january 9 2007
As the Master indicates in the text accompanying his electronic version, the course is becoming a congress of alchemists in search of the Philisophal Stone, which we can only welcome.
I would like to take the opportunity of this report to convey the best wishes of the Clerk to those who did not attend this first session of the
To begin the hostilities, a light-hearted position where you have to find the fastest and most elegant way to win.
1 - white to play and win
W.; Kd5, Nd6, pe5, f4, g2 and h3
B.: Kg8, Ba5, pf7, g6 and h5
It is packed in 3 moves and in a very nice way, or in 26 moves while besognant.
An amusement to follow
2 - White to play and win
W.: Kg5, Qb2, Rd2 and e4, Bh7, Nf8 and h3, pe3, e5, g2, g3, g4, g6 and h2
B.: Kg7, Qe7, Nf4
The first course of the year saw, as is becoming an excellent habit, a large number of prestigious guests, including a multiple world champion who will be recognised, another retro genius, a fairy genius, a great problemist cumulating the title of IM for the game, and a 5th great problemist who, without knowing it, is a benefactor of humanity:
without a nice 2# helpmate that I solved standing up, one cold day in February 1996, while waiting for the striking French railwaymen to deign to get back to work (or to get to work?), and which gave me a great and soothing aesthetic joy, I would probably have bought a machine gun and indulged in a railwaymen decimation. Enclosed is this providential problem accompanied by an orthodox by the same author. And also three examples of the talent of the new IM. All are creators, alchemists. Whereas I am only a modest gold digger.
I add a superb selfmate which will certainly be a ¨problemist 2006" prize; note that 1 f8=pawn! would solve, which should please some complicated minds of "France-Echecs". And a helpmate 5# for Daniel, not so simple.
A little known 4# by Lindgren and, on a similar theme, an award-winning 4# (by whom, one wonders) by Carlos (not the terrorist, the other one). Finally, two problems by Marin (Valentin, not Mihail) that should make you squirm.
A rather special study where it's hard not to stalemate Black. An endgame where an unclouded mind easily sees a clear and quick win (I give the game and the other analyses for the interest of the two draw positions N+2P/B). The famous position of Chéron where the Black King loses in h6 and in h4, but draws in h5!
The last discovery of the marquis, the demolition of a classic that he himself included in his book (but this time it is the N against B+2P) where the draw was acquired since 50 years. Svidler's pitiful performance in the Q/R endgame to which the same floating game of the supercrack Morozevitch answers 5 years later, which ...cracks in exactly the same position, also at the 110th move!
A study of Rinck whose works are considered as "lacking fantasy" by a joker of France-Echecs who is also an admirer of a famous Strasbourg plagiarist. Finally one of the ten studies selected by Dvoretzky as an example of studies "which please the players", theme of the composition contest launched on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
As the "students-sic" had not done their holiday homework, the solution to this one was postponed until next week. Finally, the game of the day is both a record of length and brevity, insofar as we had to skip 50 moves of dithering to get to the point: the e2-e4 push, which obviously makes those who play this move right away, thinking they are clever, talk. Enjoy the echo of the two mates forgotten by the commentator, who is none other than White's player.
Happy reading, new year and good health.
Watch out for the stalemate.
A 4 moves problem now that you are warmed up
3 - white to play and mate in 4
W.: Kg3, Bh4 and h5
B.: Kh1, pf5
Very nice chameleon echo on the 2 branches of the solution
A rescue study to ramp up the heat
4 - white to play and draw
W.: Kg8, Nc4, Be5, pg7
B.: Kd1, Ba8, pf2 and h2
Found by Daniel in a flash.
A deeper study to finish the study part.
5 - White to play and win
W.: Kf7, Rc3, Bc1, pd5 and f3
B.: Kf5, Re1, Be4, pe7
Good footwork is necessary
As the day's game is a bit long, you will have it in 2 parts
6 - game of the day
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4, e6 3. Nf3 Bb4 4. Bd2 BxB+ 5. QxB 0-0 6. e3 d5 7. Nc3 Nbd7 8. cd ed 9. Bd3 Re8 10. 0-0 Ne4 11. Qc2 Ndf6 12. b4
c6 13. Ne5 Bf5 14. Na4 g6 15. Qb2 a6 16. Rfc1 Re7 17. Nc5 NxN 18. bc with a good white position.
