Squatters" pricking themselves with photography pretended to forbid us to enter our hall. That's not the point! We would have occupied the adjoining room and I would have brought my own wall chessboard. A "spontaneous" "class council" (sic) also claimed to destabilize the class, forcing it to start about thirty minutes late. These repeated assaults (after Daniel's grippe) are obviously not the fruit of chance: according to the RGs I just consulted, they come from across the Channel. Some albionic writers don't tolerate that St-Lazare's analyses surpass their poor productions from the "largest games of the world" published insularly. We invite all our faithful to stand together in the face of the enemy. Long live St-Lazare!...
Maslar's helpmate is dedicated to troublemakers, you will understand why by solving it. Hang on for the Loyd, oh so mystifying! A Carlos to rest.
A Ryabinine study where, to understand the 3rd move, you have to go to the 13th. Another of the same kind where, to understand the 7th move, you have to go to the 18th.

Another example of Alekhine's severity towards himself (one often prefers to quote his proud sentences). After a missed opening, by his own admission, he takes out the big class in the middle of the game.
NB: As one listener says, after Austerlitz, Saint-Lazare will be another brilliant victory! On the other hand, I won't associate myself with his wish ("Gentlemen of the English, shoot first") but I must nevertheless specify: overcoming the various obstacles, the course went normally, without a blow to the civil guard or any other body.
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