It is in fact a mate in 8 moves, but it is not " problémistique " enough to be presented like this The Black King is really in danger, it remains to find the secret passage which leads to the mate.
The last study is very elegant with reduced material.
3 - White plays and wins

W.: Kg3, Re7, Nd3 and g4
B.: Kf1, Qc3
Very nice
4 - game of the day
1. Nf3 f5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 g6 4. 0-0 Bg7 5. d4 0-0 6. c4 d6 7. Nc3 Qe8 8. d5 Na6 9. Rb1 Bd7 10. b4 c5 11. dxc6e;p; Bxc6 (11. ... bxc6 is the normal move) 12. Qb3 (12. b5 Bxf3) Ne4 13. Bb2 Nxc3 14. Bxc3 Bxc3 15. c5+ e6 (15. ... Qf7 16. Qxc3 Qxa2 17. Ra1 Qf7 18. Ng5 Qe8 19. Qb3+ Kh8 20. Bxc6) 16. Qxc3 dxc5 17. b5 (out of 17. bxc5 the pawn is weak and without interest whereas the move of the game is a good investment.) Bxb5 18. Ne5 (18. Ng5 Bc6 19. Rxb7 Bxb7 20. Bxb7 Qe7) Rb8 (18. ... Bc6 19. Bxc6 bxc6 20. Rb7 Qc8 21. Ng4) 19. Rfe1 b6 20. e4 Nc7 (20. ... Nb4 is better 21. ef gf 22. a3 Nd5 23. Qd2 Nf6 24. Qg5+ Kh8) 21. ef gf 22. Qe3 a6 (22. ... Ba4) 23. Qg5+ Kh8 24. Rbd1 Rg8 25. Qf4 Qe7 (25. ... Rd8 is not a good move) 26. Bc6 Rg4 27. Nxg4 Bxc6 28. Rd6 Be8 29. Nh6 ?! (29. Rdxe6 Nxe6 30. Qe5+ Qg7 31. Qxb8 is more convincing) Rc8 30. Rxb6 Qg7 31. Rb7 Bc6 32. Ra7 Nd5 (32. ... Bd5 33. Rc1 c4 34. a3 it's up to you a5 35. a4 it's up to you bis) 33. Qe5 QxQ 34. Nf7+ Kg8 35. Nxe5 Bb5 36. a4 Bxa4 37. Rxa6 Bb5 38. Rxe6 c4 39. Rd6 Nb4 40. Rb6 Nc2 41. Rb1 resigns
Let's now move on to the fairy part and yet gastronomic aspect.
The Master's difficulty was to find in his stock of problems those which our national Caillaud had not already solved or even judged!
An airy composition for warming up
5 - s#4 maximum exchange Circe with Princess 2 solutions
selfmate : White plays and forces the blacks to mate them
maximum : Black is obliged to play the longest moves geometrically
Circé échange : the captured piece is reborn on the starting square of the capturing piece's movement.
Princess : Rook + Knight
2 solutions : there are 2 distinct ways of satisfying the problem statement

W.: Ke2 PRh5
B.: Ke8 Bf6
More material for the next position
6 - h#3,5 Transmuted Kings with Equihopper
helpmate : Black plays and helps White to mate them
plus 0,5 move : White begins
Transmuted Kings : a King catches the moving mode of the piece that is checking him
Equihopper : Piece that needs a sautoir to move and reach the geometrically symmetrical square

W.: Kc2, Ee7
B.: Ke4, Rc1, Bd4, pc7
animated version
To follow, a very nice problem (that's normal, it was composed by the eminent visitor)
7 - h=3 Circe
Circe : the captured piece is reborn on its original square.

W.: Kb5, pa7 and b7
B.: Kb3, pa2 and h2
As you have noticed, there are 4 pawns about to be promoted (I won't tell you more)
Beautiful work
Finally, a high-flying selfmate
8 - selfmate 5 moves

W.: Ka5, Qh3, Ra4 and d7, Bh1, Nc1 and g4, pa6, b4 and e7
B.: Kc4, pa2 and a3
There are not many black hits but they are in the process of being promoted ......
After these remarkable compositions, it remains for me to wish you good reading and to say to you soon for the corrections.
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