Nice sequence with some tips
To close, an exceptional work.
By a neat trick worthy of the greatest swindlers, the whites give the move back to Black at one point (with a Knight, that's unusual!)
3 – White to play and win

W. : Kb6 Nç2 Pç7h6é5
B. : Kç8 Bd5 Pb7é7h7é6
+ (5+6)
For today's game, there are 3 of the same type, so you are privileged.
4 - game of the day
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 de 4 Nxe4 Bf5 5 Ng3 Bg6 6 h4 h6 7 Nf3 Nd7 8 h5 Bh7 9 Bd3 Bxd3 10 Qxd3 Ngf6 11 Bf4 e6 12 0-0-0
12 0-0 Renet -Tukmakov
12 ....Be7 13 Ne5

4bis Karpov - Hubner
13 … 0-0 14 c4 c5 15 d5 Nxe5 16 Bxe5 Ng4 17 Bxg7 Kxg7 18 Qe2 Bg5+ 19 Kb1 Nf6 20 de Qc8! 21 e7 Re8 22 Rd6 Qg4 23 Qe5 Kg8 24 Re1 Nd7? 25 Rxd7 Qxd7 26 Nf5 f6 27 Qd5 resigns

4ter Beliavski - Tal
13 ... 0-0 14 Qe2 Qa5 15 Kb1 Rad8 16 c4 Nxe5 17 de Nd7 18 Rd2 Bg5! 19 Bxg5 hg 20 h6 Nxe5!
20 ... Qxe5? 21 h7+ Kh8 22 Rxd7!!
21 Rd5! Rxd5! 22 cd Qxd5 23 hg Kxg7 draw agreed
24 Nf5+ Kg6 25 Nf4+! =

suite of the 4
13 ... a5 14 Rhe1 a4? 15 Ng6! Nd5
15 ... hg 16 Qxg6+ Kf8 17 Rxe6 Qe8 18 Rde1! Bb4 19 c3 no comment
16 Nf5! Bf8?
16 ... exf5
17 Bd6! Rg8 18 c4 Nb4 19 Qh3! fg 20 Rxe6+ Kf7 21 hg+ Kxe6 22 Re1+ Ne5 23 Bxe5 resigns

The eagerly awaited dining part after the 3 games allowed the Master to take out of his bag some compositions in the absence of the composers mentioned at the beginning of the report.
First of all, a very airy position.
5 - h#4 Köko sentinels with Locust

Blancs : Loé4
Noirs : Kç6
h‡4 (1+1)
Köko : at the end of a move, a piece must have at least one piece on a neighbouring square
Sentinels : at each move, a piece (not a pawn), defecates a pawn of its colour on the starting square of the move
Lo=Locust: a piece that moves like a Queen and needs an opponent's sautoir to move. It arrives behind the sautoir which itself disappears
A small diversions by the Equihoppers.
6 - h#3,5 Köko with Equihopper 2 solutions

W. : Ka1 Pf7b5 Eqç4
B. : Ké8 Pb3b2ç2
h‡3,5 (4+4)
Circe : the captured piece is reborn on its initial square
Eq=Equihopper: a piece that bounces using a sautoir as the centre of symmetry
A bit tortured
7 - serial s#13 Super-Circe

W. : Kg6
B. : Kb1 Qa1 Rb3 Bg4 Né2 Pé5ç4a2ç2f2
ss‡13 (1+10)
Super-Circe : a captured piece is placed on the board at the taker's choice
serial selfmate : white plays n moves in a row and black is forced to checkmate in 1 move
Sorry for the "Karpovian" lightness in the comments of the 3 games, but a multi-function clerk has little time.
Good reading to all
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
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