3 - game of the day
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6
4 … Nf6 is now in the air
4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0 Nxe4 6 d4 b5 7 Bb3 d5 8 de Be6 9 c3 Bc5 10 c3 Bc5 11 Bc2 Bf5
11 … f5 Smyslov – Reshevsky 1945 12 Nb3 Bb6 13 Nbd4 NxN
12 Nb3 Bg6

13 Nfd4 Bxd4
13 … Nxe5 14 f4 followed by f5
14 cd a5 15 Be3 a4
15 … Nb4 Savon 16 Bb1 a4 17 Nd2 a3 18 Qc1 Ra6 ?! 19 ba Rc6 20 Qb2 Nc2 21 Rc1 Nxe3 22 Rxc6 and black ended up losing. Probably move 18 ... ab would have given another game
16 Nc1

16 Nd2 is perfectly playable and has, moreover, already been played
16 … a3 17 b3 f6

18 ef
18 f3 fe ! 19 fe ed and it's coming alive for black
18 … Qxf6 19 Ne2 Nb4 20 Bb1 Qe7 !
20 … c5 is to be dug even if Qe7 is an excellent move
21 Qe1
21 f3 Nc3 or Ng3
21 Qc1 ? Nxf2 !
21 … Rfe8 !

With an extra pressure on e3
The greffier had a pen cramp at this point and the end is given to you without comment.
Everything is, of course, reported in the electronic version of the Mestre.
22 Nf4 Bf7 23 Qc1 c5 ! 24 dc Qf6 25 Bxe4 Rxe4 26 Ne2 d4 27 Ng3 Ree8 28 Qd2 Nc6 29 Bg5 Qe5 30 Rac1 d3 31 Rfd1 Bg6 32 Be3 Re6 33 Bf4 Qf6 34 Re1 Rae8 35 Rxe6 Rxe6 36 Rb1 h5 37 h3 h4 38 Bg5 Qd4 39 Be3 Qd5 ? 40 Nf1 ?? Be4 41 Bf4 Bxg2 resigns

A hard fight (as DSK would have said)
The entry of the 3rd half is devoted to an old, but nevertheless resourceful and aesthetic problem
4 - White to play and checkmate in 3 moves
Cassell's Family Paper 1858

W. : Ka1 Qh5 Rç5 Bb4 Nb6a5 Pa3
B. : Kd6 Rb8g7 Bg5d3 Né2 Pb7é7é6
‡3 (7+9) C+
To encourage you to investigate, the members at the table suffered, probably because they were still fasting!
We finally enter the fairyland with the following problem which has 2 marine pieces on the diagram
5 - #2 with Siren and Triton

W. : Kh8 Nç8é5 Pa4é4a3ç3 Sa2
B. : Kç5 Bf1 Nb8 Pb7d3 Tb1
‡2 (8+6)
T=Triton : croisement entre la Tour et la Locuste
S=Siren : crossing between the Queen and the Locust
For the record, the Locust is a Grasshopper that "swallows" its sautoir
A 2 moves, anyway, you won't stay without looking for it!
An Optionnal Replacement to follow
6 - serial s#11 Optionnal replacement
The Problemist 2004
2° Honnor Mention

W. : Kç6 Pç4d4
B. : Ka6 Bd1 Na8ç1
ss‡11 (3+4)
Optional Replacement : a captured piece is replaced on the board according to the taker's wishes, provided that the position is legal at the end of the move
And for dessert, Magnétic Chess
7 - Proof Game Magnétic Chess
The Problemist 2010
Proof Game (16+16) C+
ending by :
a) 3.0-0‡
b) 3.B‡
c) 3…Bd6-f8‡
d) 3…Bg7‡
Magnetic : the pieces of one's own side have the same polarity and those of the opposite side the opposite polarity.
This repulsion/attraction only applies to rows/columns, not to diagonals
To familiarise yourself with the rule, I give you the solution of the a)
a) 1.g4(Pg7-g5) f5(Pf2-f4,Pg5-h5) 2.Bh3(Ph5-h4) f×g4(Ng1-g3) 3.0-0(Pf4-f7)‡
For the other three, you are on your own!
It remains for me to wish you a good reading and to give you an appointment on December 11 for the passage into the fourth dimension.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
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