The game of the day is a fight between a young up-and-comer at the time and an 'old man' who stayed young
4 - game of the day
1.é4 é5 2.Nf3 Nç6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Bé7 6.Ré1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.ç3 0-0 9.h3 Nb8 10.d4 Nbd7 11.ç4 (11. Nd2 is more in "español" style) ç6 12.a3 (to play Nc3) b×ç4 13.B×ç4 d5 (13. ... Nxe4 14. Rxe4 d5 15. Re1 dxc4 16. Ne5 and it becomes a bit smoother) 14.é×d5 ç×d5 15.Ba2 é4 16.Né5 Bb7 17.Nç3 Nb6 18.f3 Rç8 (threatens vaguely Bxa3: 19. Bg5 Bxa3 20 bxa3 Rxc3 21. Bd2 Rc8 22. Ba5 Nfd7 23. Nxd7 is not too top) 19.Bb3 Ba8 20.Bg5 Rç7 21.Rç1 Nfd7 22.Bf4 Bg5 23.B×g5 Q×g5 24.f×é4 d×é4 25.Qg4 Q×g4 26.N×g4 g6? (26. ... Kh8) 27.Nf2 Ré8 28.d5 Kg7 29.Nf×é4 N×d5! 30.Nd6! R×é1+ 31.R×é1 N5f6 32.Ré7 Rç6 33.R×f7+ Kh6 34.Nç4 Ré6 35.Kf2 Kg5 36.Bç2 Bç6 37.Nd2 h5 38.Nb3?! (38. Rg7) Né5! (the old man rebels !) 39.Ra7 Nég4+ 40.h×g4 N×g4+ 41.Kf1 Né3+ 42.Kg1 N×ç2 43.R×a6 Bd7 44.R×é6 B×é6 45.Nç5 Bç4 46.a4 Kf4?? (46. Kf5 draw) 47.a5 Nb4 48.b3 Bf7 49.Nd3+ N×d3 50.a6 Bé8 51.Nd5+ Ké5 52.Né7 (a Kubbel ending as the Master points out) Blacks resigns
The youngster in the ascendancy showed here with the whites that he could continue this one and the old man proved that he still had some nice remains.
For the restoration part and in the absence of Guy, the Master was able to present 2 quite different problems from the same competition in Rio.
To prepare Adeline for the evening of 15/12.
5 -hs#3 Mars Circé 2 solutions

W. : Kb8 Qg1 Rf1
B. : Kg3 Qf8 Rd8 Bh5 Pç7
hs‡3 (3+5) C+
Helped selfmate: White plays and Black helps him until move n-1. White then presents a reverse mate in 1 move
selfmate : white forces black to checkmate
Mars Circe : to capture, a piece (or a pawn) virtually returns to its original square which must be free
So that our newcomer is not put off by the genre, the clerk sacrifices one of the 2 solutions
First of all, a small rook of the position concerning the 2 Kings which are not in grip!
- The Qf8 cannot go virtually from d8 to b8 because of the Td8
- Rd8 cannot go from a8 to b8 because of Qf8
- Kg3 is not in the grip of a Queen who would be forced to virtually go through d1
1.Re1 (occupies the original square of the white king) Kf2 (this move is now possible) 2.Rd1+ (the e1 square is now vacated, so there is a check to the black king by the white king!) Ke1 (occupies the square, this is the last assist move) 3.Qa7+ (frees the virtual road between h1 and e1 for the Rd1) Qf1‡ (the only legal move that frees the virtual road between a8 and b8!!)
And to finish the Take & Make
6 - hs#3,5 Take & Make 2 solutions
W. : Kb7 Rd5ç4 Bç5ç2 Nb1 Pa2
B. : Kç1 Qh7 Rg6 Bh8 Né7g4 Pa7a5
hs‡3,5 (7+8)
Take & Make : when a piece captures another one, it makes an additional move by adopting the march of the captured piece
It remains for me to wish you a good reading and to give you an appointment on 15/12 for a fairy festival.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
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