3 - White to play and win

W.: Kd2, Ba5 and a6, Ne3
B.: Ka3, Qb1, pa3
The theme is familiar, but it is nice to see with a new arrangement
To close the series, a very nice study, less modern but which gives beautiful aesthetic sensations.
4 - White to play and win

W.: Kg1, Rf2
B.: Kc1, pd3 and f6
A very nice rook run and a very nice coordination between the 2 white pieces.
The game of the day is what a fight should always be: no concessions, an idea that you follow to the end by putting all your energy into it.
5 - game of the day
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6, 3. g3 d5 4. Nf3 Be7 5. 5. Bg2 0-0 6. 0-0 dc 7. Qc2 (7. Ne5 Nc6 has already been played and rather interesting for Black) a6 (7. ... b5 8. a4 c6 9. ab cb 10. Ng5) 8. a4 (8. Qxc4 b5 9. Qc2 Bb7 10 Bd2 is a variant to be studied in depth) Bd7 9. Qxc4 Bc6 10. Bg5 a5 Nc3 Na6 10. Bxf6 Bxf6 13. e4 Nb4 14. Rfd1 g6 15. Rac1 Re8 16. d5 ed 17. ed Bd7 18. Nd4 Rc8 ?! (18. ...Qb8 is good but especially Be5 on which the 2 opponents agreed in post-mortem mode) 19. Ne4 Be5 (19. ... Bxa4 20. b3 Bd7 21. Ne6! fe 22. de Bxe6 23. Rxd8 Bxd8 24. Qf1) 20. Nc5 b6 21. Nc6 Bxc6 22. dc bc (22. Qe7 23. Rd7 Qf8 24. Ne4 Bxb2 25. Rcd1 h6 and Black is tied up but still holding on) 23. Rxd8 Rcxd8 24. Re1 Bd4 25. Rxe8+ Rxe8 26. Qb5 Kg7 27. Qxa5 (27. Kf1 Re5 28. f4 Re3) Re2 28. Qxc7 Rxf2 29. Kh1 (h4 Nd3 30. Qd8 Rd2+ 31. Kh2 Rd1 and a good smell of perpetual check floats over the position) Nd3 30. Qd8 ?! (30. Bd5! Ne5 31. h4! (31. Qc8 h5 32. Qh3 Ng4 33.c7 Re2 34. Qh4 Nf2= 35. Kg1 Nd3+ 36. Qxd4+ cd 37. c8=Q Re1+ 38. Kg2 and again it smells of perpetual check) Ng4 32. Bg2 h5 33. Qf4! Rxf4 34. gf Be3 35. a5 Nf2+ Kh2 Ng4+ Kh3 and one of the 2 pawns a or c is promoted) Rc2 31. Bf1 Nf2+ Kg2 Ng4 33. Kf3 Ne5+ 34. Ke4 Nxc6 35. Qc7 Nb4 36. g4 Rf2 37. Bb5 g5 38. a5 draw agreed
During the meal, our friend Guy presented some of his creations with a PG containing a world premiere.
To start with the problems brought by the Master, a kind of april fish.
6 - h#5 Madrasi
helpmate : black plays and helps white to checkmate or stalemate according to the statement
Madrasi : Opposing pieces of the same nature that control each other paralyze each other except for Kings where Rex must be specified Inclusiv

W.: Ke1, Qd1, Rh1, Bc1 and f1, pc2, e2 and f2
B.: the 16 pieces on their initial square
And finally, a problem containing a double AUW (2 times the 4 promotions)
7 - h#2 Isardam 4 solutions
Isardam : any move that puts opposing pieces of the same kind in mutual control is illegal
4 solutions : 4 different ways to satisfy the statement

W.: Ke7, pb7 and d7
B.: Kf3, Qf8, Rd2, Bh1 and f6, Nb4
Very nice
The next session is next Tuesday.
The greffier apologises for not being able to attend and is being replaced by friend Guy.
Good reading to all
Sincerely yours
Le greffier
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