After a long phase of wandering and a few exchanges, we find ourselves on the 71st move.
W.: Kh2, Qd3, Rf4 and g3, pa3, c5, d4, e3, f2 and h4
B.: Kh6, Qe8, Rf7 and g8, pa6, b7, c6, d5, f6 and g6
71. e4 de 72. Rxe4 Qd7 73. Qe3+ Kh7 74. ??? Rgg7 75. Rf3 f5 76. h5 gh 77. Qh6+ (77. Rh3 Kg8 78. Rxh5 Re7 79. Rxe7 Qxe7 80.
Qf4 Qc7) Kg8 78. Rfe3 Qc7+ (78. ... Qxd4 ? 79. Re8+ Rf8 80. RxR+ KxR 81. Qh8+! followed by Qe8+ Qe6+ and Rg3+) 79. Kh3 Re7 (Qd7!)
80. RxR RxR 81. Qg6+ Kf8 (81. ... Kh8? 82. Qf6+ Rg7 83. Qh6+ Kg8 84. Re8+) 82. Qf6+ Ke8 83. Qh8+ Kf7 84. Rg3 end of the fight.
For the post-session part in the restaurant, our friend Guy presented us with some of his increasingly
exceptional works, it was a treat.
The greffier being bound to professional secrecy, you will only have the compositions shown by the Master.
A light Transmuted Kings for the aperitif
7 - h#3,5 Transmuted Kings
helpmate : Black helps White to checkmate them and as a rule they are the ones who start
3,5 moves : white begins
Transmuted Kings : when a King is checked, he catch the moving way of the piece that check him
W.: Kf7, Qd5
B.: Ka1, Na2, pa7, b7, c4, d4, e5, f3, f4 and g4
Some Chinese food as a main course
8 - h=3 Madrasi with Maos et Moas
helped stalemate : black plays and helps white to stalemate them
madrasi : 2 opposing pieces of the same kind that control each other paralyse each other
Mao : moves as a knight by first taking a rook step and then a bishop step
Moa : same but a bishop step then a rook step
for the movement of these particular pieces, the path must be free, they are not jumpers
W.: Kh8, Ba7 and b3, pe2, MAd3, MOb6
B.: Ke4, Be6, MAa2, MOf4
Considering the march of these pieces, there will be some non-reciprocal paralysis in this problem, very funny!
Before the big final piece, a light and pleasant problem to find
9 - h#2 Anti-Circé
Anti-Circe : the capturing piece returns to its initial square if it is free, otherwise the capture is illegal
W.: Kb5, pb7, g7 and h2
B.: Kg1, Qc2, Ra2 and d7, Bg8 and h8, Nf2 and g2
a) the position
b) Ng2 <--> Bg8
The highlight of the evening.
10 - #2 Anti-Circe
W.: Kc2, Qf6, Rd2 and e7, Be1 and h3, Cb3 and c4, pe3 and f4
B.: Kf3, Qh5, Rc7, Ba4 and a7, Ne8 and h4, pd4, d6, d7, e2, f5, g5, g7, and h6
Clearly a change of category, as we have moved to Millour.
A magnificent problem.
It remains for me to wish you, as usual, a good reading and to give you an appointment on the 16th of this month for the next
edition of the Master Class and see you soon for the reffications.
Yours sincerely
The 4# has a 2nd bB on h5.
Game: the missing move is 74 Re6. And the endgame was actually 83...Kd7 84 Rxe7+ Kxe7 85 Qg7+ 1-0.
Near perfection for the master greffier to start the year.
Guy's word
Dear Rémy,
Teutonia deprived me of a course, then of a fairy dinner, but I do not want to fail completely.
