may 13 2008
In the dampness of the (motivated) premises of the Saint-Lazare railwaymen's club, the penultimate course of the season took place, with the returning Master of Messigny in second place behind the irremovable Michel, despite some scares.
The electronic version of this report is, as it should be, at the end of this report.
Our friend Guy, who had acquitted himself very well (to put it mildly) as clerk for the last session, arrived a little late (but was excused) after some transport problems.
Friend Pierre and 2 Erics joined Daniel to complete the assembly which, moreover, was augmented by a new member who had some understandable difficulties in following the variants on the fly.
For the appetizer, several magnificent studies of great aesthetic purity.
1 - White to play and draw
W.: Kh1, Qf1, Rf3
B.: Kg5, Qg4, Bb7, pe6
The whites are feeling the pinch, so don't waste any time.
2 - White to play and draw
W.: Kc8, Bh4, pc7
B.: Kc2, Rb6, Ba2
Homage to Jean Oudot who, fifty years ago, brought a few pimply faced kids to the enchanted world of the chess problem. A 2# with a brilliant key, three strategic 3#, a long (very easy) selfmate spiritual and his most famous work, a 2 help stalemate where the 16 black units are immobilized in two spoonfuls.
French Solving Championship: two 2#, one 3#, one study, two helpmates and two selfmates. I removed a 6# without much interest (solved by nobody) and a serial helpmate with grasshopper and nightrider. The winner was "hot under the collar", not having solved the three-mover... The runner-up was lamentable in the study: he recognised it, gave the name of the author, but was not able to find three quarters of the solution!
Mattison's "double-pawed" amusement, taken from the best popularised book on art studies in the world: "Endgame magic" by John Beasley, the most gastronome of the English. This work is the opposite of the one that a French publisher, always well inspired, has just published. Which, notwithstanding the claim to be aimed at the "club player", will only interest two peeled and three shorn.
A nice echo for a blackmail draw. A leek endgame with a surprising rescue, which becomes even a little more. A rather fascinating middle game from a seemingly hopeless position, leading to a rook dominating knight.
Today's game is a reminder of how nice it is to be forced to play well by an opponent who has become ambitious after refuting your opening. A St Lazarus blindness: in 26...g5! the continuation 28...Bxg2+ simply fails on 31 Qb3+ foraging the bR
(we only considered 31 Qe6+?).
Have fun and see you on June 17 for a "crazy" (fairy) session.
A little gem with a thematic idea that is echoed, good work, very pleasant to solve and watch
And now, an incredible position
3 - White to play and win
W.: Kd3, Rg5 and h6
B.: Kc1, Qg7, Rh7, Na8, pd4 and h4
It's downright mind-boggling, but it works. Great art, down to the smallest detail
To follow, a position played by the Master a few years ago.
4 - white plays and saves the game (and more if they like)
W.: Kg2, Rd6, Be1, Ng3, pa3, b2, c5, e4 and h3
B.: Kh7, Rf7, Bb3 and e7 (Black have just played Be7), pa4, b7, c6, e5 and g6
1. Bc3 ! (the only move that keeps the whites alive) Bxd6, 2. cd Bd1 3. Bxe5 Bf3 4. Kg1 c5 5. Bc3 b5 6. e5 Bd5 7. Ne4 ! Bxe4 ! 8. e6 Rf8 (in the game black has played something else which loses immediately - this is probably the "plus if affinities".) 9. d7 (9. e7 Rf1+) Bc6 10. e7 Rf1+ and the opposite colour Bishops endgame suggests a peaceful ending
5 - game of the day
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cd 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Bd3 Nf6 0-0 d6 7. c4 Bd7 8. Nc3 Nc6 9. Be3 Be7 (9. ... Ne5 10. Be2 Rc8 11. b3 b5 12. f4 Ng6 13. Nc2 and White is comfortable) 10. f4 0-0 11. Kh1 Nxd4 12. Bxd4 Bc6 13. Qe2 Nd7 14. Rad1 e5 15. Be3 ef 16. Bxf4 Ne5 (16. ... Qa5 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. ed Rae8 19. Qc2 h6 20. Bf5 Nf6 21. a3 Nh5 22. b4 Qd8 and it smell the draw) 17. Bc2 Qc7 18. c5 ! dc19. Nd5 Qd6 (it starts to get dangerous, Bxd5 loses the piece after 20. ed) 20. Bg3 (20. Nb6 Bb5 21. Qxb5 only leads to a draw) Bb5 21. Qh5 f6 22. Rf4 (22. Nxf6 Rxf6 23. Rfe1 is very good) g6 23. Qh6 Rad8 (the move that knocks out White) 24. Nxf6+ Rfxf6 25. Rxd6 Rfxd6 26. Rf1 !! (from the depths of hell, this move is a model of its kind) Bf8 (black is in turn knocked out, g5 leads to a draw) 27. Qc1 ! (Bb3+ is in the air) Re6 (27. ... Bc4 28. Bxd6 Rxd6 with a winning game for White) 28. Qxf1 Rxe5 29. Bb3+ c4 30. Qxc4+ Kg7 31. Qc7+ resigns
The Master did not have the opportunity to present some positions to look for in the restaurant phase, because Guy occupied the field with his unanimously appreciated creations.
The next course will take place on 17 June and will be devoted to pure enchantment.
For the occasion, our friend Guy will capture the end of the season with all the talent he is known for.
Good reading to all.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
The master greffier in good shape: only two hairs.
In the 2nd study, the bK is on e2 (not c2).
Game of the day: after 27 Qc1, the continuation is 27...Bxf1 28 Bxe5 Re6? (Bc4 less bad) 29 Qxf1 Rxe5 30 Bb3+ etc.
Have fun
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