On my return from a trip to the provinces, I find incontrovertible proof that the reports of the lectures of the "slightly less fake master" have at least ONE reader (Guy). This reminds me of a brilliant lecturer, hardly politically correct, whose work I followed in the 1980s, who declared, on a day when the audience was sparse, that even if the room had been empty, the lecture would have taken place, duly recorded on cassettes, to "capture the date". This was not very kind to those present (including myself), but obviously no one held it against him. On the other hand, it is clear that no one is trying to solve the proposed studies and problems. For it is obvious that something is wrong with the first study. And for good reason, since the black pawn e3 must in reality be on d3!

"The Marquis, thinking that his retirement pension is indexed to his zeal during the last 18 weeks of his professorial activity, no longer has time to communicate his comments: the concept of reporting becomes obsolete" (Guy's unproven hypothesis, about the delay above). I'm afraid that my pension is not indexed to my ultimate zeal, but rather inversely proportional to the evolution of the French debt (now 1012€).
The striking scum now blockades Paris every Tuesday. For fear of missing the St-Lazare course. But this was not the reason for the absence of some regulars, including the president of the circle: they were representing "France" in a distant competition. At least that's what I usually tell the restaurant owner: if I said "les cheminots", he would rightly refuse to serve me. By necessity, the course was moved to an enchanting location: the 13th century Abbey of Sobrecases. A sumptuous lamb, washed down with fine wines, accompanied the course. Savagery or civilisation: the "calves", as a temporary general used to say, chose. So did we.

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