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or directly on the move in the solution
Hello everyone,
For this last of the season, and as usual, our friend Michel honoured us with his presence. An enormous amount of material, both in quantity and quality, was proposed by the Master. The course almost did not take place, as described by the menu, and by the Master at the right part of this report To begin with, a warm-up with the following position, originally intended for unfamiliar guests, but unfortunately none came.
1 - h#2
Michal DRAGOUNJubilé V. Nebotov-60, 19951° Prix
white Qf4 Kg1
black Qg6 Kd5 Bh1 Sg2
a) Circe b) Mirror Circe c) exchange Circe (PWC) d) symetrical-Circee) column Circe
a) : the captured piece is reborn on its original square if it is free, otherwise it disappears from the chessboard. b) : the rebirth is on the square of the same piece of opposite colour c) : as the name of the rule indicates, the captured piece is reborn on the starting square of the capturing piece's move d) : the renaissance square is the symmetrical square in relation to the central point of the chessboard e) : the rebirth is done on the original row and the gripping column The mats are models. An educational problem quite easy to solve, even for a neophyte.
The traditional attempt to sabotage the lessons of St-Lazare by the hypercalamitous Parisian transporters has now seized a new twist. Only 4 minutes waiting for the RER B train at the Cité Universitaire station. Piece of cake in appearance. A warning sign all the same: several hundreds of pilgrims clustered on the platform.
All these beautiful people crowd into the train, hug each other like herrings in a caque, then wait. And then what? Nothing happens. Total immobility, which is hardly "Zen" in this case. Ten minutes go by, the damn train doesn't move. An illiterate man vomits borborygmas at the microphone, of which only the word "traffic" is understandable. This bunch of morons use, as we know, this word meaning "illicit trade" instead of the correct term "circulation". After another 5 minutes, I decide that the joke has gone on long enough. I get out and head for the tram, after 20 minutes of being lost.
After hesitation, I gave up the connection to the RER C, fearing a new confusion. So I return to my first... hates, the metro line n° 13. After the most rotten RER line, the most rotten metro line. The rest is a gigantic jostling among a sub-humanity that doesn't need to be detailed. In this magma are various images, ranging from the heroic gesture of Dominique Venner to the comic strip of the 70s, with Berck's "plunge into the rabble".
But rot does not disarm. On the way back (11:45 pm), I try to take the same line 13 again, hoping that the late hour will keep the said rabble away. In quantity perhaps, in quality (antiphrase), no. Two "nique-ta-mère" are waiting near the turnstile for a poor taxpayer jerk like me to pass by (paying) so that they can infiltrate (without paying). I refuse this game, advises an idiot who is hiding in his glass cage, wakes him up, asks him if he finds this situation normal, tells him that I risk being assaulted if I pass without covering the two parasites. He tells me that then he will (perhaps) consider intervening. I answer that with his kind of puppets, you feel really safe.
I decide to capture the bull by the horns, I run into the turnstile blocking the passage behind me. The most pressing mother-fucker shouts and insults me, I answer him "asshole", "underlarva", "human waste" shouting as loud as possible, hoping (naively) for reinforcements. Luckily, the oar just arrives and I rush in before the mother-fuckers have managed to get through. I hardly dare to imagine what would have happened if I had had to wait 5 minutes on the quay.
In the meantime, the fiscal gestapo is blocking my bank accounts and the property manager has just decided, with the help of the "majority" of the co-owners whose votes he bought, an extra 10,000 euros of useless expenses per person. The conclusion is obvious: long live France.
Let the master clerk cover the fairy tale (with the exception of the amusing help-stalemate attached) and present some problems for the summer.
A helpmate #3 with echo-cameleon.
A #2 with try, to be solved in less than 10 minutes. Two #3 with nice mats, the second with sacrifices. The third #3 is a little riddle: how the hell can you break the stalemate without giving too much freedom?
A spectacular but easy #4. Another one more refined, less easy than it seems. Finally two rather simple multi-movers, by the same author.
Have a good holiday and come back in good condition in September. God bless you.
