ppp vs ppp
[Event "White to play and win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2014.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0000.33"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/1p6/2p1k3/p7/4K3/8/PP3P2/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]
[EventDate "2014.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
1. a4 $8 (1. f4 $2 a4 $8 2. Kd4 Kf5 $1) (1. Kd4 $2 b6 $8 2. a4 Kf5 $3 {[#]} (2... Kd6
$2 3. f4 $8 {as below})) 1... b5 (1... Kf6 2. Kd4 $1 (2. f4 $1) 2... b6
3. Ke4 $8 Ke6 4. f4 $8) (1... b6 2. f4 $8 b5 (2... Kf6 3. f5 $8) 3. axb5 cxb5
4. f5+ $8 Kd6 (4... Kf6 5. Kd5 $1) 5. f6 $8 Ke6 6. Kd4 $8) (1... Kd6 2. Kd4 $8
(2. f4 $2 b5 $8) 2... b6 (2... b5 3. b4 $8 {: see below 3...Kd6}) 3. f4
$8 Ke6 4. Ke4 $8 {as 1...b6}) 2. Kd4 $8 (2. f4 $2 bxa4 $1 $11) (2. b3 $2
bxa4 $1 3. bxa4 c5 $1 4. f4 Kd6 $8 $11) 2... bxa4 (2... Kd6 3. b4 $3 {[#]} (3. axb5
$2 cxb5 $8 4. f4 a4 $8) 3... c5+ (3... axb4 4. a5 $8 c5+ 5. Kd3 c4+ 6. Kc2) 4.
bxc5+ $8 Kc6 5. axb5+ $8 Kxb5 6. Kd5 $8 a4 7. c6 $8 {for Qb7-a7+}) 3. Kc5 $8
Kd7 4. f3 $3 {[#]} (4. f4 $2 Kc7 $8 {ZZ [#]} 5. f5 Kd7 $8 6. Kb6 (6. f6 Ke6 $1 7. Kxc6
Kxf6 8. Kb5 a3 $8) 6... Kd6 $8 7. Kxa5 Ke5 $8 (7... a3 $2 8. bxa3 $8 Ke5 9. Kb6
) 8. Kxa4 Kxf5 $8 $11) (4. Kb6 $2 a3 $1 {(or ...Kd6 followed by ...a3!)} 5. bxa3
$8 Kd6 $8 6. Kxa5 Kd5 $3 {[#]} 7. f4 c5 $8 8. f5 c4 $8 9. Kb4 Kd4 $8 10. f6 c3 $8 11.
f7 c2 $8 12. f8=Q c1=Q $8 13. Qd6+ Ke4 $8 14. a4 Qb2+ $1) 4... Kc7 5. f4 $8 {ZZ
[#]} Kd7 (5... Kb7 6. Kd6 $8) 6. Kb6 $8 {The idea of the zugzwang with the
limited push of "f" pawn is not to play f5 in the Kc5/Kd7 formation because there, ...
Kc7 is still a draw. It is to play Kb6 with the pawn still on f4,
so that on ...Kd6 White can capture a5 without Black attacking the
"f" pawn in one move (which would be the case if the pawn was on f5).
} (6. f5 $2 Kc7 $8 7. f6 Kd7 8. f7 (8. Kb6 Ke6) 8... Ke7 $8 9. Kxc6 Kxf7 10.
Kb5 a3 $1 11. bxa3 Ke7 12. Kxa5 Kd7 13. Kb6 Kc8 $8 $11) 6... Kd6 7. Kxa5 $8 {
The bK is too far from the "f" pawn, in comparison with the suite 5 f4?.} a3 (7...
Kd5 8. Kxa4 Ke4 9. Kb4 Kxf4 10. Kc5 $8) 8. bxa3 $8 Kd5 {White has one more
tempo than in the sequence 5 Kb6? for the push of the "f" pawn.} 9. f5 $1 (
9. Kb4 $1 Kd4 10. f5 $1 c5+ 11. Kb5 c4 12. f6 $8 c3 13. f7 $8 c2 14. f8=Q $8
c1=Q 15. Qd6+ $8 Ke4 16. Qc6+ $1) 9... c5 10. f6 $8 Ke6 11. Kb5 $8 Kxf6 12.
Kxc5 $8 Ke7 13. Kc6 $1 Kd8 14. Kb7 $8 {Synthesis of two opposite ideas,
frequent in pawn endgames: one violent (the breakthrough 3...Kd6 4 b4!!) and
the other calm (festina lente 4 f3!! based on a ZZ).} 1-0
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