3 - White to play and draw

W.: Ke4, Rh6, pc5
B.: Ke7, Rf2, Nb7, pb4
Would you believe it, it ends with a zug!
Today's game is on the same opening as the previous "normal" course
4 - game of the day
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 e6 4. Nf3 dc 5. a4 Bb4 6. e3 b5 7. Bd2 a5 8. ab Bxc3 9. Bxc3 cb 10. b3 Bb7 11. d5 Nf6 12. bc b4 13. Bxf6 Qxf6
14. Qa4+ Nd7 (14. ... Ke7 needs to be explored)
15. Nd4 e5 16. Nb3 Ke7 17. Be2 Rhc8 18. Rd1 (18. Bg4 Qd6 quiet)
Nc5 (Qd6 is interesting) 19. Nxc5 (19. d6+ Kf8 [Qxd6 Nxc5] 20. Qb5 Bc6) Rxc5
20. 0-0 Ra6 (Qd6 or better Kf8 avoid some later worries)
21. Qc2 a4 22. f4 b3 Qe4 Kd6 24. Qxh7 e4 25. Qxe4 a3
26. Qd3 b2 27. Qb3 (27. e4 Kc7 [Kd7 28.e5 Qb6 29. Bg4 Kc7 30 d6+ Kd8 is steep] e5 Qb6 29. d6+ Kb8 30. Qd4 Bc8 and Black is well)
27. ..Bc8 28. Qb8+ Kd7 29. Bg4+ Kd8 30. d6 a2 31. d7 resigns
For dessert, our friend Guy presented us with some of his compositions, but as they are not yet published, they will not appear in this report.
The works in question show that undoubtedly, even if some imperfections remain, we are in the presence of a great talented creator. To be continued.
The years to come will show us indisputably that he was even a very talented creator!
To start the digestion, an "official" work by another great creator.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
5 - serial h#6, Alsacian Circe, 2 solutions.
serial helpmate : black plays n moves in a row to help white checkmate him.
Alsacian Circe : A captured piece is reborn on its original square and the rebirth of the piece must be combined with a strict legality of the position. If the position is not legal, then the capture is illegal.
2 solutions : there are 2 distinct keys to solve the problem

W.: Ka1, Bh3, pa4, b3, c5, c6, d2, e4, e7 and f2
B.: Kc7, Nd8, pb4, b7 and h2
You will of course have recognized MC under the qualifier of the very great creator.
To help you a little, the promotion of the h2 pawn in Q or R is impossible because of the Ka1.
The following is a composition of Yves Cheylan in Patrouille chess, it is very destabilizing, even if you know the genre !
6 - s#2 Patrol Chess
selfmate : white plays and forces black to checkmate
Patrol chess : the pieces move normally but, to capture, they must be at the start of the move under the protection of a piece of their camp.

W.: Kb1, Rc2 and g7
B.: Ka1, Bh8, pc4
To rough it up a bit, Rg7 is pinned. If it moves, the Bh8 protects the Ka1 and Kxb1 becomes possible.
To finish, a foray into the Parrain Circe (no relation to the Sicilian defence)
7 - serial h#9. Parrain Circe, 2 solutions.
Parrain Circe : a captured piece hangs over the capture square and makes an equipollent move to the piece playing immediately behind.

W.: Kb5, Ne4 and f5
B.: Kd5, pe5 and e6
it's quite cute
It remains for me to wish you a good reading and to give you an appointment soon for the corrections of the Master and in 2 weeks for the next session.
Yours sincerely
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