Great art
And finally, to close the series of studies, an Esclaponesque position that will please you.
3 - White to play and win

W.: Ke5, Rb3, Na7
B.: Kc7, Bd2, pa2 and f5
If you really dig deep, there are subtleties.
And now, a fight between men
4 - game of the day
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3 e6 5. g3 (a gambit, the other main choices are Bg5 or e3) dc 6. Bg2 b5 7. Ne5 Nd5 8. a4 f6 (8. ... Bb4) 9. Nf3 b4 (9. ... Bb4) 10. Ne4 Be7 11. 0-0 0-0 12. Qc2 Ba6 (12. ... f5 13. Nc5) 13. Bh3 f5 14. Neg5 b3 15. Qd1 Rf6 (15. .... Bc8) 16. e4 Nb4 17. ef ef 18. Re1 Nc2 (18. ... Nd3 19. Nxh7 Kxh7 20. Ng5+ Kg6 21. Re6! (21. Ne6 Qd5 (21. ... Qh8 22. Bxf5+ Rxf5 (on Kxf5, the greffier had dropped the pen) 23. Qg4+ Bg5 24. Nxg5 Nxf2 25. Re6+ Rf6 26. Rxf6 gf 27. Qe6 Nd3 28. g4) 22. Re5? Qh1!!) Qxd4 22. Be3 (22. Rxe7 dxf2= 23. Kh1 Qc5) Qd5 23. Rxe7 Nxb2 24. Bxf5+) 19. Nxh7 Kxh7 20. Ng5+ Kg6 21. Ne6 Qh8 22. Bxf5+ (the whites take out the equipment and put it on the table) Kxf5 23. Qf3+ ? (23. Nxg7+ ! (found during the walk on the Champs-Elysées) Kg6 (23. ... Qxg7 24. Qh5+) 24. Rxe7) 24. Qe4+ Kf7 25. Ng5+ Kg8 26. Qxe7 Qh5 (26. ... Nd7 27. Re6 Rxf2) 27. Ne6 Rxe6 28. Rxe6 Nxa1 (28. ... Nd7 29. Qxd7 30. Rf8 Bh6 Qf7 =) 29. Bh6 ! Qf7 30. Qg5 Kh7 31. Bxg7 ? (Re7 ! Qxe7 32. Qxe7 Kxh6 33. f4 c3 34. f5 Be2 35. Qh4+ Bh5 36. g4 g6 37. fg c2 38. Qxh5 =) Qxe6! 32. Be5 Qg6 33. Qd8 Nd7 34. Qxd7 c3 resigns
A real gladiatorial battle.
The restoration part allowed us to discover some more of Master Guy's masterpieces composed in the shower or elsewhere.
What a talent!
As usual, only the table was able to enjoy them, the greffier refusing to broadcast them.
For his part, the Master presented us 2 positions with Imitator by the same composer
5 - h=2 with Imitator 2 solutions
helped stalemate : black plays first and helps white to stalemate them
imitator : a piece of breadcrumbs (or other) that makes a movement equipollent to the playing piece. if this movement is impossible, the move is illegal
2 solutions : there is 2 distinct way to statisfy the staement

W.: Kf5, Qg7, If4
B.: Kd7, Qa4
and the last one
6 - h#2 with Imitator and twin

W.: Ka5, Rc6, Be2, Ig3
B.: Kd5, Bd4, pa7, and b7
a) staement position
b) Ig3 --> c3
Good reading to all and see you soon for the corrections.
Yours sincerely
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