october 30 2012
It was an impressive gathering for this school holiday session and even the President came.
The first row was filled as in the good old days and the second row brought the number of listeners to 6.
With this select audience, needless to say, the material was more extensive than usual.
In addition to the remarkable electronic version of the Master's book, this report also includes a culinary report by Daniel with a good address to try.
To get you started, a rather old study exhumed by the Master which reveals unsuspected details.
1 – White to play and win
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1964
W. : Kh6 Pg7b3b2g2
B. : Kg8 Pa7b7f7ç6
+ (5+5)
Investigate this position, it deserves a big diversions.
The second study is a game of chase where the position of the White King is a preponderant element in the achievement of the win.
2 – White to play and win
Mémorial J. Gunst 1959
1° Honnor Mention
W. : Kd5 Bf2 Pg6
B. : Ka6 Bh1 Nf3
+ (3+3)
For Daniel's training, a tribute to a composer of Hungarian origin who has just passed away, then a yougo festival. Then follow 6 mates in 3 moves of very different styles, two Rehm moremovers and two selfmates, including a "masterpiece of the century". The solution is left for these last three, although the second selfmate is easy. Don't forget to click on "training", at least if you are a man.
In this regard, a great first : a woman composes and solves. This rare bird is called Julia Vysotska (no apparent connection with the TV presenter Vysotskaya), she is from Riga. You say Riga? But I was in Riga four years ago! Alas, she has only been interested in the chess problem since 2010. She likes horse riding, owns a horse that is neither white nor black: a "neutral piece", she says! Her presence is hoped for the next fairytale course.
P.S.: don't get too excited, she is married and has two children. Besides, Petkov already has a crush, so can you be a better teacher?
A little struggle for tempo in the pawn endgames. No, I've only known about this study for a year or two. Shameful, isn't it?
Where to play the King to accompany a passed pawn? On the one hand, for the same price, you pick up a black pawn in passing. Is that advantageous? Unless...
A very easy little rook: the B+N / N struggle is not always boring.
With, note, the same material, but an extra pawn on each side, a draw becomes a good result. And, in case your opponent knows how to checkmate with Bishop and Knight, it is sometimes better to be stalemated.
The particularly large audience encourages us to revive an old practice: to give an "assignment" for the next session, in the form of a rather complex study, which will be explained in detail next time. This is a good way to prepare yourself to shine in society, as they say. Reserved for those who came to the session: a good incentive to not come back...
The game of the day seems easy if one unrolls it: Black weakens his pawns, obtains in exchange a dangerous infantryman in the 7th rank, White clogs, circumvents, moves, then devours. Chess is simple. On condition of a flawless vigilance, of a virtuosity through banana skins, and of the forcible use of a turntable, even of two: e3 and c3.
We invite our faithful listeners, God willing, in three weeks, on Tuesday 20 November. This will be the fourth traditional course of the season, and the last one of 2012, the next one being devoted to enchantment.
Have a good time.
You have the choice between 2 moves, which one is the right one?
The answer is 15 moves later!
A marvel of logic.
In the next one, there is a battery, but should we be afraid of it?
3 – White to play and win
Jubilé N. Rezvov-85 2007
1° Prix
W. : Kd5 Bd3 Pd7a5g2
B. : Kg3 Rd8 Nh2 Pé7ç5
+ (5+5)
There is no need to fear the first move, it is afterwards that there are traps.
To finish, a little old study with tactical resources to satisfy the "normal" chess player.
4 – white to play and draw
Tijdschrift van den K.N.S.B. 1939
W. : Kb3 Bb8 Pd7a5
B. : Kd5 Bé6 Nç6 Pb4
= (4+4)
The game of the day is a very nice fight with Karpov at the controls for White and Anand for Black
5 – game of the day
1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 Nc3 e6 5 e3 Nbd7 6 Qc2
Anti-Meran variation.
As a reminder, the Meran is 6 Bd3 dc followed by b5
6 … Bd6
6 … dc 7 Bxc4 Najdorf – Pomar
7 Be2
7 g4 is in vogue with an abundance of variations that do not fit in this report
7 … 0-0 8 0-0 dc 9 Bxc4 Qe7
9 a6 or b5 are also playable
10 h3
10 e4 e5 11 Be3 ed 12 Bxd4 Ng4 with a nice Black presence
10 … a6
10 … c5 Akopian
11 e4
Karpov, having taken steps to prevent some of the Blacks from doing so, can now move on to the main thing, i.e. the conquest of space (with no connection, of course, to the Martian Circe or similar genre)
11 … e5 12 Rd1
12 d5 has been mentioned but is not really dangerous
The move 12 Rd1 offers a refuge to Bc4 by keeping a nice harmony in the white position.
12 … b5 13 Bf1 c5 14 d5 c4 !
A dynamic move in the spirit of the black opening. On 14 ... Rb8 15 b3 anticipates the black expansion
15 a4 Rb8
This move is, of course, forced and the fight now becomes more acute
16 ab ab 17 Ra5 !
For the little story, this position was already encountered during the Karpovian preparation of the match but with Be3 and Re8 in addition.
That helps a bit!
17 … b4 18 Na4 !
On 18 Nb5, Karpov had seen Qd8 19 Nxd6 Qxa5 20 Nxc4 Qc7 unclear
18 … Qd8 19 Ra7 b3 !
The blacks, who have been honourably endowed by nature, don't back down and get into the thick of it.
20 Qe2
The pc4 is untakeable
20 Qxc4 Rb4 21 Qc6 Nxe4 22 Nc3 Nb8 23 Qa8 Nxf2 ! 24 Kxf2 e4 25 Ng5 Bc5 26 Kg3 Qd6+ 27 Bf4 Bf2+
20 … Nc5 21 Nxc5 Bxc5 22 Ra1 c3 !
