1 - White to play and mate in 3
W.: Kh4, Qa7, Ba2 B.: Kf6.

There is a lot of air around Black King, so we must avoid adding to it, it would even be the opposite (but nevertheless in moderation).
To continue the warm-up, a rescue study at sea where the swell is quite strong.
2 - White to play and draw
W.: Kf2, Rf3 B.: Kh5, Bd3, pc2 and d4.

As much as the intro is simple and obligatory, the continuation deserves some attention and concentration, because of the extra-terrestrial aspect of certain black moves.
Before the game, a little last one.
3. White to play and win
W.: Kc8, Rf8, Na3 and g3 B.: Kg7, Rd2, pd5 and f5.

You won't fail to appreciate the black threat (Rd3) which equalises the position. For the non seasoned players, the final 2N against p is winning if the p that will interest us is at most in a4, b6, c5, d4 and N blocker already installed: Na3, b5, c4, d3.
Let's now move on to the famous game of the day.
4 - game of the day
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Nf3 (4. Qc2 has become a part of the way of life) c5 5. g3 0-0 6.Bg2 cd 7. Nxd4 d5 8. cd (here is the important moment when the assembly mobilized out of 8. Qb3 and didn't give up until daylight saving time, the variants being abundant, the mono-neuron greffier was unable to both note and reflect. See the electronic version for more information) Nxd5 9. Bd2 Bxc3 (9. ... Nxc3 10. bc Be7 11.Rb1 a6 followed by Qc7 and it's quiet) 10. bc Nb6 (c4 is very interesting square for Black) 11. Be3 Nd5 12. Qd2 Nd7 13. Bg5 Qc7 (13. ... Qa5 c4 QxQ+ 15. KxQ and the position is very favourable to White) 14. Cb5 Dc5 15. c4 ! ( severely equipped, White send the sauce) [Editor's note: the formula is daring, even imaginative, especially with its continuation...] Qxc4 (as a good Anglo-Saxon, the black player swallows the sauce) 16. Rb1 Ndb6 (a6 Bxd5 ed 18 . Nd6 Qc5 19. Be7) 17. 0-0 h6 (17. ... Qg4 18. e4 Nc4 19. Qc1 Ndb6 20. Nd4 with Bf3 in the air or Be7) 18. Bxh6 gh 19. e4 (to cut Queen's line) Ne7 20. Rfc1 Qa4 21. Qxh6 Bd7 22. Rc5 Ng6 23. Rg5 Qc2 24. Na3 (an old memory of White's day [editor's note: probably the greffier wants to talk about White's player]) Qd3 25. h4 (25. Rb3 is better) Qxa3 26. h5 (?) Qe7 27. e5 Be8 (of solid!) 28. Be4 f5 29. ef Rxf6 30. hg (? Bxg6!) Qg7 (? tiredness and/or lack of time) 31. Qh7+ Kf8 32. Qh4 Rc8 ??? (Rd8! wins) 33. Rh5 Bxg6 34. Rh8+ Kf7 35. RxR NxR 36. Rxb7+ Ne7 37. Bxg6+ Qxg6 38. Qb4 Qf5 39. Qxe7+ Kg6 40. Qh7+ and Black resigns before the ultimate humiliation.
After this breathless game, of which the Master's version is more complete, here is the 3rd half with this time the wearing of the compulsory seatbelt, in view of the statement below
5 - hs#3 a) Eiffel b) Madrasi
B.: Kh3, Qb8, Rb6 and h4, Bh5, pg7
B.: Kh7, Qa4, Rd2 and h8, Bf1, Nh6, pe5, f2, f4 and g2

helpmate : Black plays and helps White to mate them. selfmate: White plays and forces Black to mate them.
help selfmate : White start and Black collaborates until the penultimate move and find themselves obliged to checkmate at their last move.
Eiffel chess: a piece paralyses an opponent's piece of higher rank which is under its control according to the p-C-F-T-D-p cycle (the D-p paralysis is an exception to be able to complete the loop)
madrasi chess: two opponent pieces of the same nature which are controlled are paralyzed
A very nice problem, but one that nevertheless requires some effort. The reward is worth it!
To close this session, an unusual genre that can pave the way for beautiful creations.
6 - place 2 pawns and play to return to the position without the 2 pawns in 4 moves
W.: Kg3, Rg6, Bf2 et h7 pe3 and h4
B.: Kh8, Rh1, Bg1, pg7 and h2

There doesn't seem to be too much movement for black. It's up to you to play it smart in the placement of the pawns.
N.B.: there is a 2 moves try. After this neuron shooting, I will meet you in 2 weeks time, that is to say on May 24th and wish you a good reading.
Yours sincerely
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