Finally, there is a consolation. When you walk around Athens, you happen to pass a Euripides street, then a Sophocles street. The bus stop near my hotel is called Nausicaa.
Still, a different face than Jaurès or Couturier...

And the beautiful Julia is there! It's minus two in Riga, she tells me. But with her, there is no need for heating.

Tonight, the solving-show (2-moves to be solved in 2 minutes, I think it was 3 in the past) was won by a Ukrainian. Impressive. But sometimes, your fake master was ahead of the stage, like in Jurmala. That's smart, when you can't do the 3 in the morning in 20 minutes. I'll make a selection for the course. Another consolation.
Selivanov, the wizard of selfmates, also agrees with me about the studies. Also spoke with Paavilainen, the best Finnish solutionist since Perko's retirement. Having learned that he lived in Brussels, I made a point of getting him to speak French, hoping to hear a Belgian accent like the late Igor Ivanov's inimitable Quebec accent. Not at all, he has a charming accent but... simply Finnish.
the 2nd day
Yesterday I was Leonidas. This does not mean that I was Eurybiades today, but at last, complete ridicule was avoided.
The test of the selfmates went "normally". Which for me means doing the first two and failing the third. Yes, your phoney master, even in his so-called glory days, has never been a threat to the World or European Champion title. I know that I am disappointing the thousands of women fans who read the "master's lessons" but, as you know, the wise man is the one who knows his limits.

But even this 10 out of 15 is no mean feat. The selfmate in 3 was vicious, because two moves seem equivalent, so that if you give the wrong one, you score zero having seen three-quarters of the problem. This almost happened to me, but I saw the variant that makes the difference 3 minutes before the end.
Moremovers: not wanting to repeat the mistake of Iasi, I started with the last one, a logical 6-move, which I cleaned up in about 20 minutes. Then the 4-move tortured me. You can see that something is going to happen on d6 but what, and especially when? After half an hour, it was good. But the 5-move is vice incarnate. I won't say any more in case you want to suffer. Nothing to do, so also 10 out of 15.
Finally the helpmates (the switch between helpmates and selfmates event is a trick to avoid delaying the prize distribution, the latter being harder to correct). The 2-move is interesting, recommended for Daniel, but finally takes time. The 3rd solution resists, then the 3-move. With 5 minutes to go, I have a solution for the 3-move helpmate, but I won't be able to finish it, the second solution having nothing to do with it. Not a glance, of course, at the 5 and a half move helpmate, of which at least one solution is easy... at home. So 7.5 out of 15: 50%, a la Ferry!

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