The only move is also the best one, so it's a good thing !
23 Nxe5 !
23 bc b2 !! 24 Bxb2 Rxb2! 25 Qxb2 Nxe4 26 Rd2! Nxd2 27 Qxd2 e4 28 Ne1 e3! and the fight continues in a dynamic way for Black and everyone knows that Anand excels in this kind of circumstances (to come Qg5 Re8 and Bxh3 eventually)
23 … c2 24 Rd3
24 Re1 Bb7! taking advantage of the lack of pressure on b3
24 … Qe8 ?
The only inaccuracy of the Bd7 part keeping c6, putting the pieces in communication on the 8th and threatening Bb5 was healthy.
25 Nc6 Rb6 26 Be3 !
A responsible move valuing the harmony of the white position as opposed to the black contortions to link the pieces
26 … Nxe4 27 Bxc5 Nxc5 28 Re3 Qd7 29 Qc4 Rxc6
29 … Qd6 30 Ne7 + Kh8 31 Ra8 Rb4 32 Rxc8 Rxc8 33 Nxc8
30 dc Qd1
It still jiggles to avoid Rc3
31 Re1 Qd6 32 Qc3 !
To win the pawns
32 … Qd5 !?
black have the "fighting spirit", the fight goes on
33 c7 !
Not falling into the trap
33 Ra5 Ne4 ! 34 Rxd5 Nxc3 35 Rc5 Na4 ! 36 Rb5 Nxb2 37 Rxb3 Nd1
33 … Bb7
33 … Be6 is to be dug
34 Ra5 Ne4 35 Rxd5 Nxc3 36 Rd3 Na2 37 Rxb3 Bc8 38 Bc4 !
An essential move to catch the Knight
38 … g6 39 Ra3 c1=Q 40 Rxc1 Nxc1 41 Rc3 Re8 42 Rxc1 Re7 43 Bf1 resigns
A great fight
Let's move on to the catering part where the Master proposed a Martian composition as a starter, which captivated us for quite some time
6 – h#2 Mars Circe 2 solutions
James QUAH
The Problemist 1995
1° Honnor Mention
W. : Kh8 Rh7 Bç8 Pé7f3
B. : Kh3 Rg4h2 Bf1
h‡2 (5+4) C+
Mars Circe : the pieces move normally except for the capture where they virtually pass through their original square
To give you an example, the Bc8 is pinned because of the Rg4 which would pass virtually through a8, similarly, the Rh2 cannot move on the 2nd rank because of the Rh7 which would pass virtually through h1.
Also, the Bf1 cannot move on the f1-a6 diagonal because of the Bc8 which would pass through f1.
A good headache!
Let's go on with Royal Locusts (no relation, of course, with a famous politician)
7 – h#6,5 2 solutions royal Grasshopper
The Problemist 2008
2° Mention d'Honneur
W. : rGh2
B. : Nf7 Pg6 rGg4
hs‡6,5 (1+3) C+
+=Royal Piece
G=Grasshopper piece having the Queen's march and needing a sautoir to move behind which it lands
helped selfmate Black collaborates until the penultimate move after which White presents a position where Black is forced to checkmate
To make you want to investigate, the 2 mate boards are in chameleon echo
To follow, as the guests are already quite drunk, a passage through the genre Fuddled men, which in free translation means "drunken chess".
8 – #3 Fuddled men
W. : Kç2 Nb2
B. : Ka1 Qf8 Pa2
‡3 (2+3)
Fuddled men a piece must rest 1 move after playing
We think that the black Queen has tons of possibilities, but she will have to rest after playing at some point
The last diagram of the report (which is not the last problem), is a composition in Andernach
9 – h#5 Andernach
The Problemist Supplement 2009
W. : Kg1 Pa2b2
B. : Kb5 Rh2 Bh8 Nd5 Pa4ç4g3g2
h‡5 (3+8) C+
Andernach : a piece that captures a change of colour
Very nice composition with a very pleasant linear solution
And for dessert, a statement without a diagram (since you will have to compose it in both a) and b)) of Alain Brobecker
10 – find the only game in Random Chess (Fisher sauce) ending in :
a) 4 Qc1xpc6#
b) 4 Qc1xFf5#
Random Chess : the original arrangement of the pieces is "randomized" (without any connotation) behind the pawns
Of course, the "randomization" is, as for normal chess, identical for the 2 sides
This report is now finished, and it remains for me to wish you a good reading and to meet you, as the Master reminds it, on November 20th.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
Daniel's word
To complete the report, the good plan I promised in class:
The pancake plan for 2:
1 galette de sarrazin (each)
1 bottle of cider
as many sweet crêpes as you like
All for 25€ in Paris in the 9th district (34, rue de Trévise).
For that :
go on chez vartan
pay for the menu (25€)
print the voucher
make a reservation.
It's quite full from Thursday evening onwards, but before that it's quiet and makes crepes accessible at last.
autumn dreadlocks
The flawlessness of the last time was not repeated. Perhaps the master greffier was beginning to dream of Julia the Amazon.
The statements of studies 2 & 3 have been switched: the 2nd is by Sotchniev (it could also be by Riabinin), the 3rd by Peckover.
In the game, it was 10...e5 that was favoured by Akopian; 10...c5 was played by Timman and Anand himself in the same game.
And on 33...Be6, I suppose 34 Ra5 concludes, with a later Rd8.
The 10b problem is of course 4 Qb1xFf5#. I haven't seen any other anomaly.
Finally, I'll refrain from incesting about the royal locusts.
Have a good read.
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