R vs R+p
[Event "White to play and draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2011.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0400.01"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/5R2/4k2p/8/7r/1K6 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "15"]
[EventDate "2011.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
1. Rb5 $3 {[#]Don't go "as far as possible".} (1. Ra5 $2 {(too far)} Kf3
$1 2. Ra3+ (2. Ra4 h3 3. Ra3+ Kg2 4. Ra2+ Kg1 5. Ra3 Rh1 $8 {idem}) 2... Kf2 3.
Ra2+ Kg1 4. Ra4 h3 5. Ra3 Rh1 $3 {[#]} 6. Rc3 (6. Ra2 Kf1 $8) 6... Kg2+ $1 (6... Kh2+
$1 7. Ka2 Rg1) 7. Kb2 Rf1 8. Rc8 Rf3 $19) (1. Rc5 $2 {(too close)} Kd3 $3 (1...
Kd4 $2 2. Ra5 $8) 2. Rh5 Rh1+ 3. Kb2 Ke3 $19) (1. Rh5 $2 Kf3 $1 2. Rh8 Kg3 $19)
1... Kf4 (1... Rd2 2. Rh5 $8) (1... Kf3 2. Rb3+ $1 (2. Rb4 $1)) 2. Rb4+ $8 Kg3
(2... Kg5 3. Rb5+ $8 Kg4 4. Rb4+ $8) 3. Rb3+ $8 Kg2 (3... Kf2 4. Rb2+ $1 {idem}
) 4. Rb2+ (4. Rb4 h3 5. Rb2+ $8 Kg1 6. Rb3 $8 {idem}) 4... Kg1 5. Rb4 $8 h3 6.
Rb3 $8 Rh1 7. Ka2 $3 {[#]The tip.} Kg2 8. Rb2+ $8 {[#]} 1/2-1/2
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2021.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0400.01"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "K7/R7/8/8/8/p7/6k1/r7 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "15"]
[EventDate "2021.??.??"]
{After Mandler 1954. Where would you play your Rook ?} 1. Ra5 $3 {The right
middle ground !} (1. Ra4 $2 Kf2 $8 (1... Kf3 $2 2. Rh4 $8 $11) 2. Ka7 Ke2 $8 3. Ka6
Kd2 $8 4. Kb5 Kc3 $8 $19 {: compare with the text, Ka4 is missing!!}) (1. Ra6
$2 Kf2 $3 (1... Kf3 $6 2. Rh6 $1 Kg3 3. Rg6+ Kf2 4. Rc6 Re1 $3) 2. Ka7 Ke2 $8
3. Kb6 {(Ka6 is missing!!)} Kd2 $1 {(or on d3)} 4. Ra4 Kc3 $1 $19) (1. Rc7 $2 {
(or on d7)} Rf1 $8 2. Rg7+ (2. Rc2+ Rf2 $8) 2... Kf3 3. Ra7 Ra1 $8 4. Rc7 Re1
$8 5. Rf7+ Ke3 6. Ra7 Ra1 $8 7. Rb7 Rd1 $8 8. Re7+ Kd3 9. Ra7 Ra1 $8 $19) (1.
Kb7 $2 Kf2 $8 2. Ra4 Ke3 $1) 1... Kf2 (1... Kf3 2. Rh5 $1 (2. Ka7 $1)) 2. Ka7
$8 (2. Kb7 $2 Ke3 $3 {[#]} 3. Ka6 (3. Rh5 Rb1+ $1 {& ...a2!}) 3... Kd4 $3 4. Kb5 Rb1+
$8 5. Kc6 Rb3 $1) 2... Ke2 (2... Ke3 3. Rh5 $3 {[#](or on g5)} Rf1 (3... Kd4 4.
Rh3 $1) 4. Ra5 $8 $11) 3. Ka6 $8 (3. Kb6 $2 Kd3 $8) 3... Kd2 (3... Kd3 4. Rh5
$1) 4. Kb5 $3 {[#]} Kc3 (4... a2 5. Ka6 $8 {(return)} Kc3 6. Rc5+ $8) 5. Ka4 $8 Rh1
6. Rc5+ $8 Kd4 (6... Kb2 7. Rb5+ $8 Ka2 8. Rb4 $8 Rh8 9. Rg4 $11) 7. Rc2 $8 Kd3
(7... Rh3 8. Kb4) (7... Rh8 8. Kxa3) 8. Rg2 $1 {Or Ra2!.} 1/2-1/2
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