pp vs N
[Event "White to play and win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2012.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0003.20"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/5n1k/2P5/1P6/5K2/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "15"]
[EventDate "2012.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
1. c6 $8 (1. b5 $2 Kg5 $1 2. c6 (2. b6 Nd7 $8) 2... Nd5 $8 $11) (1. Ke2 $2 Nd5
$1 2. c6 (2. b5 Nc3+) 2... Nc7 3. Kd3 Kg6 $1 4. Kc4 Kf6 $1 5. b5 Ke6 $1 6. b6
Kd6 $3 {[#]} 7. b7 Na6 $8 $11) 1... Ne8 (1... Nd5 2. Ke4 $8 Nc7 (2... Nb6 3. Kd4 $1)
3. Ke5 $1 Nb5 4. Ke6 $1 Kg6 5. Kd7 $1 $18) (1... Ng8 2. b5 $1 Ne7 3. Ke4 $18)
2. Kg3 $3 {[#]This incredible move serves a dual purpose: to get away from all
the forks, while being ready to pounce on the Queen-side,
more precisely the c7-square, while barrage the bK.} (2. Kf4 $2 {(threatens
Ke5)} Kg6 $1 (2... Nc7 $2 3. Ke5 $1) (2... Nd6 $2 3. c7 $1 Kg6 4. Ke5 $8) 3.
Ke5 (3. b5 Nc7 $8 4. b6 Nd5+ $8) 3... Kf7 $8 4. b5 Ke7 $8 5. b6 Kd8 $8 6. b7
Kc7 $8 $11) (2. b5 $2 Nd6 $8 3. c7 (3. b6 Nc4 $3 4. b7 Ne5+ $8) 3... Nc8 $8 4.
Ke4 Kg6 $1 5. Kd5 (5. Ke5 Kf7 $8) 5... Kf6 $1 6. Kc6 Ke6 $3 {[#](it is necessary to leave
the square e7 to the knight)} 7. b6 Ne7+ $8 8. Kb7 (8. Kc5 Kd7 $8) 8... Kd7 $8 9.
Ka8 (9. Kb8 Nc6+ $8) 9... Nc6 $8 $11) (2. Ke3 $2 {(threatens Kd4)} Kg5 $1 3. b5 (
3. Kd4 Kf6 $1 4. b5 Ke7 $1) 3... Nd6 $1 (3... Nc7 $1 4. b6 Nd5+ $8) 4. b6 Nc4+
$8) (2. Kg4 $2 {(threatens b5 or Kf5)} Kg6 $1 (2... Nd6 $2 3. Kf4 $8) 3. b5 Nd6 $8
4. b6 Nc4 $8 5. b7 Ne5+ $8) (2. Ke4 $2 {(threatens Kd5)} Kg6 $1 3. b5 (3. Kd5 Kf6
$1 4. b5 Ke7 $1) 3... Nd6+ $8) (2. Kf2 $2 {(threatens b5)} Nc7 $1 (2... Nd6 $1) 3.
Kf3 Kg5 $1 $11) (2. Ke2 $2 {(threatens b5)} Nc7 $1 (2... Nd6 $1) 3. Kd3 Kg6 $1 $11
{already seen on 1 Ke2?}) 2... Nc7 {the threat was b4-b5.} (2... Kg6 3. b5 $8 Nd6
(3... Nc7 4. b6 $8) 4. b6 $8) (2... Kg5 3. b5 $8 Kf6 4. b6 $8) (2... Nd6 3. Kf4
$8 Kg6 4. Ke5 $8 Nc8 5. Ke6 $3 {[#](the answer of the shepherd to the shepherdess, see 2 b5?)
} Na7 6. c7 {followed by b5}) 3. Kf4 $8 Kg6 (3... Nd5+ 4. Ke4 $3 {[#]} (4. Ke5 $2 Nxb4
$8 5. c7 Nc6+ $8 6. Kd6 Na7 $8) (4. Kf5 $2 Ne7+ $1 {(or ...Nxb4! for ...Nd5)})
4... Nc7 5. Ke5 $1 {as already seen}) 4. Ke5 $8 Kf7 5. Kd6 $8 {Saving a precious tempo
on the knight: compare with 2 Kf4?} Nb5+ 6. Kd7 $8 Nc3 7. c7 Nd5
8. b5 1-0
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