june 7 2011
Click in the right part of the chessboard to move forward, left to move backward... or directly on the move in the solution
Sorry for the delay due to the volume of work and the volume of the report that had to be shared.
the key to the club now seems more difficult to find than the key of problems presented by the Master.
This session saw a simultaneous and massive arrival of the hard core of fairy lovers, including a renaissance Circe from our friend Pierre.
Also in the crowd were Grand-Master Michel, the (future) Master Guy and Eric.
a quality assistance, so.
to engage, a minimal position.
As it is almost impossible to find it, you are entitled to the solution
1 - réciprocal h=5 - opposite pawn Sentinels
Ian SHANAHAN(Dedicated to G.Foster)Mat Plus, 2009
Pas mal, non ? An AUW with a minimum of material at the start, respect !}
Master's words
Some diagrams for the summer. Poor Daniel has been in great demand lately, where his computer science is doing wonders. Let's offer him two "Abdu" to comfort him. Let's add two problems submitted in recent competitions: one at the Lithuanian championship, the other at the Belgrade festival, brilliantly won by our Grand-Master Michel. Four problems, but 14 solutions.
The #2 of our venerable compatriot from Marseille is far from being trivial. The four #3s are very different: the first one is pleasant, with 5 or 6 false leads all the same. The next one has two candidate moves, but one is the try, the other is the key. The last two are great style , from the duo Burger-Matthews. Despite this co-author, it is not "fast food" but slow tasting. The second was scandalously underrated by the judge, probably falling into the trap of symmetry. It is however the best performance of the famous duo, according to RM itself. This confirms me in my thirty-year old habit of not giving the references, nor the rewards of the problems I propose.
A few multimoves: a fun Swiss #5 where you can't skimp. In economic #6, it would be easy if the White King was in h4, wouldn't it? The other #6 is one of the rare compositions I was able to find from a former solutionist French champion. Cute and very easy.
I end with two long problems and a selfmate of my favourite composer. In these three problems I inexplicably forgot to remove the solution.
The fairy-tale course will be transmitted by our master-tabellion.
I wish you a relaxing and instructive summer. God bless you.
Enjoy yourself.
: unlike the normal helpmate, Black also have the possibility to stalemate (or checkmate) White at their last move
The computer has been very helpful, but all in all, it's pretty nice.
And now a historical work with 11 masts by Sauterelle, a record.
2 - #2 with Grasshoppers
Paul BUGNICOURT, Jean OUDOT& Jean-Pierre BOYER Feenschach, 1965
Small anecdote: the Master in his youth, strongly contributed to the correction of the problems with Grasshoppers.
It is a pity that his name does not appear on the problems of Jean Oudot, whose affection for the Grasshoppers was obvious..
A short passage through the AntiCirce
3 - #2 AntiCirce with Rose and Equihoppers
Sven TROMMLER & Franz PACHL The Problemist, 20051st Prize
. A fairy piece is considered to be a promotion piece and is therefore reborn on the promotion square of the column where it captures
: jumper performing an equipollent movement in relation to the sautoir, Eh7 can jump in f5 or f3 via g6 and g5
: Extended circular step jumper. ROa1 can take d4 via b3 which makes it reborn in d8
There is an ABC cycle in this problem.
The great Hans Peter Rehm at work
4 - #10 with Paos, Vaos, Lion and Bishop-Lion
Hans Peter REHMPhénix, 2000
: as above, but whatever the move, needs a sautoir
: as above, but with the Queen's movement characteristics
: like the Vao, but with the Rook walk
A very beautiful mechanism.
A Czech author to follow
5 - #2 AntiCirce with Lions
Jàn DUCAKThe Problemist, 2009
Tries : } 1.g7-g8=R + ? but 1...BLg4-d4 !{
} 1.g7-g8=WL + ? but 1...Bf8-g7 !{
} 1.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] + ? but 1...Kb2*c1[bKc1->e8] !{
} 1.g7*f8=WL[wWLf8->f8] + ? but 1...BLg4-d4 !{
} 1.Kf4-g3 ! threat: 2.g7*f8=WL[wWLf8->f8] #{
} 1...Rg1-f1 + 2.g7*f8=S[wSf8->g1] #{
} 1...Rg1-h1 + 2.g7*f8=S[wSf8->g1] #{
} 1...e2*d1=Q[bQd1->d8] 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...e2*d1=S[bSd1->g8] 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...e2*d1=R[bRd1->a8] 2.g7*f8=R[wRf8->a1] #{
} 1...e2*d1=B[bBd1->c8] 2.g7*f8=Q[wQf8->d1] #{
} 1...e2*d1=BL[bBLd1->d1] 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...Se7-c6 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...Se7-d5 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...Se7-f5 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...Se7-g6 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...Se7-g8 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...Se7-c8 2.g7*f8=R[wRf8->a1] #{
} 1...Sb8-c6 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #{
} 1...Sb8-d7 2.g7*f8=B[wBf8->c1] #
: as above, but with the Queen's movement characteristics
A very nice problem with a surprising key
We continue with the great Australian guru of drawer statements
6 - h=8 Chameleon Maximum Exchange Circe
: C-F-T-D-C cycle
(PWC) : the captured piece is reborn on the starting square of the capturing piece's move
A challenge for the solutionist !
The self-helpmate that Guy has in affection.
7 - hs#3 Circe with Leos and Pao
Mario PARRINELLOMat Plus, 2008
: moves like a Queen and needs a sautoir to capture
: as above, but moves like a Rook
On change de catégorie.
8 - h=9
René J.MILLOUR(Dédié à R.Tomasevic) StrateGems, 20091st Prize
More promotion with the following.
9 - series #5 - Circe with Nightriders
Joost DE HEERThe Problemist, 2008
A genre very rarely discussed in the Master's fairy sessions, despite the natural tendencies of the members of the Saint-Lazare club..
10 - h#2 Fuddled Men
Paul BISSICKSThe Problemist, 2010
Very interesting
A little Feather as an meal's appetizer for which our friend Guy has given us the slip.
11 - Aidé de série 50 coups - Circé échange (PWC) avec Tour-Locuste
Chris FEATHERThe Problemist Supplement, 2010
To look for, because it is accessible and there is not too much choice.
And now, a fairy study for "almost normal" chess players
12 - White to play and draw - Circé
A splendid fairy PG as main course.
13 - PG 10 Lortap (Elliuortap in french verlan)
Bernd GRAEFRATHThe Problemist, 2009
don't hesitate to look for it, it is full of surprises.
14 - h=3 Parrain Circe
For dessert, here are the marine pieces.
As Daniel pointed out, in great shape, the Master did not want to show this problem to Guy for fear that "les pièces marines le peinent".
15 - h#2 with marine pieces
: as above but with the Queen's March
: as above but with the Bishop's March
and a last one for the road.
16 - h=2,5 - AntiCirce Cheylan with NightRiders
Zdravko MASLARDiagrammes, 1981
I still have a few words to wish you a good read and a good summer rest.
Friendly Yours
Le greffier
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