: piece moving on the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir and being able to go beyond with for limit, either an obstacle or the edge of the chessboard Very aesthetic it becomes more complicated with the third problem which is one of the first production with Chinese pieces
3 - #2
Zdenek MACH The Chess Problem 1946 2° Prix
white Wve4 Bh7 MAd6e6 Ka7 Ph6 WPg8g6
black BVd2f1 Kh8 BPg7g3 Pc6b6c4d4
: Creeping Knight with first a rook step Vao : Chinese bishop moving normally but needing a sautoir to capture Pao : Chinese rook with the same properties as above Really a very nice problem
The author of the next one has a very special name, but that doesn't stop him from composing! 4 - #2 Madrasi with twin Isardam
a) : two opposing pieces of the same nature mutualy "observing" are paralysed b) : it is illegal for two opposing pieces of the same kind to observe each other : extended Knight : needs a hurdle to move and lands right behind
A very nice cycle of variations
The next one is by an Italian 5 - hs#3,5 with Pao, Vao and Lions
Mario PARRINELLOUralsky Problemist, 20071st Prize
white VAg8 PAe5h4 Kh6 Pd6d5e4h7 Se2 Rb1
black Pd7d3f3h5 Kc4 Se6f4 LIb4b3
🨺b4, b3: Lion 🨵e5, h4: Pao 🨶g8: Vao
b) b5-->c5
: transformation at each movement according to the cycle N - B - R - Q - N (the change in the nature of the piece is of course made at the end of the movement)
7 - h#2 with Paos and Vaos
Thomas MAEDER & Hans Peter REHMdédicated to J. RusinekThe Problemist, 20094th Prize
white Pf7e3 Ke8 WPc2 Se2f3 VAb6
black Bf1 BPd8 Kf2 Qd2 Pb7c4 Sg2 Rd4
: the captured piece disappears and the capturing piece is reborn on its original square if this one is free otherwise the capture is illegal Captures on rebirth square allowed There is Rehm in there, so it is the great class, even with a 4th prize
A composition by Jean-Marc Loustau which is a very good example of black correction. 8 - #2 with chinese Pieces
Jean-Marc LOUSTAU The Problemist Supplement 2012
white Qd3 Kf4 Bd8g6 WPd1
black VAb7 Ke6 BPb5 Pd7f6 NAc7
a) parrain Circe : when a piece is captured piece, it remains in suspension and makes an equipollent movement to the next piece playing. b) : the same but the captured piece's blow is anti-equipollent (opposite direction) Zebra : bouncer (3,2) Camel : bouncer (3,1)
{ There are 4 possible captures by the White Queen, only one is correct }1.Sg8*e7 e2-e4 2.Se7-d5 e4*d5 3.Sb8-c6 d5*c6 4.Bc8-b7 c6*b7 5.Bf8-e7 b7*a8=Q 6.0-0 Qa8*d8 7.Kg8-h8 Qd8*e7 8.Rf8-f7 Qe7*f7 {pat !!}
11 - PG 4,5 Sentinels Andernach R. GANAPATHI tcfdrfc1/ppppppp1/8/8/6P1/8/PPPPPP1P/TCFDRFCT Blancs : Ré1 Dd1 Ta1h1 Fç1f1 Cb1g1 Pg4a2b2ç2d2é2f2h2 Noirs : Ré8 Dd8 Ta8 Fç8f8 Cb8g8 Pa7b7ç7d7é7f7g7 Proof Game 4,5 (16+14) : a moving piece defecates a pawn, as long as there is still some left to defecate : capturing piece changes its colour after the move
Few material for the next one but a huge headache 12 - h#2,5 with neutral pieces Exchange Circé Take&Make 2 solution with twin with each 2 solutions
a) {}
1...nRf6-f3 2.Kd5*d4-b5[+nSd5] nSd5-b6 3.Kb5*b6-a8[+nSb5] nRf3*c3-h8[+nBf3] # {}
1...nBc3-d2 2.Kd5*d4-e2[+nSd5] nSd5*f6-f2[+nRd5] 3.Ke2*f2-h1[+nSe2] nRd5*d2-h6[+nBd5] # {}
b) nRf6-->e7 {}
1...nRe7-e2 2.Kd5-c4 nSd4*e2-d2[+nRd4] + 3.Kc4*c3-a1[+nBc4] nRd4*c4-a6[+nBd4] # {}
1...nSd4-e6 2.nBc3-e5 nRe7*e6-d4[+nSe7] + 3.Kd5*e5-h8[+nBd5] nRd4*d5-h1[+nBd4] #
{Splendid! the 4 corners with mate by double check
It should be noted that to checkmate with neutral pieces, one necessarily has to go through a double, even triple or more checks.}
b)Tf6-->e7 : the captured piece is reborn on the starting square of the capturing piece's move. : a capture is followed by a movement of the captured piece with the march of the captured piece huge !
