april 12 2011
The greffier was a little sluggish (!) for this report due to an overweight schedule.
As usual, the hard core was there to the exclusion of any other complementary element.
It's a pity, because the Master surpasses himself at each class to share with us his aesthetic favourites.
To start with a little study to get us started, in which the black rook was forgotten in b3 in a purely involuntary way on the diagram.
1 - White to play and win
W. : Ké6 Nb2 Pa6ç4ç3
B. : Kç5 Rb3 Pç7é7
+ (5+4)
the continuation with the first prize of the competition which we saw the fantastic 3rd prize at the previous session
2 - White to play and win
W. : Kb6 Pç6é5é3é2
B. : Ka2 Bé6 Nh6 Pd7f7
= (5+5)
Quite rich but less beautiful than the 3rd prize
A 3# described in 1963 as "one of the best for 15 years" by the best specialist of the genre, who at the same time had composed a large number of exceptional ones. In each of the three variants, the second white move threatens a mate, countered by any move of a black piece: it follows mates distinct, according to what it chooses to play. Unfortunately I did not know this problem a quarter of a century ago: it is absent from my article on Zagorouiko of January 1986 in the "Revue des Echecs"..
A panorama of the European Solving championship. There was nothing really difficult, since no problem of Guy's was presented. The three studies were certainly not very easy but, taken in isolation, were all findable. It was the accumulation of these three in an insufficient amount of time that created discomfort. You had to keep a clear mind, which was not the case for your master-bidon... nor for some other competitors: only four out of 75 exceeded 50% in this event. The lesson of the last world championship was not understood by the coach, especially as he was calamitously... the same one. Give us back Velimirović !
I add a study and two open problems. And two other nice helpmates, a classic 2# and two fun ones. I have only left the solution of the studies: the other solutions can be recirculated on request.
Two surprising moves in Lazard's study to get an easy pawn final.
Our friend Didukh considers this one to be his best work: two thematic tries that differ according to the black defence, two ZZs in the chameleon echo and a tribute to the Philidorian sentence, O'Kelly version. All this in a single work. But is it better than the 3rd prize seen in the last series? That is another question.
Rarely in a game is it the case that the moves made are the right ones, that everything flows. White's player places it very high: one of the best of his career, although he has beaten far more prestigious opponents.
Dziękuję !
See you in almost a month's time, on May 10th. May God keep you.
Have a good meal.
A study where white send the sauce for "normal players".
3 - White to play and win
W : Kf8 Bf2 Pç7g7h6
B. : Kb7 Bf3ç1 Nh4 Pç2
+ (4+5)
Without fear and without reproach.
The next two studies dried up the Master in Poland, but don't worry, not only the Master dried up!
4 - White to play and draw
W. : Kg2 Rf2 Pg5g4
B. : Kd4 Rh7 Nh3 Pd3
= (4+4)
The first move is clear, but it's the second that requires a little notion of the fundamentals, especially the "checking distance".
Another draw study to finish
5 - White to play and draw
W. : Kh8 Rb3 Bé7 Nç6g5
B. : Kh1 Né5a2 Pd4ç3d2
= (5+6)
Nice footwork, difficult to ensure when you are limited in time.
For the day's game, we find our fighter of the year.
6 – game of the day
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 h3
An interesting move that gives encouraging results when used to exit the main variant.
5 … 0-0 6 Bg5
6 Nf3 e5 7 d5 Na6 was played by GK successfully
6 … c5 7 d5 a6
7 …. b5 in Benkö style was tried
7 …. e5 8 Bd3 ed 9 ed (9 cd !) Nbd7 10 f4 Qa5 11 Kf2 Nh5 12 Nge2 f6 13 Bh4 Bh6 14 g3 Bg5!
8 a4 e6 9 Bd3 ed 10 cd Re8 11 Nf3 Qb6 12 0-0! Qb2 13 Rc1 Nbd7 14 Nd2 Qb6?
14 … Ne5 ! 15 Be2 Qb4 16 Be3 ! (16 f4 ? Nd3 !) Qb6 17 f4 Ned7 18 Bd3 Qc7 19 Qf3 Rb8 20 g4 b6 21 Rc2 Bb7 25 Nc4 is more in accordance with the ideas of the position
15 Nc4 Qc7 16 f4 Nb6 17 e5 !
17 …. Nxc4 18 Bxc4 de 19 d6 Qd8
19 … Qc6 ? 20 Bxf6 threatens fe
20 Nd5 e4 21 Qb3 !
The move d7 wins a piece but it is not enough with the pawn deficit
21 … Be6 22 d7 Bxd7 23 Rcd1 Re6 24 f5
24 Nxf6+ Rxf6 25 Qxb7 Rb6 26 Bxf7+ Kf8 27 Qxd7 Bd4+ 28 Rxd4 is faster
24 … gf 25 Rxf5
25 … e3 26 Nxf6+ Rxf6 27 Rfd5 b5 28 Rxd7 Qe8 29 ab ab 30 Qxb5 e2 31 Bxe2 resigns
Always the new restaurant for our after-session.
Friend Guy being less exuberant than usual in terms of composition, the Master managed to place 2 this time.
First of all, a Heinonenian quadruple
7 - h#2
W. : Kb8 Bd4 Nf5 Pç7
B. : Kd5 Qb6 Ré7 Bb7g3 Né4b2 Pç6é6ç4h4ç3f2
h‡2 (4+13)
a) orthodox
b) madrasi : 2 opposing pieces of the same kind that control each other are paralysed
c) Circe : a captured piece is reborn on its initial square
d) AntiCirce : the captured piece is reborn on its original square if this one is free otherwise the move is illegal
Very nice
8 - h#2 2 solutions Take&Make
W. : Kd4 Ra4 Bé4 Nç2 Pb2
B. : Kb6 Ré2 Nç4 Pa7b7ç7d6b5g5é3
h‡2 (5+10)
Take & Make : after a capture, the capturing piece makes a move concomitantly with the march of the captured piece
This report is now finished.
Thanks to the Master for his electronic version and his vigilance in the correction.
Good reading to all.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
Master's corrections
The master greffier is very kind: it's not only on the last two studies that the fake-master has skipped, but on all three! And also on 3#'s that he usually solves in a few minutes. He had taken his wife to Poland, but had forgotten his brain. Anyway, Warsaw is a beautiful city. Krakow and Łódź (pronounced "woodge") as well.
That said, if you forget the wBf2 in position 3, all the recipients of the report will dry up too. Such poor solidarity would be futile.
Game of the day: read 6 Nf3 e5. "GK" is really "jinxed".
Then read 7...e6 8 Bd3 etc.
The more resistant 21...Rf8 is worth mentioning.
About the "sting" 22 d7!, I had forgotten to notice that this kind of move is usually played when wR is already on d1. Here, it comes on the next move.
Be well until May 10.
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