I therefore took advantage of an hour's flight (2 hours round trip minus an hour's sleep), to produce the "Marquis' problem" for this session.
W. : Kf1 Rh5
B. : Pe5 Transmuted King c6
h‡3,5 (2+2)
2 solutions
parrain Circe
parrain Circe (nothing simpler...)
The single move following a capture, the piece which has just been captured (except the King) makes, from
the square where it has been captured, an equipollent path to the playing piece. If the finishing square is occupied or if the path takes it off the board, the
the captured piece disappears.
Transmuted King :
When it is in check, it only moves like the piece or pieces that threaten it (a real soapbox!).
To make up for this absence, I enclose the solution to this light problem.
1…Ke2 2.Kc5 R×e5+ 3.Kc1(Ne1) Rd5 4.Nc2 Rd1‡
1…Kg2 2.Kd5 R×e5+ 3.Kd2(e2) Rh5 4.Ke1 Rh1‡
Yours sincerly.
another word from Guy
This is the Marquis problem:
This time there is a Word document attached so you can look at it from the comfort of your office.
To extend a dinner discussion on Madrasi / Super Madrasi, here is first a simple exercise with some
The Lion plays like a grasshopper, but can land (or capture) on any square beyond the sautoir. For example, a
Lion a1 can land (or capture) on f6, g7, or h8, if it can climb onto a sautoir e5. Unlike the locust
(Locust), it does not gobble its own sautoir, but what is behind it. It doesn't matter what colour the sautoir is.
In Super Madrasi, a piece is paralysed if it can be captured by an opponent's piece.
(Whereas in Madrasi, it is necessary that the pieces can capture each other for there to be paralysis).
The possibilities of paralysis are thus appreciably increased (hence the Super..., but well, one can eventually find
another term...)
In Anticircle Cheylan, the capturing Lions are reborn on the promotion square of the column where the capture is made.
If the rebirth square is occupied, the capture is impossible. A piece cannot capture on its rebirth square.
W. : Ka3 Lion a8h8c6a1
B. : Kb1 Lion e6d5f5c4g4b3h3
helped stalemate 3 moves
h=3 (5+8)
b) Lion c6->h7
Super Madrasi, Anticircé Cheylan
In the diagram, LId5 is paralyzed in Super Madrasi by LIa8, although it cannot capture it because of LIa1. It
would not be paralysed in Madrasi.
Note that LIa1 cannot play because it would free the LIh3 rebirth square, and Ka3 would then be in check
1.LIc5 -paralyze LI c4 et c6- LI×d5(LId8)
-paradoxically, this move gives freedom to LI h3 and b3-
2.LIa6 -has just self-paralyzed, although not threatening LIxa1 in Anticirce Cheylan-
2...LIc8 -gives LIc4 its freedom, but paralyses LIc5-
3.LI×c6(LIc1) LI×a6(LIa8)=
LIh3 cannot capture the White King, although his resurrection square is free, but this time because of the
super-Madrasi paralysis inflicted by the LIc8
1.LIa5 LIe1 2.Ra1 LIe4 3.LId4 - Lion h8 cannot capture the Black King because of the paralysis by LIh3- 3… LIe5=
Strangely, LId5 is also indirectly paralysed by this last move, it is indeed the sautoir of LIa5, which
paralyses LIe5. ( if LId5 plays, Black's King is captured by LIe5)
Now that this is clear, here is a slightly more complex position which involves the twin condition of Super-Isardam.
In Super-Isardam, it is forbidden to play a move creating a Super-Madrasi stalemate. Simple, isn't it?
This time, it is a Calvet Anticirce, where the capture is allowed on the rebirth square. It varies the pleasures
Unpublished, GS
W. : Ka3 Lion a8a7
B. : Ka1 Lion e5b2c2d2g2h2
Helped stalemate 3,5 moves (White begins)
h=3,5 (3+7)
a)Anticirce Calvet, Super-Isardam
b)Anticirce Calvet, Super-Madrasi
Happy New Year !
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