And now, the supergards rule 13 - h#2 supergard 2 solutions
Petko A. PETKOVJulia's Fairies 2012
white Se5 Pf2 Re8 Ba6e7 Kf6
black Pc2a5 Ke1 Re2 Sd1 Bh1
{In the solution, Unto Heinonen is on the border lines because of the Madrasi Anticirce mixture. Roughly speaking, if a piece cannot capture the opponent's piece of the same nature because of the AntiCirce, the latter is not paralysed. }
1.g7-g8=S 2.Ka5-b5 3.a7-a8=S 4.Sa8-c7 5.c5-c6 6.Sc7-a6 7.c6-c7 8.c7-c8=S 9.Sc8-e7 10.e5-e6 11.Se7-d5 12.e6-e7 13.e7-e8=S 14.Sg8-e7 15.Se7-c6+ Rh1-g1#
We continue the headache with the neutral pieces in the following problem. 16 - h#3 parrain Circe with neutral pieces 3 solutions
Now an "educational" problem on shrinking Men 19 - #2 Shrinking Men with twin
Shrinking Men
white Qd1 Kb3
black Ka1
Shrinking Menb)a<==>h
: a piece can only make one move of a length inferior or equal to its previous move The Black King not being in check, the Queen's last move could only be inferior to 3 Kings having changed colour, they can only make one horizontal or vertical move, but not diagonal Very instructive and simple, but destabilizing ! Of course, the symmetrical position does not have the same solution at all!
A serial problem for relaxation 20 - serial h=5 Isardam Anticirce
Laszlo ANYOSThe Problemist, 2009
white Bg8d8 Kd5 Qh4 Pg7a3b5c5 Sd3e3 Re8a1
black Qa8 Pf4d7c7b7 Sf7 Bh5 Ka4
{}1.Sf7*d8[bSd8->b8] 2.Bh5*e8[bBe8->c8] {} 3.Ka4*a3[bKa3->e8] 4.f4*e3[bPe3->e7] {} 5.Qa8*a1[bQa1->d8] Sd3-b4 {stalemate!
Too strong ! Black can't move an ear anymore
If the e-pawn advances, it puts the Queens in mutual "observation".
The Nb8 has only 2 possible squares but they are forbidden for "observation" of the Nb4.
and pb7, c7 and d7 are unable to advance because of b5 and c5A nice work}
a very nice switchback for the next dessert 21 - s#10 mandatory Black checks
{} 1.c4-c3 Gf6-f2 2.Ba6-d3 Ge3*c3[wGc3->c8] #
{Exceptional !
The Grasshopper in c8 prevents Bd3xe2 and f5 control (in addition, of course, to the discovery of Re2).}
b) bPd5-->f5
{ d5-->f5} 1.Sg6-f4 Gf6-d6 2.g7-g5 Ge3*g5[wGg5->g8] #
{Fabulous !
The Grasshopper in g8 prevents Nf4xe2 and control d5 (plus the discovery of the Re2) Beautiful!
each time the last white move is overpowering. A very very beautiful problem}
End of the report. Good brainstorm to all and good rest for the holidays. Yours sincerely Le greffier
fairy duvet
Excellent report.
The commentary on problem 4 makes me irresistibly think of this line from a 1921 film: "My name is Wenceslas Voboroïtchik -- It's not my fault!".
Problem 11 : there are two solutions, but starting with the 2nd blank move (the first full move being identical). We will rather say: "two variants".
Rest well, see you in September, God willing.
A word from Jean-Marc
I'm a bit lost... Wouldn't the masterly rectifications be hairy too? Indeed, our good master evokes "Wenceslas Voboroichik", whereas it must probably be "Wenceslas Vorobeïtchik"? But on the other hand, this character was only born in 1930 and therefore could not appear in a 1921 film, even in a necessarily mute line... This makes me myself mute with anguishing perplexity; perhaps it would be possible to reassure me on this point? Yours sincerely.
La réponse du Maître
Indeed, it is a calami slip. A number has gone wrong, no doubt as a result of the tribulations narrated above. The exact year is 1941, we will have recognized "The last of the six" with (obviously) Fresnay and André Luguet. Infinitely happy to see that this account has readers. At least that's what a literary man would say. With a mathematical background, I would rather say, like Rémy... that this report has at least one reader. Thank you J-M.
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