november 18 2008
For this pre-feast session, we deplored the absence of Daniel still on the sidelines, but in compensation (if it is possible to compensate), were honoured by the presence of the Grand Master as well as that of Pierre and Guy.
Master Jacques, who had joined the hard core, was in dazzling form, and did not fail to indicate the first moves of the 3 "hors d'oeuvre" studies until his departure at the end of the last study. It is reasonable to assume that
that some variations of the game would not have escaped him.
The next meeting will be devoted to the enchantment and will be held on 16/12.
The Master provides the electronic version which you will find as usual at the end of the textual report
To begin with, a light thing, but with some difficulties all the same
1 - White to play and win (you have to find the first move)
W.: Kh6, pf2, f6, g5 and g7
B.: Kg8, Rf7
It's wiggling, you really have to be careful.
To help you, we can play Rxg7 after g6.
To follow, a very nice piece from Afek
2 - White to play and win
W.: Kb5, Re5, pb4 and f2
B.: Kc1, Ng3, pa3 and b3
Master's words
Four helpmates to celebrate Daniel's presumed return, including one from our Guy, now at ease in the composers' firmament.
Three direct problems: 5# is easy, provided you have the
correct position (there were two (!) diagramming errors in the magazine where I found it) The 8# is findable in 30 seconds by a human. By Fritz too, curiously, while
"Rybka", which we're told about, is doing a terrible job; I know, he's programmed to be progmatic, er, I meant programmed to be pragmatic, he judges badly, he doesn't play the best moves, but he wins, so he's happy, and blah and blah and blah... Still.
Finally, two masterpieces from our grandmaster of Saint-Lazare, a PG on the art of wasting time and a traditional retro where one must demonstrate the illegality of castling.
I found myself the answer to the question I asked in the last report: the "Roman theme" is so called, says C. Seneca, because the original problem of Kohtz and Kockelkorn was dedicated to the master Guglielmetti, from Rome. CQFD.
A simple exercise with only one move to find: the first one. Then a detour to the news, where once again a world-class player makes a fool of himself by ignoring the elementary endgames. To answer Pierre's question, to
win Lolli's position on Black's bad defence, one must aim at Kb6 Tf6 Bd7 / Kb8 Rh8 where Rf5 wins.
A curious echo of the Marwitz study seen earlier. Finally a study of a draw by domination that was thought to be wrong for a long time, but in reality perfectly correct.
The game of the day is related to... a theme of proof game which is currently discussed. In fact, for those who follow the news, the winner of this game could well find himself (almost against his will) in the
the fight for the world championship.
Have a good time and see you on December 16th for the enchantment (the next "normal" course is on January 6th).
There are unsuspected subtleties.
A little draw to follow
3 - White to play and draw
W.: Kb8, Ba4 and d4, Ng8
B.: Ke6, Rf8, Bc8, pf6 and f7
There are capturable pieces, you have to stay focused
For the game of the day, a choice piece in "Fire on board" 2 (the return) without concession.
4 - game of the day
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 (anti kalashnikov) Nf6 4. Bb5 Qc7 (nice surprise) 5. 0-0 e6 6. Re1 Ng4 7. Bxc6 bxc6 8. e5 ,f6 9. d4 cd 10. Qxd4 Nxe5 11. Nxe5 fe 12. Rxe5 Be7 (Qb6 better. On the other hand Bd6 13. Rg5) 13. Bg5 Bd6 (always Qb6 if 13. ...d6
14. Bxe7 Qxe7 (de 15. Qc5) 15. Re3 0-0 16. Rd1 d5) 14. Bf4 c5 (0-0 15 Rf5) 15. Qe3 (15. Qe4 BxR 16. BxB d5) a6 (0-0 16. Nb5) 16. Nd5 Qc6 ( Qb8 17. Rf5 Bxf4 18. Rxf4 a5 19. Qxc5 exNd5 20. Re1+ Kd8 21. Qe7+ Kc7 22. Rf3 with ideas Rc3+ and Re6) 17. Rg5 h6 18. Bxd6 hg 19. Rd1 Rh6 20. Ne7 Qa4 21. Qf3 Bb7 Qxb7 Rd8 23. Ng8 Rh8 24. Qf3 resigns
After the presentations of some of the Sobrecazian masterpieces whose passage into the public domain is of course pending ( of publication as its name indicates), the Master brought out the big artillery.
It takes off with the following problem where it is necessary to be well equipped to survive.
5 - h#2 Circe with Orphns and neutral pieces
helpmate : Black to play and help White to checkmate
Circe : a captured piece is reborn on its initial square, a fairy piece is reborn on the capture column (it is assumed that it is from a promotion)
Orphan : piece that catches the march of the opposing piece that threatens it and can pass that march on to other orphans under its control
neutral piece : piece that can be used by white or black either way
W.: Kg4 Oh3 and h4
B.: Kd4
neutral : Ob7, ph2
A diversion through the "single combat" with a PG.
6 - PG 9 moves "single combat"
PG :single proof game respecting the statement.
I didn't understand everything about the "single combat" but I believe that the piece must follow (in contact) the opponent's piece which has just played or close to it.
W.: all pieces on their initial square and for pawns pa4b4c4d2e4f2g3h2
B.: all pieces and pawns on their initial square except Nb8 d3
A didactic problem
And now, the final assault for those still standing
7 - serial r#6 Anti-Circe
Réflex : a mate in 1 presented to one of the 2 sides must be played
serial : the moves are played in a row by the same side - in this problem, it is white who plays 6 moves in a row
Anti-Circe : the capturing piece returns to its native square if it is free, otherwise the move is illegal
W.: Kf1, Qh8, Tf5 and f7, Bg6, pg4
B.: Ke4, Re6, pc3 and d6
b) pg4 --> h7
For those who survived, I hope the reading wasn't too bad
See you in 4 weeks for a fairytale explosion and the blowing up of the club building.
Bring your sticks of dynamite or your plastic blocks for the occasion.
A new genre to be created maybe : "dynamite" chess ("hole on board" after "fire on board")
Good reading to all.
Sincerely yours
le greffier
Delayed hairs
Study 1: ...Rxg7 is an idea after g6, but not always; and think of f7+.
Game of the day: 13...Bd6? is probably the decisive mistake.
14...0-0 15 Rg5
Position 6: "Simple combat" means that a piece that has just played must continue to do so until it is
impossible. For example 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 is illegal: White must play 3 c5 or 3 cxd5. After 3 c5 the only legal move
is 3...e5. After 3 cxd5 Black has the choice between 3...exd5 and 3...e5, but not 3...Qxd5?
Very few things (I can't confirm the fairy positions).
See you on Tuesday 16th
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