To follow, a magnificent fight with superb resources on both sides
2 - White to play and win

W. : Ka8 Pd6h6d5g5f3a2f2
B. : Kh8 Rg2 Ph7é5ç4a3
+ (8+6)
To play the first white move, you have to have analysed the rest, and afterwards; what a joy!
The game of the day is a piece of anthology
3 - game of the day
1.é4 é5 2.Nf3 Nç6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Bé7 6.Ré1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.ç3 0-0 9.h3 Ré8 10.d4 Bb7 (Zaïtsev variation) 11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.a4 h6 13.Bç2 é×d4 14.ç×d4 Nb4 15.Bb1 Qd7 (15 ... c5 16 d5 Nd7 17 17 Ra3 c4 the fantastic Kasparov - Karpov game with the White Knight abandoned on a3) 16.b3 (16 Ra3 or e5) g6 17.Bb2 Bg7 18.Qç1 (18 Bc3 c5 19 d5? Nxe4) Raç8 19.Bç3 ç5 20.d5 Qé7 21.Nf1 Nh7 (Nd7) 22.B×g7 K×g7 23.Né3 h5 (23 ... Qf6 24 Ng4! Qxa1 25 Qxh6+ Kg8 26 e5 with idea Ng5) 24.Qd2 Kg8 (Nf6 can lead to a draw but you need the marquis' footwork: 25 Nf5+ gf 26 Qg5+ Kf8!) 25.a×b5 a×b5 26.Nd1 (26 Nc2 is more accurate) Na6 27.Nç3 b4 28.Nb5 Nç7 29.Bd3 N×b5 30.B×b5 Réd8 31.Bç4 (after a Spanish opening, we find ourselves in a Benoni scheme) Nf6 32.Qh6 Qf8 33.Qg5 Qg7 34.Ra7 Rç7 35.Ba6 Rb8 36.é5 Né8 37.R×b7 Rç×b7 38.B×b7 R×b7 39.Qd8 Qf8 40.Ra1 Nç7 41.Qd7 Qb8 42.Q×d6 ç4 43.b×ç4 b3 44.Rb1 (caution, the blacks are still there with resources) b2 45.Qç5 Rb3 46.Qd4 Qb4 47.Ng5 Rç3 48.Qf4 f6 49.é×f6 N×d5 50.f7+ resigns
An edifying part on the level of the great players, in this case Anand as White and Kamsky as Black.
For the dessert part, we are entitled to start with a geometrically very aesthetic production by MIchel
4 - s#4 Andernach Madrasi

W. : Kh7 Qé5 Rh8 Bb1 Pa7é7g5
B. : Kf7 Pç7g7g6
s‡4 (7+4) White plays and forces Black to checkmate
Andernach : when a piece captures an enemy piece, it changes colour
Madrasi : two opposing pieces of the same nature that control each other are paralysed
Finally, a production by Guy in association with a great Romanian composer/solver
5 - h#3,5 provocation chess

W. : Kf3 Rç3 Bd3 Pd6
B. : Ké8 Qç2 Tb6 Bç8 Nd4 Pb7d7a6é6g6b5é5f4
h‡3,5 (4+13) : the whites start and the blacks help them to the mate
Provocation Chess : a piece can only capture if it is observed by an opponent piece
Many thanks to the Master for his electronic version.
Sorry for the delay beyond the control of the greffier who had been given too much to chew on.
Good reading to all.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
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