Some freezing problems for this first course of 2019, but fortunately largely solved by switching to Team Viewer 14.
The core group was present and very admiring of the positions presented by the Master (see the domination of the rook, among others)
Here is the report below.
Master's words

Health and... passion. "We formulate the wish that 2019 will see the harmonization of the efforts of all the good wills to make triumph, with more brightness still, our common ideal: the art of Chess" (Camil Seneca, after slight modification of the date, instead of 1966).
"God created the cat to give man the impression that he can caress the tiger".
"To age well: to gain in transparency what one loses in colour" (G. Thibon).
"He has an extraordinary memory: he always makes the same mistakes" (W. Steinitz about Staunton).
"The misfortune of our century is that stupidity has begun to think" (J. Cocteau, quoted by Daphne du Barry).
"I like better what touches me than what surprises me" (F. Couperin, quoted by V. Halberstadt).
For once, we begin with an example of "women's chess", an expression often wrongly considered pejorative. Because, except for a few cases, 50 years of study of "men's chess" hardly convinced me of a dazzling mastery in the endgame, likely to eclipse what was formerly called the fair sex.
A frenzied tactical festival where the whole board vibrates (not all studies are endgames!) with a very precise 2nd move. Then a question of the right square of a white Bishop, to have the ZZ on the right side.

Rook and knight do not usually win against rook, unless they made some Centurini. But if pawns limit the action of the defensive rook, it can become a party. A game by a great Hungarian finalist inspired a composer of studies. See the result, without forgetting that, if nature often imitates art (see for example Gulko-Short) the reciprocal approach is allowed. This game is also rich in lessons, the fault occurring on the 87th move: where do you play your King?
As homework for the next lesson, a very simplified version, by yours truly, of a study that was rewarded, then revealed to be unsolvable. Then a nice use of one more Rook, facing a dangerous pawn. Finally a beautiful domination of the lumberjack emperor.
The two games of the day highlight a great strategist demanding on the principles, facing a boa constrictor sometimes unstoppable. In the
first, a dubious opening is not 
refuted at best, so that it follows a curious phase where White, with a slight material disadvantage, seems to retreat. He will jump much better soon after. If you've never seen a pair of raging bishops, this is the time. Note that Peter's suggestion 21 a5! (instead of Nd1!!) surprised us all, as the 21...Nxa5 move is simply a losing one, necessary is a simple development like 21...Bd7.
The second one will also be the triumph of a Bishop, the one of white squares, reminding us of a famous game of a world championship 34 years ago. Don't miss the ZZ commentary on 38...Qd6. As well as the echo 38...43.
Return of professor Migsund Dreuf for twins of the same author as on 23 October.

A dozen 2# of varying difficulty: the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th (with twin), 9th & 12th took me a little longer. A brilliant Danish 3# repaired by a Frenchman. Then other 3#: same co-author, but very different, finally a Giegold for good humour. A logical and fairly easy 4#, given at the 2017 Ukrainian championship. A 5# from the 19th century, revised by a Russian composer. Surprising journeys of the White Queen. Rest with a logical 7# from Alsace.
An old 2# helpmate with no apparent play and only one solution! And a slightly less old 3# helpmate, with twin. A very affordable selfmate 5 to finish.
A good treat. See you at the end of January or beginning of February. Deus vos custodiat.
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