The selection for Daniel will involve longer than usual helpmates, which does not mean more difficult. A man who competes in the French and European Championships in succession should not be overworked.
Those who stay quietly in the warmth can be asked to do more. A 2# warm-up, some 3# (the most surprising seems to be the last), but the first 4# should make you think. The second 4# and the selfmates are from a recent solution contest, surprisingly won by... Murdzia.
Not all art studies are endgames. And some of them look like a wild mid-game. Is that a reason to sulk? A Ukrainian composer achieved a feat, crowned by a sumptuous mat, which pleased the majority of our art lovers, but displeased a few grumpy Russians, who were themselves talented. This will not prevent us from continuing to appreciate the works of the grumpy people in question, just as the absurd viewpoint of a great German problematist (claiming that resolution is useless) will not keep us from his masterpieces.
Knowing the name of the author makes it easier to solve a study, which was not the case for participants in a recent solutions tournament. For, knowing one of his specialities, the struggle for the tempo of a white king against a black pawn, saves time.
An exercise by Jansa in the style of his remarkable book "The best move" (with V. Hort). The best response to a trap: to show that it is not a trap...
By the way, there was a ZZ presented in the course several years ago. Let's recall: Kb5, Pa5 & h7 / Kd5, Rh2.

The game of the day is famous for a White Rook festival, which has been quoted often, which does not mean that it has been fully appreciated. It is clear that I had not understood it at all, and that thanks to the Saint-Lazare course I know a little more about it. Despite its fascinating aspect, I still believe that it was a little overestimated. A theoretical novelty: the time usually spent studying what would have happened on the best defence was replaced by what would have happened if Black had not lost on time.
Let's rectify an erroneous variation: 9...h6 10 Qh5 Nxd4 11 Bxd4 e5 12 g6! Nf6 13 gxf7+ Ke7 14 Nd5+ Nxd5 15 exd5 exd4 16 0-0-0 with compensation. Besides, Black's position at move 16, which was qualified as "notably inferior" in an abusive translation, as "worrying" in a better translation, is simply delicate, but equal on the best defence.
See you in three weeks, on May 15, for a high level railway competition. May God keep you.
Have a good time.
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