Master's word

The great composer HP Rehm is not laughing, to say the least. The probability that he would compose bohemian-style "echo-cameleon" mats seemed to me equivalent to the probability that André Pousse or Gérard De Villiers would become a fag. But I was wrong.
A tribute to "IT'S ONLY ME" who succeeds in the exploit of playing in the final the only move that doesn't win, on which his opponent gives up ! Finally the "Bacrot test": finding the simplest win in a R+N against R (an endgame that also made Judith Polgar suffer) taken from a class given nine years ago: the only exercise that really embarrassed him!

The monstrous game, which normally any cultivated player should at least have seen before, which stages an extremely rare ECHO sacrifice : it takes tens of hours for the problem composers to achieve this kind of effect; here, five hours -- of genius -- were enough
. It takes tens of hours for the problem players to achieve this kind of effect; here, five hours -- of genius -- were enough. This game is also a further revelation of the incredible swindle of this "grandmaster" at 2,800 arpad elo points, who not only analyses like a pig, but has not only taken the time to read the work done 60 years ago on this: without any "fritzoid", they came much closer to the truth than the above-mentioned huckster.
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