Boss's word
Among the helpmates, the one in 3 moves seems easy, but is not (at least, it was not for me). The one in 7 is on the contrary very easy, which is rare, coming from this author.

The 2# contains several false leads, one of which is formidable. The second 3# is a record. The 7# is an excellent strategic problem, in a version improved by the author last year.
A selfmate 4-moves I selected two years ago: Selivanov, who knows his stuff, has just awarded it first prize. In an incomprehensible indulgence, I omitted to delete the solution.
Two twins in traditional retro: a rarity. Of the three PGs, the easiest is... the longest.
A simple study that still hooked a few tenors last summer in Crete. The old and the new: a computer "creation" showing a double underpromotion, but the third variant is from the 19th century!

Ukrainian composers are breaking new ground, taking the top three prizes in the Oleg Pervakov 50th birthday competition, which is hard to beat when it comes to the quality of studies. Here's one that brilliantly demonstrates that computers can be put to good use, which some people ignore across the Channel. It is so profound that the commentator has managed to miss two half-rose windows, one in the thematic try and one in the actual game.
Giving away a piece for a strong free pawn ("passed", they say) is not a new theme. The position is so complicated that both players accumulate mistakes. So does the computer, misjudging the endgames that may arise. But the "moral" is saved: the one who made the play wins. Moreover, this game teaches us the difference between true and false nailing! Note that 27 Qe4, the suggestion of the youngest member of the audience, not only holds, but was more likely to lead to equilibrium than the move played. Also worth considering is another of his suggestions, the lucid 29 Nxa5.
See you in a fortnight, on April 12. God bless you.
And... have a good meal.
PS : Speaking of regalade, I got back in touch with the restaurant so named, in an avenue in the 14th arrondissement named as a famous Soviet agent. Ten years later, it hasn't changed, despite the departure of its televisual former owner to the 6th arrondissement, depriving the remaining customers of his legendary ranting. You will eat well and copiously for 48-50 €, including wine and coffee. Avoid aperitifs, digestifs and other extras that quickly add to the bill. The menu is 32 €. Without a reservation, show up at 7 or 10:30 pm. If you are still hungry, the waitresses are much more appetizing than in the past.
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