Julia VysotskaThe Problemist Supplement,No.126, Sep-2013, PS2773F
neutral rf6 be3 naa5 nod6
black Pg5 Ke5
white Pd5e4 Kd3
h#2 (3+2+4)b) 🨙a5-->h5 🨙a5: neutral Mao🩃d6: neutral Moa🨂f6: neutral Rook🨃e3: neutral Bishop
{} a)
{} 1.NOd6-b5 NOb5-d4 2.NAa5-c4 nBe3*d4 #
{Neutral Bishop is pinned by the Mao !} b) nMAa5-->h5
{} 1.NAh5-g7 NAg7-e6 2.NOd6-f7 nRf6*e6 #
{And now, it's the neutral Rook which is pinned by the Moa !!Nice !The funny thing here is that the neutral mating piece is pinned every time by a "creeping" neutral piece, which gives this problem a nice unity}
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