october 13 2015
greffier's word
For this second course, a start with some technical problems quickly overcome by the Master for whom modern means have no more secret.
To the hard core composed of Daniel, not yet tired after his role in "les 10 stères de l'Ouest", Pierre and the greffier, were joined 2 surprise listeners: Eric the Shogi Master and Abdel who needs no introduction.
Here is the masterly report
le mot du Maître
An exercise to solve for the next session. Don't miss the 4th move.
A small final where a great retired player exploits an opponent's mistake well. The problem is that the mistake is not the one we thought. A bad point for all the analysts at the time. Let us note that a 3rd possibility includes a very precise refutation of 12 moves.
Becker's study has two phases: the first one where we have to compare two Queen's endgames, one to be won and the other not. The second one where the White King plays an apparently incomprehensible move. But all this is explained in detail (how lucky you are) and made very simple. On the other hand, I don't recommend it for a solving tournament.
Kozlowski's was given in such a competition. If you didn't know it won, you wouldn't win. For example in a game. But here we have to find out.
A game of the day and a half: we find our magician from Riga. First for a good combination. The jealous computer retorts that we could win a move earlier, by sacrificing more... or by sacrificing nothing! Then an explosion by the liberating push, which normally "equalises", but here does much better, because of a slight anomaly in the white formation: wKf2 instead of g1, pawns f3 & g3 instead of f2 and g2.
For practice, some 2#, including a Zago 3x2 that you will spot. Note that the Becker here is not the same ! Then two 3# from very different world champions (the second one looks easier but isn't!) and two strategic 4#, one of which is French. Finally, a long problem by a composer, also French, who is well known but hardly in this genre. Inexplicably, I forgot to remove the solution.
The most popular 2# helpmate in the Ostroda quick-show: they are strip-tease style triplets. A 3# helpmate where the 3 solutions are well related. Then the selfmate 2#... the most popular of the same quick-show and two Shinkman of the solving-show, which were also a big hit... among those who didn't know them! The last one traumatised some!
Practise well. The next class will take place, God willing, on Tuesday 3 November.
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