february 1 2011
Few listeners braved the neo-Siberian temperatures for this first session of February.
Still no big name composers but a hard core made even stronger by the cold.
Daniel still came, showing off his new spring haircut. Hats off to him!
To initiate the course, the Master proposes an unusual position with little material.
1 - White to play and win
W. : Kf3 Né5 Pf6
B. : Kb8 Bg8 Pf7
+ (3+3)
All in finesse with an exceptional element of this position: Bh7 must be prevented, otherwise it is a draw
The following position requires good footwork and some seriously developed natural attributes.
After the whirlwind of the solving ccontest, a calmer series. The 6# helpmate has a more difficult solution than the other. I accompany it with a 3# helpmate with 4 solutions where you can stay dry for a while. But when you have one, you quickly get the others.
Of the two 4#, the French one is clearly the more difficult, despite an unprovided check. I compensate with a small 2-moves by the same author, given at the 2008 Jurmala solving-show. And a charming 8#: in my incomparable greatness of spirit, I leave the solution, but promise not to look at it for half an hour of research.
A Knight vs. Bishop struggle, becoming a Knightless struggle, but the opposition and conjugated (or semi-) squares, reconciled as we know, are infinitely simpler than in Adamson.
A curious fight of three "minor" pieces, as one says impertinently, against a black Queen.
Another duel Bishop against...nothing at all, with also less conjugated squares than one would think.
The day's game was honoured as the best game of the second half of 1966. It is characterised by its depth. Black had a well-hidden defence... But without taking the advantage, contrary to what the computer peremptorily declares. The design of the 16-18th moves is beyond the comprehension of the junk heap. The Yugoslavs didn't have them, and yet they got it right.
Note that the suggestion made tonight 9...c5 10 Nxf6+ gxf6! has already been tried by non-manchot players. What an elite circle...
See you, God willing, in a fortnight' time on 15 February.
Have a good time.
2 - White to play and win
W. : Kg1 Bç1 Nf8b2
B. : Ké1 Na2 Pb3é2
+ (4+4)
The 2 black pawns are not yet dangerous but it will not be long before they are.
There are also, to spice things up, some stalemate possibilities.
The last study is an amusing one by our friend Fritz.
3 - White to play and draw
W. : Kb5 Rd5 Pb4
B. : Kf6 Ra6 Bb3 Pç7
= (3+4)
In view of the black move Rb6+ setting the record straight, there is no hesitation.
The game of the day is a beautiful fight that could have ended peacefully
4 - game of the day
1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 e3 e6 5 Nf3 Nbd7 6 Bd3 dc 7 Bxc4 b5 8 Bd3
8 Be2 is playable but less dynamic
8 … b4
8 … a6 9 e4 c5 10 d5 or e5
8 ... Bd6 is also possible
8 ... Bb7 9 e4 b4 10 Na4 c5 11 e5 Nd5 12 Nxc5 Bxc5 and black is not too bad
9 Ne4
On 9 Na4, we have a similar variant 9 … c5 10 dc Bxc5
9 … Bb7 10 Nxf6+ Nxf6 11 Qa4 Be7 12 Bd2 a5 13 e4 0-0
13 … Nd7 threatening Nc5 was to be dug
14 e5 Nd7 15 Qc2 h6 16 h4 c5 17 Rh3
17 Ng5 cd 18 Bh7+ Kh8 19 Bg8 g6 20 Nxf7+ Rxf7 21 Bxf7 Nxe5 22 Bxe6 d3 with a very nice black play for quality
17 … Bxf3 18 Bxh6 Bxh4
18 … Bg4 19 Rg3 f5 20 Rxg4 fg 21 Bh7+ Kh8 22 Bxg7+ Kxg7 23 Qg6+ Kh8 24 Bg8 Rf7 25 Bxf7 Qf8 26 Bxe6 and it is necessary to make the evaluation
20 … Rf7 21 Rg6 Nf8 22 h5 Nxg6 23 hg Rf8 24 Bf4 Qe8 25 d5 Qxg6 26 Qc4
18 … gxh6 19 Rg3+ Kh8 20 Qd2
18 … f5 19 Rxf3 gxh6 20 Qc4 Qb6 21 Bxf5
19 gxf3 gxh6 20 Ke2 Nxe5 21 de ?
21 Rg1+
21 … Qd4 = 22 Rxh4 Qxh4 23 Rg1+ Kh8 24 Qc1 f6 ?
24 … c4 ! 25 Rh1 cd + 26 Kxd3 Rfd8+ 27 Ke2 Rd2+ !
25 Rg6 resigns
For restoration part, we start with a problem with transmuted kings
5 - h#2,5 Transmuted Kings
W. : Pb7f7
B. : Kg1 Ré7
h‡2,5 (2+2)
Transmuted Kings : a king in check catches the march of the piece that puts it in check
To follow a problem with reflecting bishops
6 - serial h=13
W. : Ka8 Pé7 RBf6g6
B. : Kb4 Qf2 Rh7é4 Nh5 Pd5b3
sh=13 (4+7)
m=Reflecting Bishop : the bishop bounces on the strip. e.g. RBg6 controls in addition to f7 and e8 the diagonal e8-a4
7 - h#2 Anticirce
W. : Kh4 Rf1 Ba1h1 Pé6
B. : Kf3 Pé7d3é3
h‡2 (5+4)
Anticirce : a captured piece is reborn on its original square. If this square is occupied, the capture is illegal.
In the position, the black king is not in check
8 - h#4 Fonctionary Chess
W. : Kç2 Nd3 Pf4
B. : Ké2 Rd1 Bd2 Pf3
h‡4 (3+4)
Functionaries : a piece can only move if it is threatened (or rather observed in a threatening way) by an opponent piece
That's it for this textual account, the electronic version of the Master is of course available below.
Good reading to all and see you on the 15th of this month
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
le mot du Maître
Not much to say about the remarkable report. Just a clarification: after the good move 24...c4! in the day's game, White may be up to the task by 25 Bb1! preparing a "Turton double" and leading to the peaceful outcome the Master Greffier mentioned above.
And the reflecting g6-bishop can also capture b3.
See you soon (in a fortnight).
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