Still some technical problems for this second course of the season, but, despite the "chopping" of the Master's speech and untimely disconnections, the core group (Pierre, Daniel and the clerk) enjoyed the variations of the studies and the game of the day.
As a result, the fairy part is a bit shorter than usual.
Below is the Master's report
Master's words

"Why is she so beautiful? -- So you can love her -- Why is she so dumb? -- So that she can love you".
"I laugh at any master who has not been able to laugh at himself" (F. Nietzsche).
"To believe that France can be saved by the ballot box is to believe that one can fight against the mafia by changing the sponsors" (S. de Beketch).
"When we speak of a 'delicate affair', we are always talking about an extremely indelicate affair" (Noblesse oblige, 1949).
"Did you always want to be a painter? -- No: at three I wanted to be a cook, at six, Napoleon. Since then, my ambition has only grown" (S. Dali's reply).
"Irony and grace: France" (lent to Louis XV by Guitry). Are you telling me that this France no longer exists? But it is up to you to make it come back to life.

We all know from Tartacaviar that tactics is what you do when there is something to do and strategy is what you do when there is nothing to do. An obvious corollary is that, in an endgame, where by definition there is something to do, at least if you want to win the game, tactics reign supreme. Except of course in the case where one decides to do nothing, in order to draw, because one believes in the natural resistance of one's inferior position, as studied in the last session.
Janowski was a very brilliant player but... hated endgames. But, as we know, everything happens. So here he is, winning a draw endgame. And without even having to "set fire to it", although his opponent is called Burn. That's for today's game. The commentator is the Austrian grandmaster Georg Marco, who knows very well how complex the endgame can be if you study it seriously: nothing more to say about it a century later!
He advises "never hope for a miracle". He is right, but they often happen!
How can a study with a 38-moves solution be, let's say without traumatising anyone, quite easy? But thanks to these two factors: heavy and constraining threats, which prevent one from skirting, then a repetitive manoeuvre, so that one goes directly from the 16th to the 31st.

With four units, one can build nice "ZZ", that is to say in clear language: a position where everyone wishes not to play.
4 exercises for the next session, two very simple and two less simple (a ZZ with B+N against two pawns and a triple echo to capture the black Queen).
Speaking of "setting fire": a Spanish M.I. provokes the fight. Against whom? Against the great arsonist, the most enterprising player of the last half-century, the most represented in our course. The most prestigious will win, but the merits are shared. See especially the moves from 16 to 26.
A visit from Dr Migsund Dreuf and his retroanalysis. It's all about "en passant". The author, friend of the multiple French champion J.-L. Seret, succeeds in a clear and nevertheless fascinating demonstration. Or exciting and yet clear, depending on your taste.
Training: 12 mats in 2, only the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th & 12th took me a little longer. The first three 3#s express a theme named after a German city, where one defender is replaced by another, clearly less efficient. The 4th is from one of the best authors in the same country.

The 4# are quite difficult: the first one is a mate festival, the other one requires two knight sacrifices. In the 5#, the second moves require more attention than the key. For a rest, a Brazilian helpmate 2# and a waltz of Bishops from "Monsieur Plume". Australian triples, two promotion festivals. Finally, two selfmates from Nice, the second one quite difficult. Solutions, as usual, on request (click above and to the right to send me your protests).
Have a good time. Once more, contemplate so many beautiful things (private joke)! See you soon (leave a little). Deus vos custodiat.
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