{} 1.Ka5-a4? Bc7-a5 2.Rc8-c7 Sb2*a4 {(nothing can go on c8) is an illegal sequence }
1.Bd1-h5 ? Rc1-d1+
{} 1.Bd1-b3! Rc1-d1 {1...Nd1? is illegal, because no one can go to b2 and therefore, 2.Bxc4 }
2.Ra1-c1 a2-a1=S { only move }
{} 3.Bb3-a2 Sa1-b3 {3...Kb3 illegal : 4.Rc4 Rc1} 4.Rc1-a1 Rd1-c1# { Indeed,} 5.Ka5-a4 Sb3-a5 6.Ka4-b3 Sb2-a4 7.Kb3-b2 {K or Nxb3 is illegal. In the same way 5.Rb1 Na1}
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