2 - White to play and win

W. : Kh2 Rf8 Nd6f4 Pé5
B. : Kg7 Rh8 Bh7 Ng6h6 Pf7
Whether horizontal or vertical, this composer makes us appreciate the position.
In the following one, I don't know if Afek's position is the most presentable.
But here it is
3 - black to play and win

W. : Kb6 Nb4
B. : Ké3 Pa6h6
the knight has a good range, but after the black move, he will miss a square
A first prize to conclude the study series
4 - White to play and draw

W. : Kd4 Rb3 Pb5
B. : Kd2 Nh4h1 Ph7f2
Quite complex, with a classy intro whose consequence is only seen at the end.
For the day's game, a magnificent fight.
5 - game of the day
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.ç4 Bg7 4.Nç3 d5 5.ç×d5 N×d5 6.é4 N×ç3 7.b×ç3 ç5 8.Rb1 0-0 9.Bé2 ç×d4 10.ç×d4 Qa5+ 11.Bd2 Q×a2 12.0-0 Bg4 13.Bg5 h6 14.Bh4 (14. Bxe7 Re8 and the e4 pawn is dead) a5 (or g5) 15.R×b7 g5 16.Bg3 a4 17.h4 (17. Rxe7 Nc6) a3 (Nc6) 18.h×g5 h×g5 19.Rç7 Na6 (Nd7 or Qb2) 20.R×é7 Qb2 21.Bç4 Qb4 (Ouch, could the whites have made a mistake ?) 22.B×f7!+ Kh8 23.Rd7 (23. Be6 is the brilliant alternative offered by Black post-mortem) B×d7 24.N×g5 Qb6 25.Bé6 Q×é6 (25. ... Be8 26. Qg4 Rf6 27. Be5 Rxe6 28. Nf7+) 26.N×é6 B×é6 27.Bé5 Rf7 28.Qh5+ Kg8 29.Qg6 Bd7 30.B×g7 R×g7 31.Qd6 Kh7 (31. ... Nc7! may hold up better with the continuation 32. Qxc7 Bb5) 32.Q×a3 Nç7 33.Qé3 Né6 34.d5 Ng5 35.f4 Nh3+ 36.Kh1 Ra2 37.f5 (37 gxh3 Rgg2) Ng5 38.f6 Rg6 39.f7 resigns
Games like that, we want more!
The restoration part took place in an Embassy, the one in Auvergne.
Master Guy, having some time constraints, was only able to arrive at that moment.
He did not fail in the tradition by exposing us his last creations in PG, of which a world premiere, in which it is clear that he is the uncontested Master of the tempo.
To close the proceedings, the Master presented 2 compositions with invisible pieces.
If I understood invisibility correctly, the piece does not appear on the chessboard but the solution produced means that it is necessarily unique (in its kind, of course)
6 - h#2 2 solutions
1 invisible white piece

W. : Kç7 Ra5a4
B. : Kb3
h‡2 (3+1)
This was a warm-up to try and get a feel for the genre
Here is a bigger piece
7 - h#2 2 solutions
3 invisible black pieces

W : Kb4 Ra1 Bb8 Nd8ç7 Pd6
B. : Kb6 Bg2 Pb5
h‡2 (6+3)
The genre did not really make unanimity in the audience, which became very difficult with all the wonders that the Master proposes!
Good reading to all.
See you on the 24th of this month for new adventures.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
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