Master's words
The 2# helpmate (with only one solution, which has become a rarity) offered at the B tournament on January 25 had already been lying around in Daniel's pocket for a few weeks, if not months. I give it back on occasion. I add an amusing note: it's long, 
easy and economical. And one last one, co-authored by a Frenchman, was awarded the "Warsaw Solving Grand Prize" last November.
A tribute to V. Shanshin (or Chanchine) who knows how to make elegant 2#, not too intellectual, and also 3#. Also to an old hand, V. Chepizhny (Chepijni), Rudenko's famous accomplice. With these people, there is never a dull moment. And a strange 4-shot that seems to be solved in 30 seconds. But...
A superb selfmate 5#, another example of "Selivanovian wizardry" (as J. Rice says) and, miraculously, on the back of the diagram, an award-winning masterpiece by our Guy, who is dangerously abdurahmanovicising. Then a traditional retro and two PJs, one of which is by our unsurpassed Michel.
To celebrate the circle's move, an evocation of the first game played in the corporate circle championship, 33 years ago, by a so-called "endgame specialist". Then a fine study of Osintsev, quite difficult, which dares to juggle with subtleties 
that some may consider too technical. Choose the right file, yes, but don't swear by anything.
The initiative at all costs with Black, including after the exchange of Queens: this is the theme of today's game.
See you in a fortnight, on 17 March. Note that the dates of the last three courses, previously uncertain, have been set: 14 April, 2 June & 9 June (fairy tale).
Enjoy the tasting.
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