R+p vs R
[Event "White to play and win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2009.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0400.10"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/6r1/8/1k6/8/R4PK1/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "25"]
[EventDate "2009.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
{Twin (a). Dedicated to Artur Mandler's memory.} 1. Kh3 $3 {[#]} (1. Kf3 $2 Rg8 $3 {[#]}
2. Rc2 Rf8+ $1) 1... Kc4 (1... Rg8 2. f4 $8 Kc5 3. Rd2 $8) 2. Rd2 $8 Rf6 (2...
Rg8 3. f4 $8) 3. Kg4 $1 (3. Kg3 $1 Rg6+ 4. Kh4 $1 Rh6+ 5. Kg5 $1 Rh2 6. Kg4 $8
Kc3 7. Kg3 $8 Rh8 8. Rd5 $8) 3... Rg6+ 4. Kf5 $8 Rg2 (4... Rg8 5. f4 $1) 5. Ra2
$3 {[#]To improve the location of the Rook: e2 is preferable to d2.} (5. Re2
$6 Kd3 6. Ra2 $1 Kc4 7. Ke5 $1 Kb3 8. Re2 $8) (5. Ke5 $6 Kc3 6. Ra2 $8 Kb3 7.
Re2 $8) 5... Kb3 (5... Kd5 6. Re2 $8) (5... Kc3 6. Ke4 $1) (5... Rh2 6. Ra4+ $1
(6. Ke5 $1 Kb3 7. Re2 {: see text}) 6... Kb5 7. Rf4 $3) 6. Re2 $3 {[#]} Kc3 (6...
Kc4 7. Re4+ $8 Kd5 8. f4 $1 Rg8 9. Ra4 $1) 7. Ke4 $8 (7. Re3+ $2 Kd2 $8 $11) (
7. Kf4 $6 Kd4 8. Kf5 $1 Kd3 9. Ra2 $1) 7... Kc4 (7... Rh2 8. Re3+ $1 Kc4 9. f4
$1) (7... Rg4+ 8. f4 $1) 8. Rc2+ $3 {But now the Rook must return to d2
!} Kb3 9. Rd2 $3 {[#]} Kc3 (9... Kc4 10. Ke3 $1 Kc3 11. Rd8 $1) (9... Rh2 10. Ke3 $1
Rh3+ 11. f3 $8) 10. Rd3+ $1 (10. Ke3 Rg8 11. Rd4) 10... Kc4 11. f3 $3 {[#]} (11. f4
$2 Re2+ $8) 11... Rg8 (11... Re2+ 12. Re3 $8 Rxe3+ 13. Kxe3 $8 Kd5 14. Kf4 $8)
12. Rd5 $1 Re8+ 13. Re5 $8 1-0
[Event "White to play and win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2009.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0400.10"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/6r1/8/8/2k5/R4PK1/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "77"]
[EventDate "2009.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
{Twin (b). Dedicated to Artur Mandler's memory.} 1. Kf3 $3 {[#]The try in (a)
becomes the key to (b) and vice versa.} (1. Kh3 $2 Kd4 $1 {(or on d3)} 2. Re2
Rg8 $1 (2... Kd5 $1 3. f4 Re6 $1) 3. f4 Kd5 $8 4. f5 (4. Kh4 Rf8 $1) 4... Rg5
$8) 1... Kd4 (1... Rg8 2. Ra4 $3 {[#]}) 2. Ra4+ $8 Kc5 (2... Ke5 3. Ra5+ $8 Kd4 4.
