3 - Black to play and draw

W.: Kg1, Qd5, Rb5, Ne5, pb4, e3, f2 and g2
B.: Kg8, Qe7, Rc4, Bf8, pf7, g7 and h7
This is what Hübner found to hold the position
1. ... Rxb4 2. Nc6 Rxb5 3. Nxe7+ Bxe7 4.Qd7 Rb1+ 5. Kh2 Bf8 6. f4 h5 7. f5 Rb6 8. e4 g6 9. Qd8 Rd6 10 Qg5 Bg7 11. Qf4 Ra6 12. Qb8+ Bf8 13. Qb5 Rf6 14. Kh3 gf 15. ef Rh6 16. Kh4 =
4. White to play and win

W.: Kd7, Ba6 and g1 Nb4
B.: Kb8, Qf4, Nb2, ph3
Very nice study with some black resistance
5 - game of the day
1. c4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. Nc3 d5 4. e3 Be7 5. b3 0-0 Bb2 b6 7. d4 Bb7 8. Bd3 dc 9. bc c5 10. 0-0 cd 11. ed Nc6 12. Qe2 Re8 (12. ... Nxd4 13 Nxd4 Qxd4 14. Nd5 Qc5 15. Bxf6 gxf6 [15. .... Bxf6 16. Qe4] 16. Qg4+ Kh8 17. Qh4 f5 18. Nxe7 Qe5 19. c5! with idea Bb5) 13. Rfd1 Rc8 14. Rac1 Qd6 15. Bb1 (15. d5 Nb4) Qf4 16. d5 ed 17 ed ? (17. Nxd5! Nxd5 18. cd Bf6 19. Qc2 Bxb2 20. dxc6 Bxc1 21. Qxh7 Kf8 22. cxb7 Rcd8 23. Qh8+ Ke7 24 Re1+ Kd7 [24. ... Kd6 25. Rxe8] 25. Bf5+! dxf5 26. Rxe8 Rxe8 27. Qxe8+ Kxe8 28. b8=Q+ wins) Nb8? (17. ... Nb4! 18. Rd4 Qh6! 19. Rh4 Nh5 20. Re1 Nxd5) 19. Rad1 Bf8 20. Ne4 Nxe4 21. Rxe4 Rxe4 22. Qxe4 Qh6 [22. ... g6 23. Qd4 f6 24. h4 ) 23. Ng5 Bd6 24. h4 Nd7 25. Qf5 Nf6 26. Bxf6 gf 27. Nxf7 Qc1 28. Qxh7+ Kf8 29. Nxd6 Qxd1+ 30. Kh2 Qxd5 31. Nxb7 Qe5= 32. g3 Rc7 33. Qh8+ Kf7 34. h5 resigns
So one mistake can lead to another (the opponent's).
P.Keres after this won game became champion of USSR
For the dining part in our usual pub, Guy showed his great talent with some compositions of his own, some of which were of a rare elegance.
(Hello Guy, could you transmit your positions that I did not note and which are already published?)
As for the Master, he had a few special compositions in his pocket, as you will discover.
To begin with, a problem of Michel in a new genre.
6 - h#2 with possible King promotion
helpmate : Black to play and help White to checkmate

W.: Ke2, Bb3, Ng5, pd7
B.: Kd5, Rc4, Ne5
b) - Ke2
7 - h=5 with possible King promotion

W.: Bb1, pf2
B.: Kh8, pa7 and b2
8 - h=8

W.: Nc5, pe2
B.: Nf8, pa2, d4, e5, g5 and g6
Demolished by a 4 move solution
A little fairy addition: the Coronation chess (limit translatable in parthenogenesis chess thelytoc)
9 - h=5 Coronation chess
Coronation chess : as I understand it, promoting a pawn to king gives the possibility to turn another pawn of one's own side into a Q

W.: pc2 and d2
B.: pa7
very simple
And we end with Annan chess.
10 - P.G. 8 moves Annan chess
P.G. : Proof Game
Annan chess : a piece or a pawn can be "pushed" by a piece of its camp by adopting its march as long as it is behind it (a precision must be given on the obligatory character of the march in question).

W.: Kf1, Qe1, Ra1 and h1, Bc1, Cb1 and e2, pa2, b2, c2, g3, h3, h5 and h7
B.: Ke8, Qd8, Ra8 and h8, Bc8 and f8, Nb8 and g8, pa7, b7, e7, f7 and g7
To help you, nothing better than an example:
in the original position of the pieces, Qd1 can "push" the pd2 to d7, so White's first move can be translated into 1.pxd7
It remains for me to wish you all good reading and see you on October 21 for the next lesson.
Yours sincerely
le greffier
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