The striking scum, not having recovered from the severe drunkenness of some time ago, were unable to organise a blockade of the capital's transport system, so that the course went ahead normally, for once. With a delightful surprise: the arrival of 'fresh blood', in the form of a scholar capable of making Maître Pierre (Carbonnel, not Bretagnolle) pale with jealousy and a young expert in early science, whose modesty tries to rival Guy's legendary one. But feelings must not in any way diminish the equally legendary rigour of the work of Saint Lazar.
Two helpmates (one with a twin) for the Ile-de-France railway runner-up (the best they can do, when they are not on strike, is still to play chess)
A tribute to a great French composer, before he ruined his life with the Babson direct, a senseless quest that he had unfortunately approached from the wrong end. After an amusing mousetrap, a "dazzling masterpiece", as qualified in the magazine "Echecs-Hebdo", that only old men and collectors know. I leave the solution of the two following 6#, specifying that one of them has the same theme as the 4#. The last 6#, left as an exercise, is the apotheosis. Finally, his most famous problem (composed in collaboration), an 8# illustrating the Herlin theme (albeit with an originality), cited in anthologies, including that of Umnov.

Four studies not too difficult to allow time for the 'test', actually, half passed (and the wrong half): 30 minutes reflection on a position with comparison of analyses. I have to plead guilty: I have given my listeners sybarite habits; it's time to get back on track. In the autumn, to avoid softening, other tests of the same kind will take place...
In today's game, the fire is set twice on the chessboard. In case the embers would fade... About the Black player, known as a brilliant tactician, let us recall that, according to his own admission, the endgame is his favourite phase of the chess game. New confirmation that tactics are important in the endgame, not only knowledge. Better, that all endings are tactical, and therefore a title like "tactical chess endings" is meaningless. What is "strategic", however, is the pre-final, the domain of Cherechevsky.
Have a good time and God bless you.
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