Word from the Boss

Three Frenchmen on the five helpmates of the new season, which we hope will be light and lively. And a few directs in 2, 3, 5 and 8 moves. If you didn't know the 5#, I'm ashamed for you. As for the 8#, don't be afraid, it's certainly easier than the last 3#, with its Machiavellian try. Besides, is it really one?
Our circle, always on the cutting edge, had examined an anti-circe s#9 by R.J. Millour, carefully selected from a multitude of unpublished works. Now it has just been awarded second prize by a magazine from across the Channel. And the first prize, you may ask? It is almost undrinkable. Maybe one day, if I have the courage. Quality, yes, but digestible!

Let us also note that the 6th prize (a chameleon circe with locust from Feather) and three honourable mentions were also presented at the fairy tale course of the best French circle.
A "pedagogue" (Master Fide) having declared about the Edouard-Cornette endgame of the last French championship, on a forum which sinks more and more towards the zero degree of intelligence, that "they are finals which do not rest on knowledge" (sic!), we owe it to ourselves, by pure necessity of public health, to demonstrate mathematically the opposite. Thus are revealed nowadays those who "represent" Chess: not only ignorant, but vandals.
But also, for the tasting, a platovian pat blackmail, if not platonic, and a Finnish study with double trigger, containing a study in the study. Note that the elegant table with N+P/N and the 5 units on the 2nd row is well and truly lost, as the audience predicted.

The game of the day pits one of the most popular world champions against a great player who, by his own admission, plays chess "without compromise". The real and virtual games offer an astonishing festival of moves from the unchained Queen. Very interesting suggestions, from a very high quality audience, which re-launch the analysis: 18 Na4, 24...g5, 35 Be3 on which two good retorts exist, but not ...Nf4, 36...Rc2 (another win), and also 35...Nf4+!, my suggestion 36 Kf3 being refuted by 36...Qa6!!, another Queen's supermove...
See you, God willing, in a fortnight, on October 19th.
Have a good time.
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