To follow, a full-scale rescue
3 - White to play and draw

W.: Kh5, Bb7 and g5, pf6 and h7
B.: Kf5, Ra5 and b4, Bg7, Ne2
A beautiful work.
Another rescue, but more elegant.
4 - White to play and draw

W.: Kd1, Rb4, Ng5, pc4 and f6
B.: Kd8, Qg3, pf5
There is a variation found by the Master which leads to the same result based on a fortress.
To finish the series of studies, a position demolished and largely amended by the Master which gives an extremely aesthetic solution.
5 - White to play and draw

W.: Kh1, Rd1, Na6
B.: Kf4, Ra4, pa2 and h2
Great art
6 - game of the day : Shirov - Topalov
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 de 5. Nxe4 Be7 6. Bxf6 gf 7. Nf3 a6 (7. ... Nd7 8. Bc4 with d5 to come) 8. c4 f5 9. Nc3 Bf6 10. Qd2 e5 11. d5 0-0 12. 0-0-0 e5 (12. ... Bg7 13. h4 ed 14. Nxd5 Nc6 15. h5 h6 16. Rh3 f4 ? ( 16. ... b5 ?! 17 Qf4 Qa5 18. Rg3 Kh8 19. Rxg7! Kxg7 20. Qg3 Kh7 (20. ... Kh8 21. Qd6) 21. Ng5+ ! hg 22. Nf6+ Kh6 23. f4 +- but 16. ... Re8 ! is really good for Black)13. h4 b5 14. d6 Nc6? (14. ... e4 15. Nxe4 fe 16. Qxe4 =) 15. d7 (let's go without really knowing where it leads) Bb7 16. Qd6 e4 17 Nd5 Bg7 18. Ng5 Nd4 ( 18. ... h6 19. cb ab 20. Bxb5 Nd4 21. Qg6 !!) 19. Ne7+ Kh8 20. Rh3 f4? (20. ... b4 ! 21. Rg3 a5 22. Kb1 (22. Qxc5 Qxd7 23. Nxh7 Rfd8) f4 23. Rg4 Ra6 24. Qxc5 Qxd7 25. Rxd4 Qxg4 26. Rd8! Rf6! 27. Qd4!!)
21. Kb1 b4 22. Be2 ! f3 (22. ... Nxe2 23. Qxc5 Nd4 24. Rxd4 Bxd4 25. Qf5 Kg7 (with composure) 26. Ng8 ends the debate ) 23. gf Nxe2 24. Qec5 Nf4 25. Qf5 Ng6 26. h5 resigns
a real man's fight
For the restoration part, Guy had concocted a selection of his magnificent production, but there were some in the "course of the competition", so I leave it to him, if he wishes, to make the readers of the report benefit from his overflowing imagination.
The Master had brought some rather special equipment for which a shot of plum distillate or other small fruit is necessary.
It starts strong with vertical cylinders
7 - #3 vertical cylinder 7x8
vertical cylinder 7x8 : the chessboard forms a cylinder with column a merged with column h

W.: Ka6 Qf4, Nf1 and g2
B.: Ke2, Na7, pc4, f5 and g4
Beware of the colour change on the diagonal in 7x8 cylinders.
A beautiful problem
And now finish the bottle because here is the Masand
8 - #2 Masand
Masand : a piece that checks causes the pieces it controls to change colour (except Kings, of course)

W.: Kg2, Qe1, Rc1 and h3, Ba2 and g6 (it's not a hand error, they have indeed the same colour), pd2 and e5
B.: Kd4, Rd8, Bg5, Ne6, pd3
To help you a little, Rxd3 does not mate for 2 reasons: Nf4+ or dxe1=N+.
Very nice
and now, the final bouquet.
You can open the second bottle.
9 - #4 Masand

W.: Ka1, Ra7 and g6, Bg5, Nb4 and e7, pb2, d6, f3, g2, g4 and h2
B.: Ke5, Qc8, Bf1, Nc6, pa4, a6, b5, c7, d3, d7 and g7
Have a good look at this superb problem
It remains for me, as usual, to wish you good reading and see you on 13 November
Yours sincerely
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