B vs R+p
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0310.01"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/3Kp3/8/8/3k4/4rB2 w - - 0 0"]
[PlyCount "11"]
[EventDate "2018.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
{After Timman. An attempt was made on the same theme (V. Kirillov & A
Maniakin 2000) but cooked.} 1. Bg2 $8 {It is necessary to forbid ...e5-e4, at least
when the Bishop is badly placed.} (1. Bh3 $2 e4 $8 $19) 1... Rg1 (1... Kd3 2. Bh3 $8
e4 3. Bf5 $8 Re2 4. Bg6 $11 {this recalls a well-known positional draw.
... with another bR in e4}) 2. Bh3 $3 {[#]} (2. Bf3 $2 Ke3 $1 3. Be4 Kf4 $19) (2.
Be4 $2 Rg5 $8 3. Ke6 Ke3 $19) 2... Rg5 {Threatens ...Ke3-f4.} (2... Rg3 3. Be6 $2
(3. Bf5 $1) (3. Bc8 $1) (3. Bd7 $2 Rd3+ $8) 3... Rg5 $8 4. Ke4 Kc3 $3 {[#](ZZ on
the bad side)} 5. Bf7 (5. Bf5 Rxf5 $8 6. Kxf5 Kd4 $8) (5. Kd5 Kd3 $1) (5. Bh3
Kc4 $8) 5... Kb4 $8 {(threatens ...Kc5-d6)} 6. Kd5 Kb5 $1 7. Be8+ Kb6 8. Bd7 Kc7
9. Be6 Kd8 $8 10. Ke4 Ke7 $8 11. Bf5 Kd6 $19) 3. Ke4 $8 Kc3 4. Be6 $3 {[#]This ZZ
comes, unless mistaken, from Timman 1983. The Bishop is in a focal position: he must
both prohibit ...Kc4 and be ready, on ...Kb4, to play Bf5 before the
bK enters on d6. See commentary on the 2nd Black move.} (4. Bc8 $2 Kc4 $8 5. Ba6+
Kc5 $8 $19) (4. Kd5 $2 Kb4 $2 (4... Kd3 $1 {to f4}) (4... Rh5 $6 5. Bf1 Kd2
$8 6. Ke4 Rh1 $8 7. Bg2 Rg1 $8 8. Bf3 Re1+ $8 9. Kd5 Ke3 $8) 5. Bf1 $3 Kc3 {
(transposes into the end of a cooked study by J. Pospisil 1993)} 6. Ba6 $3 {[#]} (6.
Ke4 $2 Rg1 $8) 6... Kd2 7. Ke4 $8 Rh5 (7... Rg6 8. Bc8 $8) 8. Bc8 $8 Kc3 9. Ba6
$8) (4. Bf5 $2 Rxf5 $8 5. Kxf5 Kd4 $8 $19) (4. Bf1 $2 Rg1 $8 (4... Kb4 $2 5.
Kd5 $8 Kc3 6. Ba6 $8) 5. Bh3 Re1+ $8 6. Kd5 e4 $8 $19) 4... Rh5 (4... Kb4 5.
Bf5 $8) 5. Bf7 $3 {[#]4th heroic move of the Bishop. The margin of manoeuvre of the Rook
is too narrow: again a story of "small side", like in R+P / R!
With an "i" file, we would play 5...Ri5! 6 Be6 Rg5! getting the ZZ on the right
side for Black.} Rg5 (5... Rh7 6. Bg6 $6 (6. Be6 $1 Re7 7. Kxe5 $8) 6...
Re7 (6... Rg7 7. Bf5 $8) 7. Kd5 $8 Kb4 (7... Kd2 8. Kd6 $8 Rg7 9. Bf5 $8) 8.
Kd6 $1 Rg7 9. Bf5 $8 $11) 6. Be6 $8 1/2-1/2
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