world champion.
Finally, at the table, the most beautiful problem I have seen this year (and one of the most beautiful selfmates I have seen in my life), by B. Stipa, was evoked. In a 4-moves selfmate, five variants each ending in a different model mate, a not at all obvious key, no duals, no defects, at a time when computers were not even a dream... Solution on request.
Have a good time and see you soon
From an old book, the following position is quite nice to look up
3 - White to play and win
W.: Kc2, Rh7, Bf1, pd7
B.: Ke6, Rb8, Bh8, pa6
For the continuation, a very nice economic study
4 - White to play and win
W.: Kf3, Qg2
B.: Kc2, pc3 and d2
Look for it, it's worth it
The last one is from the same old book as 3
5 - White to play and win
W.: Kg1, pd2, f2 and h2
B.: Kb6, pf3 and h3
Very educational
The game of the day was a nice fight played in the first round of a strong tournament (Linares not to mention).
The 2 opponents were clearly in full possession of their means
6 - game of the day (BG vs GK)
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Be2 0-0 6. Nf3 e5 7. 0-0 Nc6 (7. ... Na6 is in fashion at the moment) 8. d5 Ne7 9. Nd1 (there is also 9. Nd2 or 9. b4 as great lines) Nd7 10. Nd3 f5 11. Bd2 Nf6 12. f3 Kh8 (between the same two years later
12. ... f4 13 g4 g5 14. b4 h5 15. h3 Kf7 16. Be1 Rh8 17. Kg2 Ng6 18. c5 hg 19. hg Nh5 the result was the same but with better black chances) 13. Rc1 (13. c5 c6) c5 14. g4 a6 (threatens b5) 15. Nf2 h6 16.h4 fg 17. fg Neg8 18. Kg2 Nh7 (with target h4) 19. Rh1 Bf6 20. g5 (20. Kg3 Bxh4+ 21. Rxh4 Rxf2 22. Bf3 Kg7 23. Rh1 Rxd2 24. Qxd2 Ng5 is to be dug) hg 21. h5 Qe8 22. b4 (22. Qa4 Bd7 23. hg Nh6 24. Rxh6 Bxa4 25. Bg4) cb 23. Na4 Bd8 24. Bxb4 (24. c5 Rxf2+ 25. Kxf2 Ngf6 with a slight Black advantage) Bd7 25. hg (25. Nb2 Rxf2+ 26. Kxf2 Ngf6 27. Kg2) Qxg6 26. c5 g4 ? (Ngf6! 27. c6 Nxe4 28. Nd3 and it's an inextricable jungle that scares White) 27. c6 g3 28. Nd3 bc 29. dc Rc8 30 Bf3 (Bxd6) Rxf3 31. Qxf3 Bg4 32. Qxg3 Qxe4+ 33. Kg1 Ngf6 34. Bxd6 Qd4+ 35. Nf2 Qxd6 36. Nxg4 Qd4+ 37. Nf2 (37. Ne3) Qxa4 (Bc7)38. Qxe5 Rc7 (38. ... Rxc6) 39. Rh2 Rg7+ 40. Rg2 Bc7 41. Qf5 Qxa2 42. Qc8 Qg8 43. QxQ+ KxQ draw agreed
A real fight between men.
Having been murdered last Tuesday at the usual restaurant, by mutual agreement, the participants opted for an establishment that was less aggressive on the bill.
This former meeting place of the Clichy club has retained the qualities expected by the Master, and there is therefore a good chance that it will become the preferred place for the third half.
In addition, for our greatest pleasure, Michel presented one of his compositions which obtained a 3rd prize (one wonders,
by the way, what did the other two compose to be in front of him)
7 - h#2 anti-Circe
helpmate : blacks play and help whites to checkmate them
anti-Circe : the capturing piece is reborn on its original square
W.: Kh5, Qg5, Bc8, pb7 e3 and g6
B.: Kd5, Qb5, Bd1, Na8 et e5, pd3 and d6
a) position
b) wRb5
c) wBb5
d) wNb5
A marvel
A small detail for those who are not familiar with the anti-Circe, a pawn which captures an opponent's piece by promoting itself is reborn on the original square of the promoted piece.
Our friend Guy, with the great fertility of spirit that we know him for, has presented us with a lot of compositions, most of them in the process of being published.
They do not appear in this report, friend Guy not having yet extracted an element in the plethora that he has under the elbow.
Good reading and see you next week.
Yours sincerely
Study 3: The white pawn is on e7 (not d7).
4th study: the fault is mine: I forgot to include it in the electronic report. It will be for next week.
Game of the day: the 9th move is Ne1 (not Nd1). For the 2nd time, the greffier replaces an "e" with a "d". Is he leaning left, or is this a
left, or is it a parallax error?
Variation 22 Qa4: it should be pointed out that there is better than 22...Bd7? Not 22...b5?! as Kasparov recommends, but
22...Qf7 (Gelfand).
Kasparov's erroneous suggestion 33 Kh2? (instead of Kg1!) is currently being analysed on a well-known French forum.
The very interesting suggestion of the listeners 37...Bc7 surprised the speaker after 38 Rh4 e4. But 39 Qc3! is excellent.
On 38...Rxc6 fortunately follows (for White) 39 Rxh7+.
In summary, only two (twin) mistakes in the report.
Have fun
hair (bis)
another tuft of hair pointed out by friend Guy.
After passing the appropriate instrument, it gives this:
7 - h#2 anti-Circe
helped: Black plays and helps White to checkmate him
anti-Circe: the capturing piece is reborn on its original square
W.: Kh5, Qg5, Bc8, pb7 e3 and g6
B.: Kd5, Qb5, Bd1, Na8 and e5, pd3 and d6
a) the position
b) White rook on g5
c) White bishop on g5
d) White knight on g5
My apologies to Michel for having bungled the wording of his masterpiece.
What is very curious is that we have an equipollence in the position on the keyboard between the letters d and e, and b and g.
This new gemellity is worth exploring.
Enjoy reading this wonderful problem again.
Yours sincerely
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