Kf4 $8 Rf6+ 5. Rf5 $8) 3. Ra5+ $8 {The presence of the bR on g6 prohibits the bK
from approaching.} Kb6 (3... Kd4 4. Kf4 $8) 4. Rd5 $1 (4. Ra2 Rg8 5. Ke4 $8
Re8+ 6. Kd5 $1 Rf8 7. Ke5 $1 Kc7 8. Rd2 $8 Re8+ 9. Kf6 $8 Rf8+ 10. Ke7 $8 {
obtains the same position with one less time}) 4... Kc6 (4... Rg8 5. Ke4 $8
Kc6 6. Rd2 $8 {idem}) 5. Rd2 $8 Rg8 6. Ke4 $8 Re8+ 7. Kf5 $8 Rf8+ 8. Ke6 $8 Kc7
(8... Rf3 9. Rc2+ $1) (8... Re8+ 9. Kf7 $8 Re4 10. Kg6 $8 Rg4+ 11. Kh5 $1 Rg2
12. Kh4 $8 Rh2+ 13. Kg3 $8 Rh8 14. f4 $8) 9. Ke7 $8 Rf3 10. Rc2+ $8 Kb7 11. Ke6
$1 Rf8 (11... Kb6 12. Ke5 $8) 12. Ke5 $1 Re8+ 13. Kd6 $1 Rf8 14. Ke6 $3 {[#]The
mid-term.} (14. Ke7 $6 Rf3 $1 15. Ke6 $1) (14. Ke5 $6 Re8+ $1 15. Kd6 $1)
14... Kb6 (14... Rf3 15. Ke5 $8) (14... Re8+ 15. Kf7 $8) 15. Ke5 $8 Re8+ 16.
Kd6 $8 Rf8 17. Rb2+ $8 Ka6 18. Kd5 $1 Rd8+ 19. Ke4 $1 Re8+ 20. Kd3 $1 Rd8+ 21.
Ke2 $8 Re8+ 22. Kf1 $3 {[#]Back to the shelter.} Rf8 23. Rb1 $3 {[#]} Ka5 24. Ke2 $1 Re8+
25. Kf3 $8 {A surprising case where the White King avoids the "body interposition",
after having sought it earlier.} (25. Kd3 $6 Rf8 $1 26. Ke3 Re8+
$1 27. Kd4 Rf8 $1 28. Rb2 (28. Rf1 $2 Kb6 $8 29. Kd5 Kc7 $8) 28... Ka4 $1 29.
Ke3 $8 (29. Ke4 $2 Ka3 $8 30. Rd2 Re8+ $8 31. Kf5 Rf8+ $8 32. Ke5 Re8+ $8 33.
Kf6 Rf8+ $8 34. Ke6 Kb4 $1 $11) 29... Ka3 30. Rb5 $1 Re8+ 31. Kf4 $1) 25...
Rf8+ (25... Ka4 26. Kg4 $1) 26. Kg3 $8 Rg8+ 27. Kh4 $8 Rh8+ (27... Rf8 28. Rf1
Kb6 29. f4 Kc6 30. Kg5 Kd6 31. Kg6 Ke7 32. Re1+) 28. Kg5 $8 Rg8+ 29. Kh6 $8
Rh8+ (29... Rf8 30. Rf1 $8 Kb6 31. f4) 30. Kg7 $8 Rh3 31. Rb8 $1 (31. Kg6 $6
Rf3 $1 32. Rb2 $8 Rf8 $1 33. Re2 $8 Kb5 34. Re5+ $8 Kc4 35. Rf5 $8) 31... Rh4 (
31... Ka6 32. f4 $1) (31... Rh5 32. Kg6 $1) (31... Rf3 32. Rf8 $8) 32. f3 $1
Ka6 (32... Rf4 33. Rf8 $8) 33. Rh8 $1 (33. Rf8 Kb6 34. f4 Rg4+ 35. Kh6 $8 Kc6
36. Kh5 $8 Rg1 37. Rd8 $1) 33... Rb4 (33... Rf4 34. Rf8 $1) 34. Rf8 $1 Rh4 35.
f4 Rg4+ 36. Kh6 Kb6 37. f5 Kc7 38. Re8 $1 (38. f6 $2 Kd7) 38... Kd7 39. Re1 1-0
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