A very interesting and multi-functional move: prevents Ng4 or h5 and therefore allows Re3 without fear, and keeps an eye on b3 in case of Qa5-b4
17. … Re7 18 Re3 Qa5 19 Rfe1
The move f4 will come, but it is necessary to take its time and gain a little space before
19 … Kh8 20 Bh3 Rg8
Disturb the push f4
21 Kh1 Qd8 22 Qd2
Ng4 being prevented, the Queen can return for the push on the Queen side
22 … Nh5 23 Ne2 g6 24 a5 Ng7 25 Bxd7 Qxd7 26 f4
At last !
26 … Rge8 27 b4

27… cb 28 Qxb4 f5 29 Nc3
29 c5 immediately was interesting

29 … dc 30 Qxc5 ef 31 Nxf4 fe 32 Rxe4 Rxe4 33 Rxe4 Rc8 34 Re7 Qg4 34 Qf2
29 … ef 30 gf fe 31 Nxe4 Qf5

Ne4 is attacked and furthermore pinned, so there is only ….
32 c5 ! dc 33 Qc4
If the Queen had been elsewhere, in g4 for example, then Qxc5 would have been possible, so the move played is the only correct one
33 … Qxf4 34 d6 Re5 ?
34 … Rd7
35 d7 Rd8 36 Qc3 h5 !?
36 … h6 ?! 37 Rf3 Qg4 ! 38 Rf7 Qe6 39 Nf5 Nf6 !!
37 Rf3 Qh4 ?
37 … Qg4
38 Rf7 Rg8 39 Qc1 ! g5 40 Ng3 Rd5 41 Rf6
With a small threat
41 … Rd8 42 Qb1 !
Taking advantage of draughts
42 … Kg8 43 Re8+
43 Rh6 is less spectacular but just as effective
Here blacks lay down their arms

A great fight where the blacks were up to the challenge
For restoration, a small tour by Take&Make
4 – h#3 Take & Make
T.T. Die Schwalbe
1° Prix

W. : Kh1 Rg6ç1 Ba4b4 Pç5d5
B. : Kg3 Rd2 Bg4g1 Nh3 Pg5
h‡2 (7+6)
Take & Make : when a piece captures, it is required to make a move immediately that adopts the march of the captured piece
Good headshot!
Then a passage by relativity
5 – serial h#9 Einstein

W. : Kç8 Ré2 Bé6 Pé5é4é3g3f2d1
B. : Ké8 Nd8h8 Pd3d2
sh‡9 (9+5)
Einstein : when a piece captures it progresses in the hierarchy according to the cycle p-N-B-R-Q and reversely when it plays without capturing
(Re)Good headache!
The dessert is Chinese.
6 - h#3 with chinese pieces

W. : Kh4 MAç8 PAé6 VAç5
B. : Kd5 Pb7g4 PAé7 VAb6
h‡3 (4+5)
MA=Mao : Creeping knight (one rook step + one bishop step)
VA=Vao : Bishop needing a sautoir to capture
PA=Pao : Rook needing a sautoir to capture
Very elegant with the twins well in symmetry
It remains for me to wish you a good reading and to give you an appointment for the next session on February 7th, and probably before for the hair concerns highlighted by the Master.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
Master's rectifications
Variation 29 ... dc 30 Qxc5, quite deterrent is the intermediate 30...Rc8! followed by the capture in e4.
In the one of the 36th move, a move has been forgotten, it should be read: 36 ... h6 ?! 37 Rf3 Qg4 38 Rf7 Qe6 39 Ref1 Nf5 40 Nf6!
The report seems to me excellent by the way. Good reading
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