may 10 2011
There were few listeners at this session and the course almost went on without a wall chessboard in the absence of the Sesame opening the magic cabinet.
Fortunately the President came to the rescue.
We were pleasantly surprised to see Michel arrive to reinforce the core group.
To begin the agape, a magnificent study which will please both the problemists and the so-called "normal" players
1 – White to play and win
W. : Kç8 Pa3h3b2g2
B. : Kç6 Ph7g5a4
+ (5+4)
a pure marvel
Back to the standard game with the following position:
2 - Black has just played Rf6, is the move Bxe5 correct ?
W. : Kg2 Qé2 Ré1 Bç3 Nd5 Pç4d3h3a2b2
B. : Kh8 Qf5 Rf6 Bg7 Nh5 Pa7h7b6ç5é5
Master's words
The helpmates for Daniel are not easy this time, but nothing prevents you from settling down in the sun and interspersing the search with a good nap. Among these four, a very nice manoeuvre by our Guy. I add an easier "Abdu" as a consolation.
I follow this up with some first prizes in 2#. You probably already know the first Schiffmann, but will be pleased to see it again. The second is far from obvious. The third, more recent, has a formidable try.
Then some 3#, including a Matthews, which is a guarantee of subtlety. Finally, a famous 8# classic whose demolition had escaped many: here it is rehabilitated.
An equipped full left, then another full right: the White King is not drunk yet, but pawn endings have their secrets... Then a tactical exercise taken from a 1973 game where curiously, on four moves of the White King, two lose (those where the King takes shelter) and two cancel (those where he exposes himself). Is it true that someone proposed Df4 somewhere, without the audience retaliating with ...Qg2#? No doubt an effect of the locksmith's adventures...
If you can finally guess how Sochniev's study ends, you are good. Have you ever seen an endgame that transposes into a middle game?
A detail, following an exchange on "Botokanov-style" King's moves: the trick mentioned from memory, Kg8, Pa2 / Kg6, Pa3; 1 Kh8! = is by F. Sackmann (1924).
In the game of the day, an almost miniature, White's player played much better... than he thought himself. On the 18th move, Black is already very bad, the indicated rescue not being one... Their decision to give away the Queen is the only viable one, but they crack on the 26th, without the winner mentioning it.
About Rb7 locked by a Nb6 (see R. Edouard's game), I enclose the classic it reminds. Finally, let's confirm that without the problem move a2-a3!!, the combination after 18...f6 would not have the same impact, at least after 25 Be5+. Remain the inhuman moves...
See you for the fairy course on June 7. May God keep you.
Enjoy yourselves.
The Queen's capture is of course inadvisable and Nxf6 is a hand fault.
Bxe5 remains to be dug.
For the last study, a superb composition where one must show great ingenuity.
3 – White to play and win
W. : Kç5 Rb1 Bf3 Pé6
B. : Kh2 Bf2 Nd1 Pd4b3ç3
+ (4+6)
You really shouldn't trust appearances in the final moves.
The game of the day is still a fight of fighters in spite of the supposedly cancelling opening.
4 - Game of the day
1.é4 é5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.N×é5 d6 4.Nf3 N×é4 5.d4 d5 6.Bd3 Bd6 7.0-0 0-0 8.ç4 ç6 9.ç×d5 ç×d5 10.Nç3 N×ç3 11.b×ç3 Bg4 12.h3
12 Rb1 b6 13 Rb5 Bc7 14 h3 a6 15 hg ab Guelfand - Short ended in a draw, but the 2 were in great shape
12 ... Bh5 13.Rb1 Nd7 14.Rb5
14 Rxb7 Nb6 15 Qc2 Bxf3 (15 ... Bg5 16 Ng5 Qc8 17 Rxf7 Bxf7 18 Bg6 with advantage)
14 ... Nb6 15 c4!? (very dynamic) Bxf3
15 ... dc 16 Bxh7+
16.Q×f3 dc 17.Bç2 a6?
playable are 17... Rb8, Qc7 or Qd7
18.Bg5! a×b5
18 ... f6 19 Qh5 h6 20 Bxh6 ab 21 Bxg7 Bb4 22 Qh8+ Kf7 23 Qh7! Qd5 24 Be5+ Ke8 25 25 Bg6+ Rf7 26 Rb1 Ra4 27 a3!!
18 ... Qc7 19 Fxh7+ Kxh7 20 Qh5+ Kg8 21 Bf6 Nd7 22 Bxg7 f6 23 Rg5!
19.B×d8 Rf×d8 20.Qh5 g6 21.Q×b5 Bç7 22.a4 R×d4 23.Qç5 Rd7 24.g3 Ré8 25.a5 Ré5 26.Qb4 Nd5?
26 ... Na8! 27 Qxb7 Rxa5 28 Qc8+ Rd8! and on 27 Ra1 b5 closes the position and probably the debate
27.Q×b7 Rdé7 28.a6
and the greffier dropped the pen, but Black certainly had to give up some time later.
For the dining part, Michel was in top form and there was not much that stood in his way!
5 – serial h=16 Strict Circe
W. : Kd3 Ra4g3
B. : Kb3 Rb2
sh=16 (3+2)
strict Circe : a piece can only be captured if it can be reborn on its initial square
6 – h#6 with Moose 2 solutions
W. : Kf2
B. : Kh1 Ph2 Mf4h4
Neutral : Mé5
sh‡6 (1+4+1)
M=Moose : bounder making a 45° angle after the sautoir
The f4-bishop is pinned because if it moved the neutral e5-bishop would arrive on the h2 sautoir and then on the h1 square
All the difficulty of the problem lies in the neutral Moose which should not be able to escape mate by playing as a black piece.
7 – #8 with super-Frog
W. : Kd1 Pb3b2 SFf4
B. : Ka1 Pb4
#8 (4+2)
The super frog is a limited piece that will need a lot of help.
Still to find the mat panel.
To finish a foray into marine pieces.
8 – h#2 with Siren 2 solutions
W. : Kd2 Bé6 Ng8 Pé3
B. : Ké4 Sh5a1
h‡2 (4+3)
S=Siren : moves like a Queen and captures like a Locust (as I understand it)
It remains for me to greet you and apologise for the delay.
Good reading to all and see you on 7 June for the fairy tale.
Yours sincerely.
Le greffier
good Moose
Game of the day, 12th move variation: this was of course Short-Gelfand.
14th move variation: read 18 Bxh7+ Kh8 and only now 19 Bg6!
The continuation on 18...f6 is wrong: certainly not 21...Bb4 on which 22 Bg6 would checkmate illico, but 21...f5 (only move) 22 Qh8+ Kf7 23 Qh7 Bb4 24 Bxf5 Qd5 25 Be5+ Ke8 26 Bg6+ Rf7 29 Rb1!!! with the superpoint 29...Ra4 30 a3!!.
Abdel's remark is justified, but it is the fault, once again, of the English.
The explanation was given by our grandmaster Michel de Saint-Lazare here : on 31-07-2005 at 19:09
Another problematic enthusiast gives his approval for Abdel in advance here: on 02-05-2011 at 21:21
Finally, it seems to me that the Moose is certainly a leaper, but first and foremost a Grasshopper that changes its destination a bit.
Enjoy the ride.
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